Make Home Bases Less Immune - Let docked items be destroyable

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Then I withdraw my statement.

    I too have had problem with docked ship immunity, particularly those who have their setting at neutral=hostile so that sector is essentially closed off to me. So I support the idea of having faction-home-docked items destroyable; as long as it\'s a server setting and not a forced blanket decision as what your posts have made it seem like.

    Also, attempting to play the \"higher moral plateau\" card may do wonders for your e-peen but not if you want your idea supported by the players (and indirectly the developers). But if that\'s your aim then I\'m not going to say anything further.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    lol rage-o-meter

    you wont ever see me rage unless an idea is going to ruin starmade for me like this one will.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Alright. Let me get this straight.

    You do know that there are servers that don\'t have BP\'s, right? There\'s a lot of them. I play on them more often then not. Please stop making out people to be terrified noobs at the game, because chances are, you and your death cube just want some fun breaking stuff that no one can do anything about and FYI; there is no risk there.

    \"you and others like you, are little cry babies that can\'t handle the idea of having to be responsible for your gear without a catalog spawn option save you. So the idea of your base that you poured in more hours in (mostly just the turrets/docked ships) being breakable in someway is a scary prospect that fills your gaming heart with terror.\"

    I would also like to point out that you are assuming that people are scared; I can garentee that most aren\'t and just don\'t like your idea. I personally don\'t care if I loose something, the way I see it is if it\'s not docked it\'s fair game (Granted I would still be disappointed to know that someone is that low.) ; and outside of your \'hardcore\' server, you\'d be surprized how few people dock their larger ships, because it\'s just too much hastle. Turrets are there for a reason; they\'re not strong alone and that\'s why they always have outside protection of some kind, be that a ship or homebase, the main job of turrets is to keep attackers away, people such as yourself.

    There\'s always two sides to an argument, in this case it seem that there\'s a much larger side against yours.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    the safe-hood of the hq should be in the server\'s options, to say how hardcore of a pvp server you want it to be. like me not wanting to play without bp\'s, i would not play on a server without protected hq\'s. i am sure there are those who would love that, and take advantage of that. i would not. making it and nerfed shields as an option, would make things as hard or easy as the server wants. this will let you have your way, and the rest of us have our\'s. making all involved happy.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    Said it perfectly HQS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IMMUNE AND THIS IS NOT SOME FUCKING MINECRAFT SPAWN GO PLAY MINECRAFT AND THAT STUPID LITTLE MOD but leave us mature Ppl away from ur silly little nerf ideas

    I state my case and I hereby find the author of this topic guilty of stupidity and sentence him for 29 years in idiots prison
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Attack a human base with proper hard hitting turrets, THEN that can be hard

    That was my whole point, it is so easy to defeat the AI (all you need is cloak / jammer and they don\'t fight back) that you can destroy turrets in seconds so they never fight back. So without them being immune, you could easily destroy them in seconds and then destroy everything else on the base.

    My point was, immune bases = you want to fight people who aren\'t online.... YOU are the one that wants to fight the AI, not me. I want to fight other players, and ones that are awake, not sleeping.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Man, some of you guys need to take a chill pill. If your ship gets taken out when you\'re away, you at least have blueprints. It\'s a cool idea to have it as an option for server owners to use.

    Some of us like to raid, and the idea of raiding people\'s bases. It just needs to be done right and balanced. My only gripe, as mentioned earlier, is turrets will not fire on a jammed or cloaked ship, making something like this too exploitable. That or bombarding with long range AMC fire outside turret range. It makes it too easy to grief (although I admittidly enjoy griefing from time to time~). As well to repeat what others have said, everyone would just have gigantic ugly hangars made of grey hull with massive plexdoors that constantly crush servers.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    k folks, think we\'ve made our point. The average starmader dosen\'t like or need to greif bully of otherwise harm others or their creations in any way shape or form, even in a game. Because the average starmader is a mature person, not a bully in real life, with some hole in his pathetic soul needing to be filled with the tears of others. thats how i have always seen bullies and greifers. if you want to greif, then do it where it is allowed, don\'t write a suggestion topic about it, especially when you know people are going to rage about it. So please, go greif somewhere else, and while i hope that the above doesn\'t describe you, i do hope you have fun making people cry somewhere else.

    Jun 24, 2013
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    The thing is, the \"hardcore\" servers that would have this setting enabled, would also likely have blueprints disabled. So all you end up with is people destroying people stuff while they aren\'t there.

    With blueprints enabled, people would just build mode -> symmetry -> 10x10x10 and mass remove everything and then respawn the ship when they log back on.

    You already can\'t dock ships with turrets, so unless the person undoes all their turrets on their mothership, its fair game already.

