More stock ships

    Nov 16, 2014
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    I agree that more ships are needed, however the isnaths are eh okay. You can add your own custom ships to use in the starmade folder, but I agree that either more isanth marks need to be made or some non isanths should be added.


    May 24, 2015
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    I think there should be a competition!
    There should be more ships like Panpiper's Marauder.
    The Isnaths haven't been updated since the HP update, and need an over haul.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    The isanths certainly are a bit dated and they will be getting a look at in the coming months. There will be (hopefully) more contests as well. They will not be as grandiose as the station contest I believe. New ships and stations are being planned though :)
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    Jun 10, 2015
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    I think there should be dedicated ships for pirates and trade guild. Pirate ships should look more menacing and junky IMO, and tg ships should have freighters with sleek looking escort fighters.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    I think there should be dedicated ships for pirates and trade guild. Pirate ships should look more menacing and junky IMO, and tg ships should have freighters with sleek looking escort fighters.
    Agreed :D
    The isanths certainly are a bit dated and they will be getting a look at in the coming months. There will be (hopefully) more contests as well. They will not be as grandiose as the station contest I believe. New ships and stations are being planned though :)
    Wow thats good news :) im hoping that if more ships are added there will be some small fast starter ships that players might get a free blueprint of.
    Aug 5, 2015
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    The isanths certainly are a bit dated and they will be getting a look at in the coming months. There will be (hopefully) more contests as well. They will not be as grandiose as the station contest I believe. New ships and stations are being planned though :)
    Glad to read you are considering more contests. I assume it would wait until a few more rounds of game features make it in, such as new storage dynamics and/or initial flora & fauna systems are live.

    These I imagine will inspire all sorts of new science vessels rich in flora & fauna booty and freighters laden with resources en route to trade stations.

    Heck, if flora & fauna require a collecting dynamic and you can get a simple AI in for transplanetary sampling ships, it would be really cool come across these non-military vessels out doing their thing.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Wow thats good news :) im hoping that if more ships are added there will be some small fast starter ships that players might get a free blueprint of.
    Aside from Social Media, this is a part of the game that I actually get to contribute to since I can't code. Personally I would like a system where the player gets a starter ship or can select from a variety of starter ships. I have ideas for this but feel free to share your ideas.
    Jun 12, 2015
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    Aside from Social Media, this is a part of the game that I actually get to contribute to since I can't code. Personally I would like a system where the player gets a starter ship or can select from a variety of starter ships. I have ideas for this but feel free to share your ideas.
    I think that a new type of station should be added, A public shipyard owned by the trade guild, you can fly up to one and get to choose from a whole selection ships which the shipyard would build, it would be instant cash payment instead of in blocks and the ships you can buy are determined by your prestige with the owning faction of the shipyard (Another feature i though of, You interactions with a faction would serve to raise or lower the prestige, Higher than 100 is allied and 1000 is a merger, and less then 0 is war.)
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    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Interesting. Similar ideas to what I had... Well. We aren't ready for that yet. We need NPC's. Also all other in-game assets need a look at before new assets are created. But I will keep this in mind :D
    Jun 12, 2015
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    Interesting. Similar ideas to what I had... Well. We aren't ready for that yet. We need NPC's. Also all other in-game assets need a look at before new assets are created. But I will keep this in mind :D
    Though the ships do need a system of critical hits, for example: Engines should be wired up to an engine computer that could be destroyed, because right now even the smallest of ships can take unreasonably high amounts of damage, so there needs to be something explosive inside every ship that can be pretty powerful.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Throws a small pirate ship pack at the thread

    But yeah until Criss and maybe the rest of Schine either build some new cooler Isanths or in general some new ships you simply need to find some cool ships in the Community Content (for short CC) and set them as usable by enemy ingame.
    It's quite simple thing to do and there are a loot of awesome ships out there.

    Oh and Criss all that sounds really interesting, and I sense a hint to to a very nice contest in the future ;)
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    Aug 5, 2015
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    Though the ships do need a system of critical hits, for example: Engines should be wired up to an engine computer that could be destroyed, because right now even the smallest of ships can take unreasonably high amounts of damage, so there needs to be something explosive inside every ship that can be pretty powerful.
    Spitballing here:

    What if entity power from a collection of power modules topped out with diminishing returns (a logarithmic curve) until one used one of a class of say three (or more) different types (or a combination) of reactor core modules? Exotic ship power cores are pretty standard tropes in sci-fi.

    Each different type of reactor core could have different requirements, vulnerabilities, and drawbacks, including some of them being explosive if destroyed.

    If introduced correctly, this could add some interesting gameplay strategies:

    • Vulture salvagers would want to disable ships WITHOUT hitting cores to preserve as many salvageable parts
    • If small ships can be run by power modules entirely but frigates and capitals NEED these reactor cores, this might add some much needed balance beyond mass determined "turn radius" for fighter sized ships
    • Intuiting if not outright identifying key reactor points—i.e. military intelligence—becomes an active part of the game
    • Designing ships to effectively insulate and protect these cores becomes an active part of large ship and station design.
    • In another post, I proposed the passive harvesting of gasses (based off of atmospheric color on terrestrial planets or in greater variety in the upper atmospheres of eventual gas giants). Reactor core modules (and a third tier of armor?) seem like one perfect place to require this third tier of slower to accumulate resources.
    Anyways, I like the idea of potentially unstable blocks that become increasingly necessary in ship design as one builds larger and larger. Small ships though? I don't know... other than lag, there are currently very few reasons to opt for a smaller ship in game based on my admittedly novice experiences thus far.
    Nov 16, 2014
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    New assets and such belong in a different thread. This one should be more along the lines of new ships that either A) already exist that should be added to a default, B) more ship roles, C) more ship diversity, or D) ways to upgrade/change the current mob ships.
    The talk of new assets and features are great and all, but it deserves it's own thread.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    IMHO New player spawn should be one of the tradestations with a shopkeeper for advanced features, that would allow for a *small* shipyard to be added with a *small* selection of starter ships priced within a new players starting credits, new player inventory would be reduced and credits for non-issued items added since many shops at spawn on servers I've played have max items a new player may not be able to sell initial items to buy a ship.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    There should be more ships like Panpiper's Marauder.
    Well, thanks for the shout out. :)

    What is needed is for an enterprising modder to assemble one or more 'pirate packs' and give easy to follow instructions as to how to install it. The pirate pack need not be ships they themselves built, but could be a selection from other creations. For this to be truly useful, all necessary tweaking of game parameters needs to be set by the modder, so the less technically astute don't have to start typing in all sorts of cryptic admin codes. Build it so the player simply hits the install button (or unzips the file into a specified directory) and boom, pirates are more challenging.

    (Is it 'really' as simple as putting ships into a folder? Do ships need to be renamed? Does a particular flag need to be set? How does one turn a ship found in community content into a pirate?)

    That said, I agree completely that the existing stock ships need to be revamped to bring them in line with the current game.


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I find it funny that the Isanth VIs still spawn. Those things are incredibly old, from before wedges were even added by the looks of them. They are interesting as a look into starmades history, but they are ugly and have not been combat effective for a long time.