Masurmend / Vermessung - Blocks

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Folks.
    My idea is blocks with numbers on all 6 side, so we can see how many block long the object are.
    So we can use that to build easy big objects or control them the size of them.
    The idea is from 1,2 ........ 100, ......5000 to count
    As a new kind of block, as buildhelper
    Look my sample pic.



    Apr 1, 2015
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    I honestly don't really see the need for this. You can use the build mode slider to measure things, or if you think that gets a bit fiddly on larger scales, quickly set up a template for measuring (e.g. a 10 block long template that switches colours every 5 blocks) that you can place repeatedly to get measurements.
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    Me, myself and I.
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    I don't think we need new blocks here, but I do like the idea to give us a visual measure.
    Perhaps schema could add an advanced build mode tool/tick box to create block numbers on the line tool. Or maybe create a separate tool that works like the line tool, but with number decals. And this line is only visible in build mode like the mirror planes.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Yeah, a new tool, not a block, to measure distance between point a and b quickly, and display distance as a number on blocks along it's length, Templates kinda work for that, but it's still fiddly.
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    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
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    The old gameplay suggestion for increased display block options, such as whole-block-size display lettering might perform this function in a pinch. I thought it might be fiddly to place a display block and enter the needed data for a large number, but it's only slightly more fiddly than changing or incrementing blocks on every placement.
    Jul 22, 2019
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    I know a build tool out of the game SecondLife near 12 years, there we use a massuring textur with circles and line overview as build help tool. That was easy and very fast help stuf, like quick and dirty tool, we have love that-
    My idea was only so in that kind, fast and easy tool, on that kind of relase, mybe shine can make as he like. ;-)

    And thx folk, they have the idea understand. :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    I know a build tool out of the game SecondLife near 12 years, there we use a massuring textur with circles and line overview as build help tool. That was easy and very fast help stuf, like quick and dirty tool, we have love that-
    My idea was only so in that kind, fast and easy tool, on that kind of relase, mybe shine can make as he like. ;-)

    And thx folk, they have the idea understand. :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
    Please come back when it's possible to understand your English.
    and don't compare SM building tool with other non-voxel game building tools
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Are there enough bits for 5000 new blocks? Imagine making a set of these in survival lol and then trying to manage your inventory well enough to actually use them.
    Feb 10, 2017
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    Please come back when it's possible to understand your English.
    and don't compare SM building tool with other non-voxel game building tools
    Just FYI Nauvran, I thought I should point it out to you as I'm not sure your intellect could understand such abstract concepts without assistance, your post conveys far more information about who and what you are then it actually contributes to the OT. There's something very sad about mocking an individual who's learning a second language... literally mocking someone who knows at least two languages... how many do you know Nauv? Didn't think so. Making fun of someone for being intelligent and trying to learn... this post, and numerous others like it, show you are an abusive bully. A nerd bully. By far the worst kind of bully because Nerds supposedly have the intellect to know better and yet the Nerd bully, bullies anyway, ergo it's willful and calculated and not due to a lack of intellect... Mallice.

    There are 4 people before you who had no problems understanding the English. The thread was basically done, there was nothing more that really needed to be added. Then you come along with your abusive 2c like a rattling can... Are you really so insecure and lacking of constructive things to do that you thought it was absolutely necessary to post something so vacuous, derogatory and insulting? Why? Was it really as it appears, just to bash on some stranger to stroke your own ego? Are you that insecure?
    You're myopic and bigoted dude, dangerously so, I suggest you think twice before traveling to another country as you'll most certainly end up offending the locals and getting yourself locked up, lynched or worse.

    And what on earth gives you the idea that you have the authority to give people orders on what games they are and aren't allowed to compare? Not only is it Arrogance with a capital A but it's flat out wrong, idiotically so.
    You have my sympathy, it must suck to be so... 'challenged.'

    To everybody else reading this my apologies. I'm sick of seeing this clown excrete his vileness on the StarMade community and nobody calling it. Being here a long time doesn't give him an excuse to be a vile asshole to whomever he pleases. Knowing how it is around here though the mods will probably delete my post and ban me for pointing it out ...
    Se la vi.
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    Jul 22, 2019
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    Please come back when it's possible to understand your English.
    and don't compare SM building tool with other non-voxel game building tools
    1. SL is a voxel game. ok i forgotten you a N**P in that ^^
    2. Tu plare italiano, tu cemo? <--- Italien
    3. Und nun überstezt mal was ich hier scheibe Du obergamer kackb**n namens Nauvran. >---german
    4. Welcome in my ignore list, and feel fine in there.
    5. Learn a other language as your nativ one, you ........ then we can talk out some other.
    6. And your reaction show me (like a mirror) that your IQ are, its like a baby . Be a adult one you ............. ( no words)
    Just FYI Nauvran, I thought I should point it out to you as I'm not sure your intellect could understand such abstract concepts without assistance,
    Se la vi.
    Thx MrGrey1.
    My native language are German, and it is near 40 years back as i learned english.
    Thx 4 your support
    I think they have only racks in his brain. ;-)
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Just FYI Nauvran, I thought I should point it out to you as I'm not sure your intellect could understand such abstract concepts without assistance, your post conveys far more information about who and what you are then it actually contributes to the OT. There's something very sad about mocking an individual who's learning a second language... literally mocking someone who knows at least two languages... how many do you know Nauv? Didn't think so. Making fun of someone for being intelligent and trying to learn... this post, and numerous others like it, show you are an abusive bully. A nerd bully. By far the worst kind of bully because Nerds supposedly have the intellect to know better and yet the Nerd bully, bullies anyway, ergo it's willful and calculated and not due to a lack of intellect... Mallice.

