Introduction thread!


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Say hello to your fellow starmates. Tell us about yourself, how you got here and what you plan on accomplishing in the game. Include some interests, inspirations and goals you have.

    Hope to see you out there!

    An example post follows!


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    I am WarSong
    I moderate forums and chat for I stream from time to time. And I admin on NASS while also visiting other servers for star-made. I found star-made looking for an alternative to a certain block building game that involves hissing 'splodie things and stuff made from diamonds. I want to build a few big ships but I like designing and playing in smaller craft.

    I like ponies. I am a brony... but I'm not going to force feed you magic and friendship like some do.
    I love space combat games. Privateer is the BEST GAME EVER for DOS.
    It's normal to find me listening to Crusade's music while I play SM but I like almost every kind of music. Or I at least find something to like in every genre.
    I like to keep my ships small and efficient so they often turn out looking very retro. (READ: Dated)
    I'm not a big TV/Movie SciFi fan. I like SciFi stuff a lot but I'll usually walk out of the room if someone starts to nerd-rage over Babylon 5 vs Galactica vs Star Wars vs Star Trek.
    I plan on being home soon and I have a business there waiting for me to run so I'll have even more free time, eventually. :3


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Hi, I'm Zyrr.
    I've been here for quite some time, and used to be a major Support Goon until the Yogstorm (see: Yogstorm) slowly died out. Nowadays you'll mostly find me lingering around chats, starting and getting into arguments and generally being a bit of a smartass. I've been in quite a few factions and generally consider myself to have a good knowledge of what's happening now in faction "politics", if you can call it that.

    I like Sci-Fi, particularly the video game side of things. While TV, movies and literature are great, being able to immerse yourself in the universe is something I enjoy.
    I also like exotic foods. Not entirely sure why.
    I like to blab on about computers and the like. For your own sake, don't ask me about Intel Integrated Graphics. It will end in pain and tears for you. c:
    I don't like Skype, but I use it anyways. Don't ask why.
    I'm primarily a fan of the Halo, Killzone and Fallout franchises, and a new fan of the Elite series.

    And that's about it. I'm on quite a bit so it's likely that you will run into me sometime.
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    Jun 27, 2013
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    I'm tatte, 23 years old Finnish student who's currently serving his non-military service at a regional state administrative agency (yes, I'm "working" for the government, in an office, and loving it.)

    I found out about the StarMade last summer, my friend suggested we try it and so we did. He got bored eventually but I was hooked. Most of that summer was then lost in StarMade, and excluding occasional breaks StarMade has stayed one of my favourite pastime. Almost right from the start I have sticked with fairly similiar (therefore recognizable) designs as I find them very versatile and extremely potent in system efficiency vice.

    (I have to cut this short to figure out why my server isn't starting after the update. Will be back.)
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    Aug 19, 2013
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    Hi I'm JimmyJamba.
    My real name is James, but people call me Jimmy or Jim. I tend to have a rather addictive personality when it comes to video games so I actually completely avoided Minecraft. As a kid I used to spend hours drawing and planning out my star bases and spaceships on paper and building them out of old shoe boxes and empty toilet and paper towel rolls. Naturally, when I stumbled upon a random video about this game, I was intrigued. From the moment I loaded it up and did the tutorial, I was hooked and actually remember saying out loud to myself "This is why I didn't play Minecraft". I just knew that I was destined to spend hours playing this game.

    I find all types of building in the game to be quite relaxing whether it's a small ship, large one, spacestation or planet. To me it does not matter as I get into a zone and love place them blocks! I usually play on a couple of build servers: SATURN, Stardrift and have started joining MushroomFleet here and there.

    My plan going forward is to launch my own fleet under the J&J Anchorwerks brand and hopefully work towards my own faction/corporation to supply my wares to the factions of the Starmade universe. I'm going to have a private server set up soon for the faction's research, development and building with showrooms set up on most of the major servers. For now, I'm keeping my ear to the ground and listening and learning from all the other factions to get an idea and sense of how to properly run a successful faction.

    Feel free to drop me a message if you have any advice on running both a server and a faction. I'm open to any information that you have to throw at me!

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    Sep 26, 2013
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    Hi, I'm Lt_Duckweed, a sophomore physics undergrad (For you non-US people that's second year) in the state of Tennessee.

