Dam right son!here we go again. In any event no matter how many constructive topics are produced they get railroaded by equipment measuring contests like the post two posts above, as i said, no one on the internet admits they are wrong, but once a topic is railroaded by someone who disagrees and it becomes a "Stick battle" the general consensus of alot of people is to disregard the remainder of the topic. I personally stick to talking my ideas to dev's via PM and group convos because the moment someone disagree's with an idea the topic becomes a flame war. Its better for the Health of the game, and the mental health of all those who are on the forum to keep things on topic, while maintaining a positive atmosphere. I am sure almost all of us who have jobs, lives, families who are stressed out on a daily basis can attest that we play this game to relieve stress. If the current dev builds are not up to the liking of a player it is their prerogative, I can say there are things on the current dev build I can not stand, I hate the way that stations are nearly useless other than "Dock here to keep ships safe" I hate how easily exploited aspects of the game are. There are countless things in my life that I absolutely despise, but for a game where i get to live out the dream of designing a star ship, Starmade fills that hole in my heart and gives me not only enjoyment, but also inspiration as a writer. Despite the many many flaws in the game I stand by it because Starmade is a one of a kind game, and there is not nor will there ever be, another game like it.
Starmade is a very Unique game trying to grow up! I have been here since the start playing this game, Making a ship and flying around is amazing. For all of the fun I have its worth its penny. Its not some game with official servers or an *official way to play either* Find a server to your like and a community to pvp or rp with and have a blast!
The devs have always given us alot of ways to mod the game/control server settings!
I cant wait to see the system 2.0 on pre-release and test it out. Maybe you Robert would care to join me in this adventure?
Oh I can spell it out for you.How am I being condescending? Now your literally just making shit up and arguing with yourself. I tried to be polite but simply me disagreeing with you two seems to be an attack. I'm sorry I even bothered.
Mainly goes like this
"No this is not true at all. I am not going to explain to you how weapons work in this game but it has effects on ALL forms of combat. If your ship is spread out then it is hard to do any damage to it. At the same time it will be faster and more powerful simply because it is spread out." *wut u said^*
And um. its kinda a given on why noodle ships are OP? just for the fact you just stated yes. But you assumed I dont already Understand this? I mentioned the AI part, but just because I didn't read your mind and mention the other part as explained above, my AI observation is apparently not true?
WOW, amazing!
People assuming things and telling people they are wrong because i didn't say the full thing the way you want to hear it. All this noise is absurd. Am not really Offended or attacked in anyway, so no harm done man. I just find these forms amusing by the lack of communications skills a nit picking on how people say things. Sure am being rather Hippocratic right now sue me. but I am kinda Correct right now.
What you stated Comrade Is correct with the problems to the game, not being able to hit a noodleship. and the noodle ship killing you becuase you are not in a noodleship is CLEARLY a problem yes
Now The AI also sucks at shooting makes the issue also very hard, So while buffing the AI to hit a noodle ship only solves 1 half of the problem, it does not solve the PLAYERS ability to target the ship. And that has to be fixed with a weapons update and a UI/control update, On how we use weapons.
It be dam sick if we could control a cluster of turrets in a control group and click to fire them all, aswell as having the AI control groups aswell and be able to have turrets focus on targets like a Proper Combat ship! with a Military C3 network! Command and Control System!
So again, We are both right. So maybe stop using words like *not true or You are wrong* when being wrong or right does not matter.
miscommunication happeneds its human nature, its how one resolves it that matters, and starting with *not true or ur wrong, is not how you put urself in the others person shoes, maybe next time say Hey, The ai stuff makes sense they do indeed suck at shooting, But are you aware that its also very hard to shoot noodle ships aswell daro? In which I would reply, Oh yes I forgot to convey that part aswell! yeah player targeting sure doe sucks aswell! Its either the AI can shoot beyond were we can see but sucks at aiming, or the player cant see shit or even aim to get the little green dot that singles (you can hit dis!) Missles need to strike a block to do ANY AOE damage (prox fuse/time fuse please!) and cannons just are pea shooters no matter what. I can see the shield update making noodle ships harder to shield, but The devs indeed need to figure out how to punished noodleships for sure!
Telling somone that they are wrong and ur supporting reason is *because its this issue* when its clearly both of our issues is just a needless waste of energy.
P.S (weapon update is a main big part in my mind to help combat noodle ships and or completely Nerf them from being made.)
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