More logic blocks!

    Oct 9, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have a list of logic blocks to be added.

    Ship/Station State block
    This thing outputs a signal when ship HP (structure) reaches the percentage defined by amount of Activation Modules, max 10.
    Connected with NOT block makes a signal as long as the ship is above % of HP.

    Ship Under Attack block
    Excellent for simple alarms. Outputs a signal for 5-10 seconds when a ship/station is hit. Can be used to activate station defenses in a nick of time.

    Ship Overheat block
    Activates when the ship/station overheats. Used for releasing escape pods when the ship is almost dead.

    Pocket Trigger item
    Connect it to a item and use it to activate a logic system while you're away. Great for sabotaging logic modules and computers. If connected to a Ship Core the pocket trigger deactivates the whole ship or station. Sabotage in one item!

    Discuss it and let me know.
    Nov 3, 2015
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    I like the first two but the last two, seem either unnecessary, or they don't add anything of value to the game.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Yep first 2 useful but the last two can be done with current logic systems if you know what you are doing.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    same goes for me, though i would rather call them sensors instead of blocks


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I think #2 can be split into four separate blocks, that can then be joined by an OR block if you want to know a general attack is happening:
    1. Shield Damage Block
    2. HP Damage Block
    3. Armor Damage Block
    4. Physical Damage Block
    This would provide maximum flexibility. For instance, maybe you only want to activate your emergency turret system only if blocks are being physically damaged, but not if your shields are being mildly annoyed.

    I think #1 would be more flexible if it involved any number of activated activation blocks. You could set up any percentage you liked. For instance, if you set up three attached activation blocks, and activated two of them, the true signal would happen when the HP dropped below 66.7%. You could attach activation blocks to one of the four blocks mentioned above for extraordinarily precise logic control.

    Another example: Set up 100 activation blocks to the HP Damage block and only activate one of them. Then when your ship is at 1% or less HP, it sends a true signal (This is where you could set up for an escape pod launch!). Maybe if you didn't activate any of the attached activation blocks, then it would activate on overheat, completely replacing suggestion #3.

    I would kind of like #4 as a pocket wireless activation block. I have to keep a separate wireless control ship for remote activation testing, and a pocket activator would replace that nicely.