    Even though I do not watch the yogscast, I was originally a part of the yogstorm, but I have stuck around for good. My main points of skill in the game are efficient systems management and knowledge of the game mechanics. For example, all my turrets, no matter how small, are 100% self powered, and have more shields than you would expect. Also, one of my finest accomplishments is creating a perma-cloak, perma-jam ship with a full interior and a 6.5-1 thrust mass ratio before the update. I'm also becoming a bit of an expert on internally docked reactorships and can tell you every bug associated with power-drain beams.
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    Nov 1, 2013
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    Revenge is best served cold~
    Love is best served hot~
    What would best be served at room temperature?

    Greetings [male] and/or [female] Starmadian!

    I am Claru!

    Frequently found on the forums meandering as gently as a demolition derby driver from topic to topic I also write, poorly, and draw, with even less skill, which is why I post faction ball comics and chatter where ever there are people.

    I also founded a faction called the Void Templar and have experience moderating star made servers.

    What no personal details? No ASL or contact information!?!

    The short answer is no.

    Such things I tend to keep private so please do not be offended if I dance around them when asked. This was mostly written with the intention of being entertaining while also being an introduction of, not to put too fine a point on it, me~.

    (I hate long walks on the beach, sunsets are pretty, I like cats and chocolate and sleep, also I enjoy building though am about as bad at it as I am with writing. ;0. )

    With luck we will cross paths again Starmadian!

    Very respectfully,
    Claru Laru, Knight of the Void Templar


    Jack of all Air
    Mar 27, 2014
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    Hi, I am Saba, my real name is Cannon but most people don't believe me. I am 18, and am going to Spartan College of Aeronautics starting august and will be a commercial/private pilot by this time next year hopefully. I will start working at King Aerospace in 34 days, and plan to be there for a few months. I aspire to be a pilot and have wanted to be one since I was 2 years old. Usually I like to make house plans and mechanical plans for fun, and I design my own systems and tools occasionally IRL, and I take a Cessna out every now and then to boost my flight hours as I still need 900 flight hours for my Commercial. Also, I build computers, set up servers, and occasionally make websites for schools and business in my area as well as a few (WOW THEY WERE) rich people who seem to think they need a personal computer banks and servers just to play MW3 and stuff on Ultra....didn't like those rich peoples....snobby.

    I am currently in NGE (New Galactic Empire) and plan to stay there for awhile, I am the head engineer and we create as close to scale and realistic ships from the Empire, also I like to design super efficient turrets and bases.
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    Nov 5, 2013
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    I'm MrNature72. I do a lot of things.

    I'm a technician at Military College, and I spend far too much of my time playing videogames.
    I created and run the Lazarus Imperium.
    I like cats and dogs, but my best pet was an iguana.

    Outside of the Lazarus, I'm probably best known on this website for my stories. I do a lot of writing, and some of it is posted on this website.

    I also have a passion for redheaded women, guns, and computers. <3 Although recently it seems like blonde has been the color most common in my life.

    Peace out.
    Oct 21, 2013
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    I'm Fishbreath. I'm pretty much entirely a lurker here, and I mainly play offline or privately with friends. I'm kind of half-looking for a server to call my online home, though.

    I'm a computer scientist, musician, and author in my spare time.
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    Overlord of the North Pole
    Apr 23, 2013
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    Looks back at friend; "Do I really have to do one of these?"

    "Really? But why would anyone care about what I do or who I am?"

    "Ugh... fine, gimme a moment to actually remember what it was I do in life..."

    Right then, for the motherland...

    I am Donut, destroyer of the planet Blargh! Never heard of a place like that? Good, that means I'm good at what I claim to do!

    What's that? You would love to know more about my 'real' life?

    Well, I don't really know what you mean by 'real', but I can tell you a bit about what I do I guess...

    I'm a community moderator that likes to mingle, I spend way too much time on this website and get distracted waaaaaaaaaaaay too easily from all the projects I undertake. My world file is filled with several dozen half finished battleships and carriers, I'm working on a texture pack, I write some lore on the side (starmade and otherwise), wrote 90% of the old wiki, put out actually finished ships every now and then, am trying to get a podcast going, slap troublemakers when they annoy me and generally just wander around the community like some sort of curious iguana, leaving a trail of confusion in my wake.

    In the actual world I'm a 21 year old student of Mechatronics (Computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering thrown in one basically), working on bettering his ways when it comes to not being a total gaming addict and putting in the required effort to actually be of use to my fellow classmates. I dont have a pet, but we do let the neighbour's cat in every once in a while to sunbathe in our overused kitchen (student house with 5 estranged roommates). I'm a boring person in real life honestly, just your average semi-geek with a passion for building online spaceships and exchanging virtual bullets.

