damn sexy.New's post up with recent announcements! http://star-made.org/news
Some more in-depth samples as promised;
Not any time soon, no. It's something i'll consider when the new default textures are all done and up to an acceptable standard, but until then it just dilutes my effort.Will the pixel pack be receiving a similar update as well?
I'd like to make more player skins and just upload them in this site's own content library for pubic use. Having anymore skins shipped with the game as default is more Omni's domain. (I've been stacking up ideas on potential skins i want to make though :D)Ah, C'est la vie.
I don't know if this is the place to ask but are you considering adding more default player skins to choose from?
I'm sorry, i don't understand the question.So, if we not gonna see it too soon, why not talk about the idea to create that visual, and what other ideas some blocks give you, or even what kind of design you cant get right
That is what you get when typing in a rush.I'm sorry, i don't understand the question.
What did you want to know?
Ah :DThat is what you get when typing in a rush.
I was trying to say that if we will not see these new textures so early in the game, so what do you think of talking about the creative process behind them.
As blocks which were most difficult, or one you are having a creative block. Even which is the most beautiful texture that you did.
now that is just mind blowing, i can't wait to play with these new textures :DAh :D
Well these textures should be ready in 2 weeks if everything goes well. As for the process? I start by drawing on a scrap of paper with a biro, haha. My desk is a mess with random papers and scribbles on. Some of them are painted by hand in photoshop (like the attached picture) but most are done with clipping masks and shape tools in photoshop. I'd like to say i had a really clever or interesting process, but i don't, sorry! :p
Most difficult block so far has been the Ice planet flowers... i'm still struggling to create something i like for them.
My favourite? Possibly the shield generator, but thats probably going to change when i make some of the weapons.
What do i hope to achieve with new textures? I want Starmade to clearly have it's own visual identity and stand pretty amongst other popular voxel titles. It will be a slow and steady evolution as we develop the game, but i hope near the end Starmade looks as good as it deserves.
Here's a quick peek at some flora concepts! Another project that will take place after this main texture update.
Connected textures is something we have briefly talked about. I quite like the idea of it for hull blocks, however I can't remember if it was completely possible or not though. If it was, it would take some time to make / bugfix. Precious time that would be better spent on the weapons / shield / thrust currently.Some people know that some mods from minecraft support connected textures. the best example here is the hull blocks, but if any other blocks could get that feel, that would be great.
other question if i may ask, what do you take in mind to chose the design of a texture for one block, like the shield generator for example?