    What the game needs, is contested areas that can\'t have bases built in them, but provide resources or something valuable so people will want to go there and thus have to fight for them.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    Thank you for explaining the issues with this other than the fact that it would be absurd to be in the core game, and not some mod or server plugin.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    z1967: Playing as a trader really? How long do you think doing that can keep someone entertained? Not too long. No game out there lets you be entertained by this for too long. Conflict is the final entertainment.

    I strongly disagree. I am always the economically focused \"lets get shit done\" type of guy. My original trader based play style was flawed in that I was the one at the mercy of everyone\'s knees. Now, I have a flexible base that features a fighter hangar and a massive hangar big enough to fit most frigate (and its getting even bigger). All of this took me maybe 3 weeks? A month? I build to have fun. My problem with minecraft has been that the community is starting to accept griefing as a \"it\'s gonna happen\" event. That\'s nice and all but I want to live in a airship with a large wool balloon, oh wait, some guy burned it down for 900 views on his YouTube channel. What do I get? Nothing. I came to Starmade because I saw that the community was small, helpful, and won\'t ruin 10 hours of building for 5 mins of video. Yes I know that exploits can be used to gain infinite money or you can modify your client code to bypass game mechanics. Right now, My base has 6 different prototype turrets sitting on it. I have a ship that can fire AMC shots over 3000 m, way out of the range of the turrets. I have no desire to let someone shoot off my hour of building each one and doing it in a mere minute. You know why I like Starmade? I like how I can park my ship in my base and log off to sleep, and find it sitting on its dock in the morning, it\'s 30 drones fixed to the ceiling of the hangar and not a scratch on any of them. I ended up leaving my hangar open because it was 2\'oclock and I had marathoned a destroyer drone build. I log back in, not a scratch anywhere. With what you are suggesting, I would lose over 16 hours of work, because I had to sleep. I don\'t even remotely like that. All it would be would be quickly built or spawned in ships that look like shit because all the sensible players are building in single player where I can make my little drones in peace. That kills an entire aspect of server play. No sensible player would leave anything out. This would hurt small players as they would rather dock their little fighter than build a hangar someone could just physics collide with and get inside.

    another thing, You seem to incredibly close minded on the fact that people are willing to spend a humongous amount of time on a ship and no less a fleet. In a server where the pirates are in ships that have a tonnage of 1000, you have to learn to cooperate. I don\'t want interference with my ship builds. I am the only player in my faction because I am appalled at the idea that someone else can alter MY stuff. I operate defense turrets near spawn to protect noobs against pirate ships with death rays. Each station costs about 50 mil credits to set up. I made it so that these turrets had enough shielding as the station they were docked on did. I set up defense drones with enough power to ruin anyone\'s day. I sprinkled these everywhere, every 3x3x3 sector system gets one (except the solar sectors, for obvious reasons.

    I understand where you are going with the idea of less invincible bases. But I need a place for my defenseless freighter. It takes hours to build hangars and you can\'t a ship with dimensions exceeding 50 block radiuses. Where will it sit? There is no more shield regen under fire so I can\'t leave it out in the open. I was in a faction war, once. What happened was about 6 players decided to wreck every major base they could find. Mine was not hit because I am rather \"out there\" my weak little heavy fighter was all I had so I went to their base. (Friends informed me of who did it) I made it very clear that if you less with the bull, you get the horn.they had four turrets, poorly placed leaving a HUGE amount of blind spots. When they got back online, they died almost instantly. I filled their base with little murder drones and surrounded the neighboring sectors with ai-mines. They could not leave their base, they had no ships, no friends, and about 30 AI bots hell bent on slaughtering them. That is a war that you describe. Fighting offline, raiding bases, pillaging the defenseless. They never got back on. Why would they? No ships, not a single friend to help them, and all they could do was leave. That is what I do to raiders, griefers, and insensitive pricks.

    well this went a bit off topic and if you read this far you actually care. Good for you. My tl;dr is that your play style is the one that made me stop playing on servers in minecraft. Nobody had an appreciation of art, beauty, and creation. The few of us who did stuck to build servers where we could have the best of times while the griefers and looters pillaged and raided those who could do nothing to protect themselves offline. I like the game as it is, though I do value Schemas obvious priority placement on the game engine and stability while ignoring the fanboys and girls of every other sci-fi tv show/ movie/ game there ever was. Your idea does not fit in too well with the game. The major play style is the blow shit up style, but my little trader/shipwright play style exists in the shadows, without us, it would be 4x4 cubes roaming the universe because nobody wants to waste their raid time on a ship that will be destroyed next time they sleep. If turrets could actually hit worth a damn then I would consider this a valid play style adjustment because then I can spelunk any ass who gets close enough, and then modify my turrets to hit the ones who aren\'t in a close and personal situation. But as they are, the AI is only useful when you CAN\'T possibly miss. Like 200 m from a cruiser.