    I do like to philosophize occasionally though, thinking about big things and speculating on what the future might hold for the human race is fascinating stuff, expecially if you hope to one day contribute to its progress.

    But basically, I like to think that I'm just the most balanced person you'll likely meet any time soon, I will happily admit that I pride myself on that. If you ever need a situation sorted out or some help with one matter or another, feel free to ask and I will attempt to help you in the fairest and most impartial way I can, whatever the situation. To me, emotions are for the weak and you should totally live long and eh, you know... prosper.

    Well, I've probably bored half of you to death already by now... So, I hereby take full responsibility for any deaths that might occur directly linked to the reading of this introduction, my heartfelt appologies.

    Anywho, let's all make this new site a happy place for a strong new community! ;)

    Disclaimer: the aforementioned character traits might be wholly inaccurate and might simply have been added due to the author's sheer incompetence when it comes to reading himself and inability to think straight at 3AM on a few hours of sleep.
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I am WolfChild.

    Yeah that should do....

    Ok, serious this time. I read a lot of what is on the forums, but seldom comment. Not entirely sure why that is. I occasionally visit the public chat, but again, it's a fairly seldom thing.

    I really enjoy building ships, and find that I really suck at flying them. I prefer smaller craft, just because, and have never finished anything much over 3,000 mass. Hopefully that will change though.

    Some of what I build in Starmade is posted on here, but I am very self-critical and usually don't think it's good enough for the community to see.

    I absolutely adore Sci-Fi and Medieval/Fantasy, from games to books to movies and back again, and recently have become fairly interested in the WWII period. That interest can probably be traced back to the game World of Tanks, which is one game other than Starmade that I spend a decent amount of time playing.

    Something is wrong with the fact that "Starmade" is apparently not in the spell check dictionary....

    You will likely see me around here at one point or another, but probably not on servers. My location makes it near-impossible to play on almost any server around the world, so I do all my building on Single Player, or on LAN servers.

    I'm always open for a chat, no matter the subject, so feel free to talk to me at any time.

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Hmm... well this will be interesting...

    I am ObiShawnKenobi, Commander-In-Chief of the longest living faction known to StarMade, the Rebel Alliance, and popular (possibly in an infamous way) to the community. I don't wanna write about myself too much like everyone else mostly did. I don't like that...

    Well at least you know one thing about me now. I'm hated, there's another. I'm just that person who's there or that person to blame something on. I'm also the animator for Faction Ball Animations, a humorous short-skit comic turned into a cartoon made by me and Claru. What I'm supposed to do though is lead my faction into battles. Quite fun really, but not too fun when you have that 750m long ship coming at you...

    Anyway, I'll be around for quite some time if I do disappear. Feel free to contact me, even though it might be useless.
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    Jan 25, 2014
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    I am Dark-life. I am the head accountant in the Lazarus Imperium but also play in The New Roman Empire. I don't really know what else to say other then WAR and FACTORIES.

    (long revealing paragraphs)

    So yeah thats me hit me up on… chat!


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I am Azereiah.
    Real name is Vincent, 21 years old, living in Tennessee.
    Nice place if you don't mind redneck neighbors.

    I'm a dabbling musician, artist, inventor, counselor, and game modder. This does not mean that I am exceptionally good at any of these things - it just means that I am more competent than the average person, at the cost of not being great at any one thing.

    I love shooters and strategy games. Mostly shooters. Some RPGs are okay, and very rarely I'll find a platformer that I enjoy. I grew up playing Starsiege: Tribes, Descent II, and Runescape. Even before then, when I was between 4 and 7, I played various DOS games, like Zeliard and Apocalypse Cow. Used to have Sonic Adventure 1+2 for the Sega Dreamcast, loved them. Past couple of years I've been obsessing over space combat games (Freelancer and Wing Commander especially).

    Trying to get into college right now, and despite not having made a proper decision, I expect that I'll end up going with either civil, forest, or mining engineering.
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    Apr 5, 2014
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    I am Kyroux. I am one of the more introverted people until I find a reason to speak my thoughts. This thread is one of them.

    I am quite young, if I may say so myself, and take a lot of satisfaction in making smaller builds than gigantic motherships of epic destruction. I will be on the forums quite often now that the website looks so much better (thanks guys).
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