But that\'s the thing... it\'s not edited. It\'s a default-generated server.cfg:
PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR = false //Protects the starting sector
ENABLE_SIMULATION = true //Universe AI simulation
CONCURRENT_SIMULATION = 256 //How many simulation groups may be in the universe simultaniously (performance)
ENEMY_SPAWNING = true //Enables enemy spawing
SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY = 420 //How much seconds between simulation spawn ticks
SIMULATION_TRADING_FILLS_SHOPS = true //Trading guild will deliver stock to shops
SECTOR_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 //Time in secs after which sectors go inactive (-1 = off)
SECTOR_INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 10 //Time in secs after which inactive sectors are completely removed from memory (-1 = off)
USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = false //allow star-made.org authentication
STARTING_CREDITS = 25000 //How many credits a new player has
DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_ENEMY_USE = true //Default option to use uploaded ships in waves
LOCK_FACTION_SHIPS = true //If true, ships of other factions cant be edited, activated, or entered
DEBUG_FSM_STATE = false //transfer debug FSM state. Turing this on may slow doen network
PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION = false //Makes a convex cast for hight speed object to prevent clipping. High Cost. (Bugged right now, so dont turn it on)
CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = -1 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited)
CATALOG_NAME_COLLISION_HANDLING = false //if off, saving with an existing entry is denied, if on the name is automatically changed by adding numbers on the end
SECTOR_AUTOSAVE_SEC = 300 //Time interval in secs the server will autosave (-1 for never)
PHYSICS_SLOWDOWN_THRESHOLD = 40 //Milliseconds a collision test may take before anti-slowdown mode is activated
THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT = 50 //How fast ships, etc. may go in km/h. Too high values may induce physics tunneling effects
MAX_CLIENTS = 32 //Max number of clients allowed on this server
SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_USE = false //Enable super admin for this server
SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD = mypassword //Super admin password for this server
SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use \"all\" to listen on every ip
SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 262144 //buffer size of incoming and outgoing data per socket
PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.09 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
CHEST_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
CHEST_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned in chests of generated chests. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
USE_WHITELIST = false //only names/ips from whitelist.txt are allowed
FILTER_CONNECTION_MESSAGES = false //don\'t display join/disconnect messages
USE_UDP = false //Use \'User Datagram Protocol\' (UDP) instead of \'Transmission Control Protocol\' (TCP) for connections
...but I\'m still getting the error:
[VERSION] BUILD: 20130706_222413
#################### StarMade #######################
# version 0.09376 - build 20130706_222413 #
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class xu.PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:196)
at xu.valueOf(SourceFile:66)
at xu.a(SourceFile:311)
at org.schema.game.common.Starter.main(SourceFile:663)
Could not read settings file: using defaults