Knights Belligerent


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Az14el is currently too triggered by Elwyn nullpointering shenanigans to function
    what is real life? dear leader rimmler why have you forsaken us.

    -Recruited Crashmaster, seems like a pretty sweet dude, he pimped the fuck out of his docked apartment at the HB, that shit was amazing. Spooked good ole FD in one of his mobo cloakers but seems like they slapped eachother butts and went on their merry ways. I really should have at least a discord or something maybe so i can keep up with people.

    -Blackguard class hreavy cruiser 'complete'... couple of holes to patch here and there i suppose..., literally just an old wraithguard with like, just, everything gutted for more missiles, and a gigantic missile turret, and a bunch of shields and armor and thrust too because why not, point is it's bigger, badder, and puts larger holes in stuff in a more expedient fashion that it's previous iteration.

    -Breaking news! Pandora has fucking garbage dps, just stack recharge and counter my biggest current ship available right now, god damn it im so dissappointed in the me that made that flying sack of shit. Will still blast fools in half very quickly with the decent quality metamissiles once the shields are down so maybe it could fill some light fleet flagship role or something... i dunno.

    -in Comr4dexBDLS which one is uke? just out of scholarly interest
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    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Primarily active on FreaksRUs, more frigates than you could shake a pink laser pistol at (3!)
    Yet to get farming but an outpost on new LvD is in the works, starting fresh there since i failed to save my cargo because IRL distractions.
    poked STALKER a little on ER got poked a little back, yet to really catch anybody online there for a while though :/

    Arrancadora & Meti titan builds both need major refits before i can justify finishing them, though with a new laptop they're much easier to spam remove mode on.