A bit late but congratulations with your birthday and best wishes with your and your families health.

"Someone please give a hint on how you tag example jontyfreack since the message editor has no option to add/tag someone. Or I just don't see it."
Also the Sun-World server is one of the oldest running custom/block/pirate/config servers out there. If it would be possible to have a talk with one of those guys. Then I am sure they could teach you a lot.
Great progress so far keep up the good work
As a general guide without having looked at any specific block recipes. Try not to add to many ingredients per block just for the sake of adding ingredients. Much like filling a three hundred item blueprint near a shop can be a chore. The ingredients for a block should be explainable and some what logic also after you made the block for the x time.I'm open to suggestions on block changes. I think there's a lot of room in the game to make the act of getting blocks lead to more interesting things players can do. Definitely feel free to let me know about some of your ideas.
The less the server/computer has to deal with the default world. The more players can add to the universe from a CPU point of view. So a massive central hub might not be very handy to load everytime. Also MicroMade hint hint?One thing I'm considering, is the default station at 2,2,2 being a massive, neutral hub station. A new player would immediately start a quest, which would involve A) stating how they want to play the game, and B) taking them to a random sector with resources to start off.

Right now Planets are THE thing to avoid. So unless we get something new, not bugged or server killing real soon. Then i would give players a start station. Such a station could also have various blobs of all the different asteroids with ores so they can mine. jontyfreack once made this lovely Cloud Station/Planet think along these lines.Another thing I'm considering is figuring out how I would go about spawning a player on a random planet. Since planets can be bases
"Someone please give a hint on how you tag example jontyfreack since the message editor has no option to add/tag someone. Or I just don't see it."
Talk to NaStral of the Light vs Dark server. He might know a lot about this.Definitely something I want to do, is to give players the option to align with either the Valron Empire or Coalition of Systems. Doing that would have an immediate, practical reward - a noob starship equipped with a jump drive and minimal defenses. This is something I feel is important, but I'm not sure how to work it in.
Also the Sun-World server is one of the oldest running custom/block/pirate/config servers out there. If it would be possible to have a talk with one of those guys. Then I am sure they could teach you a lot.
Well in the base game the StarMade inventory is already very sparse with giving a starting player anything. So I would give them at least something to deal with right away. Since if you give them practically nothing then the first hour of the game will almost always be the same scramble to get the very basics needed to do anything. It kinda gets old after a while. With a bit more stuff you get diversification right of the bat as each player gets going in his or hers own style.I'm sure people have feelings on how players start the game, so I'd really like to know what you'd like to see. I think the current way of starting the game is simply not fun enough.
Great progress so far keep up the good work
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