    Mega late sidenote: typed on a mobile and I need to sleep. Good night
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I understand your point here. However, there are some things that need to be considered.

    Because right now you dock your giant ass ship (that is border line impossibel to dock) on TOP of your station, and happy days, its now immune.

    NO ONE FIGHTS because we all keep our mother ships parked, and if not parked, just doing a brief \"look at my ship\" tour around a few sectors before parking again.

    First off, as far as my information goes, we still can\'t dock ships that have other ships docked to it. And last time I checked, any ship that is really considered \"big\" tends to lose most of its usefulness without turrets. Correct me if I\'m mistaken, but a mothership is usually called like that because they carry other ships, so already off the situataion. So is most of the ships I\'ve seen so far that are medium-sized or more. And docking a big ship is anything but easy. Not only the collision calculations made by the game\'s physics when two large objects come close creates a lagzilla, but aiming the docking beam tends to become an increasing pain the longer the ship is (and also the more unaligned the core and cockpit are).

    If you want to really product your ships, then you should HAVE to build a HANGAR and put it inside.

    The problem with this idea is, it disconsiders any kind of situation where the player doesn\'t have the time or the chance to build a hangar thick enough to prevent glitches. For example, if I am playing Starmade on a server, building a moderately medium/large ship, and then I look at the clock and realize I am late for some sort of appointment. I have time to make a simple dock (the home base is close by), but not to cover it, and I won\'t be able to play the game for some days (for X reasons). Why would I be punished in-game for a simple mistake in real life? And there is also the possibility (albeit less probable) that, for example, I dock my ship, but before I close the hangar\'s doors a power shortage (or something similar) happens for an extended period of time. I built the hangar, but I\'m still being punished for something completely beyond my control. And you also need to consider that, even tough it doens\'t really seems likely at first glance, building hangars take quite a lot of blocks, especially the bigger and thicker ones.

    Either disable glitching entirely, or just live with it I say.

    Glitches are, by definition, mistakes. If it is a glitch, it means it is something that shouldn\'t happen but Schema just didn\'t had the time to sort out yet.

    But either way, you should not be able to just park your ship, and leave the server for 3 weeks and come back and all is well. It\'s bs!

    This is the part were I have to disagree with you completely. The way you state it, it seems you consider that a player is supposed to dedicate his/her entire life to play the game. Let\'s not forget that Starmade is a game, a commodity. What that means, is that it is on the bottom of the priorities list of the common person. I can stop playing games for a long time without any kind of side effect, but I would get seriously screwed over if I suddenly decided to stop going to school (or work, in the case of adults). Also, most people here play in more than one server. That said, why can\'t I just decide not to play? Why the mere fact I chosen to do something else at the time means random people can go and destroy all the stuff I build with my own blood, sweat and tears?

    And even more, when you say \"leave the server for 3 weeks\", you seem to forget something that people call trips. So the fact I don\'t want my hard work to be destroyed now mean I can\'t travel anywere just because I won\'t be able to play Starmade?

    Allowing docked items to be killable introduces a whole lot more entertainment into the game

    I\'m afraid you are only seeing one side of side of the question here. Is it a problem for me to lose my stuff if someone kills me in a dogfight? I guess not. If you managed to best me in battle, you deserve to get something. Is there a problem if I wake up and find all my work destroyed because I didn\'t had enough hull to encapsulate it and some dickhead decided it was funny? Yes, there is a problem. Building is fun. PVP is fun. Random assholes who take advantage of the situation to screw someone who can\'t even defend himself is not fun. Hence why Griefers are so hated.

    Playing as a trader really? How long do you think doing that can keep someone entertained? Not too long. No game out there lets you be entertained by this for too long. Conflict is the final entertainment.

    And the interesting thing is that you\'re using yourself as general rule. Not wanting to call you names or anything, but what prevents someone with having fun with trading or mining? Not everyone out there is blood-thirsty, you know.

    Attack a human base with proper hard hitting turrets, THEN that can be hard.

    That would be true, except by the fact that Bobby AI is not a very big difference when it fights alone. First, as pointed out by Draco, a jammer-equipped ship is enough to render any turret useless. Second, their aim is very bad. Usually the only way to make it hit the enemy is to equip the turret with wide scatterguns. But not only the large amount of beams can cause lag, but you will fall in one of two situations: either A) the scattergun will be made of really small cannons, and since only a few of them will eventually hit the enemy, the final damage output is very low; or B) the scattergun will be made of very long cannons, and the turret will be ginormous. Not only it is a nightmare to set up a dock for one of these (especially if the core is at the back), but if the turret and the place you try to dock are bigger than average, docking the thing becomes a nightmare. Not only it can cause a lagzilla, but you also has to deal with the mess that the docking beam becomes. And in any way, these turrets will always be easily destroyed, thus a very minor threat to the attacker.