    There are 4 people before you who had no problems understanding the English. The thread was basically done, there was nothing more that really needed to be added. Then you come along with your abusive 2c like a rattling can... Are you really so insecure and lacking of constructive things to do that you thought it was absolutely necessary to post something so vacuous, derogatory and insulting? Why? Was it really as it appears, just to bash on some stranger to stroke your own ego? Are you that insecure?
    You're myopic and bigoted dude, dangerously so, I suggest you think twice before traveling to another country as you'll most certainly end up offending the locals and getting yourself locked up, lynched or worse.

    And what on earth gives you the idea that you have the authority to give people orders on what games they are and aren't allowed to compare? Not only is it Arrogance with a capital A but it's flat out wrong, idiotically so.
    You have my sympathy, it must suck to be so... 'challenged.'

    To everybody else reading this my apologies. I'm sick of seeing this clown excrete his vileness on the StarMade community and nobody calling it. Being here a long time doesn't give him an excuse to be a vile asshole to whomever he pleases. Knowing how it is around here though the mods will probably delete my post and ban me for pointing it out ...
    Se la vi.
    Thank you for insulting my intelligence.
    English is my secondary language, so you're saying I'm insulting myself?
    Get off your fucking high horse Grey,
    Im not making fun of anyone, Im just telling Darkside that he needs to practice his English so we can better understand him.
    1. SL is a voxel game. ok i forgotten you a N**P in that ^^
    2. Tu plare italiano, tu cemo? <--- Italien
    3. Und nun überstezt mal was ich hier scheibe Du obergamer kackb**n namens Nauvran. >---german
    4. Welcome in my ignore list, and feel fine in there.
    5. Learn a other language as your nativ one, you ........ then we can talk out some other.
    6. And your reaction show me (like a mirror) that your IQ are, its like a baby . Be a adult one you ............. ( no words)
    Thx MrGrey1.
    My native language are German, and it is near 40 years back as i learned english.
    Thx 4 your support
    I think they have only racks in his brain. ;-)
    I'm a what`? that definitely doesnt say "Wizard".

    1. SL is not Starmade, or vice versa, we already have some neat tools to do what you want
    2. I dont speak Italian, I do have family in Italy though
    3. Ich sprechen keine deutche aber Ich verstehe ein bisschen
    4. It's lonely in here
    5. I already have, not having English as your first language is not an excuse to not learn it when you want to play games online.
    6. Thats just hurtful, stop insulting me ;_;
    Se la vi.
    did you mean "C'est la vie"?


    Apr 1, 2015
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    There are 4 people before you who had no problems understanding the English.
    There's also at least one person who only understood the title because it's in two languages, if it were not for the German part I would have had no idea what "Masurmend" is supposed to be. In addition to that, I had no idea what the response to my post meant (Possible interpretations I could come up with ranged from overly complicated insult to asking me whether I knew how to play a completely unrelated game). So Nauvran is not the only person in here who had issues with the OPs English. But hey, you apparently didn't have any issues with it, guess that's a good enough reason to write a little wall of text about how someone else is a terrible person.

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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    1. Und nun überstezt mal was ich hier scheibe Du obergamer kackb**n namens Nauvran. >---german
    2. Tu plare italiano, tu cemo? <--- Italien
    I think they have only racks in his brain. ;-)
    nåh men forstå du så dansk? eller skal jeg nu sidde her og blære mig over hvordan du ikke kan finde ud af andre sprog med alle de fine stavefejl du laver? Nej?
    Nå ja, men så lær dog engelsk for helvede da også
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    Apr 1, 2015
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    nåh men forstå du så dansk? eller skal jeg nu sidde her og blære mig over hvordan du ikke kan finde ud af andre sprog med alle de fine stavefejl du laver? Nej?
    Nå ja, men så lær dog engelsk for helvede da også
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    I would urge all forum users to treat each other respectfully and not to resort to personal attacks.

    If a message is not understood, then simply ask for it to be repeated, no drama required.

    Anyone has the right to compare anything with anything else. If someone disagrees, say so politely without personal insults.

    We have come through a period of turmoil and bitterness to something that is a bit more open and a bit more relaxed. As a player and as a moderator I do not wish to see a return to the old days. Please listen to your better selves and show respect and restraint.
    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi folks,
    i have mean that one.
    yardstick [measuring stick], folding meter stick, carpenter's rule, folding rule.

    At Groovrider:
    No metter, i am online from the 80'th with my first PC , 486 DX2 66 with build in Modemcard in my tower ;-)
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