    Don\'t forget, also, of the issue called spawncamping. Raids are a tiny problem compared to this. What happens if a group of people decide to be douches and make someone else\'s life a mess? It\'s hard to counterattack these people camping right outside your main base, sice they would be shooting your ship the same second you open the door. So far, what prevents this is precisely the fact that the turrets on the main base are invincible. It becomes way harder to camp while dodging bullets, so even with the bad aim, the turrets are enough to create a diversion. But such distraction wouldn\'t exist if the turrets were destroyed during the first thirty seconds of the battle, isn\'t it?

    I have to admit, tough, that raids would add another dinamic to the game. Except for the griefers \'n\' stuff, it would be interesting to see how that would turn out.

    In the end, I guess the best way out would be an server config for that. Personally I don\'t think this kind of server will be much common because of the extra work with the ships and the need for heavy Admin interference/supervision to keep everyone on track, but heh, why not. Everyone comes out happy this way.

    you and others like you, are little cry babies that can\'t handle the idea of having to be responsible for your gear without a catalog spawn option save you. So the idea of your base that you poured in more hours in (mostly just the turrets/docked ships) being breakable in someway is a scary prospect that fills your gaming heart with terror.

    (not quick and lazy importing)

    This is already off-topic, but I have to say something about this. It is really annoying the way you seem to think other people are inferior just because they disagree with you. Not everyone here has the time to manually build a dozen giant ships, nor to constantly protect them. Lots of people work or study during a big portion of the day (plus extra activities), and has a very limited free time, possibly divided between this and various oher games. To these people, the catalog and the homebase immunity are a way to have nice ships without having to deal with the problems derivated from random loot-hunters or griefers. That doesn\'t mean they are worse than you. It\'s not the way someone build that matters. It\'s the final result that do. Got it? ;)

    On a secondary note:

    Easy, folks. My rage-o-meter just broke. Let\'s keep it civil.

    Furb couldn\'t be more right. Come on guys, no one here is an enemy. We are all civilized and educated people, no need to shout (a.k.a. Caps Lock) or to call eachother names. Let\'s all be friends and keep our hats on, shall we?
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Forgive me for not reading the comment log.

    This faction protection is an Admin setting, and should stay that way. You should approach your admin about this option or find a more hardcore server that turns this kind of protection off. More options for what is and isn\'t protected for Factions should be added. You should write a suggestion post about that instead. :)
    Jul 31, 2013
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    Btw, Starmade is not -craft, it is Starmade. It is its own game, not related to those other games.

    I\'m sure it\'d be called -craft if not for certain Blizzard game that is basically a crap (played both, didn\'t like either).
    Jun 30, 2013
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    It would appear that you WANT this game to be raidcraft/ factionwars. this game isnt minecraft and doesnt need to be/want to be/shouldnt be/ isnt a minecraft anything PERIOD. That said, i see that you are passionate about this idea as you have been defending it to the best of your ability, and although all of you points/ ideas are all valid, they dont deal with what you feel to be issues in the best manner possible and every other comment i have read would seem to think (myself included) that removing faction base invincibility would be an awful idea. i believe that others have iterated and re-iterated many reasons as to why, but i feel that i should add my own set of arguments that, as far as i know, are new arguments. Many factions have their home for 5 main reasons, They are: a safe spawn, a safe place to dock ships, a safe place to build a factory, a safe place to store stuff,and a reason to actually exist as a faction/ something to work for. If you take away the safe place to spawn/dock ships/store things/make a factory/build things, you lose the entire purpose to have a faction and really any home, and you wouldnt get ANY cool faction wars/raids due to the fact that factions would become extinct except for the ocassional 1/2 person faction that exists only because 2 friends want to be able to pm more easily.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    That was well said, sir, my hat\'s off to you. That you did it on a mobile device makes it twice as admirable.

    Just wanted to say that I am stealing most of your ideas for the servers I play on. :3
    Dec 30, 2012
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    Chill guys, there will always be servers that are not... like that about players constantly losing everything just so they have what to rebuild. If your super nice and big capital ship can\'t be safe and gets destroyed, you can just make a flying tube out of cannons in 1 minute, with no work or effort, and ruin all of his ships, then he does the same and ruins any other ship he meets with, and end up with flying penises where just few, \"high class\" factions still use some style and live at about sector 1000 1000 1000.

    If you don\'t like your server, you can move. Had good friends ? Move all of them with you, that will also show when the admin does something wrong.