Introducing The United Star Axis

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics
    - Type: Fighter / Light Gunship
    - Role: Close Range Attack Air/Spacecraft
    - Armament: 75mm Repeating Gauss Cannon
    - Special equipment: Electronic Countermeasures
    - Dimensions: L.19m, W.19m, H.9m, Mass: 217

    Named after a 14th Century thrust sword, and nicknamed "Murder Hornet" by the UEG; this unit is designed for use in AI fleet operations where it engages enemy starships at close range; tearing through their armor with 75mm AP shells.
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    3m Adv. armor.

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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Following the success of their recent Zweihander MK2 project, Axis Subsidiary Kisaragi Robotics was recently awarded a small production contract by the United Apthaquan Republic.

    The Republic requested a small nimble carrier-deployable Reconnaissance craft, with emphasis on speed and durability.
    The craft needed to fit within specific size limitations and be capable of intercepting and engaging enemy fightercraft.

    This was the result...

    Hummingbird (Project 01132124)
    - Affiliation: United Apthaquan Republic
    - Manufacturer: Kisaragi Robotics
    - Type: Fighter
    - Role: Reconnaissance / Interceptor
    - Armament: Guided Missiles
    - Special equipment: Augmented Thrusters, Multiphasic Shielding, Narrow Band Sensor Array
    - Dimensions: L.18m, W.11m, H.7m, Mass: 158
    - Export Licensing: United Apthaquan Republic
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    SR-5 Vandal
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Joint project between Kisaragi Robotics, Nexus Inc. and Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences.
    - Type: Stealth Air/Spacecraft
    - Role: Long Range Deep Space Reconnaisance, Mutirole Combat
    - Armament: Medium Range Guided Missiles (Intercepter Loadout), Antimatter Bomb (Strike Loadout)
    - Special equipment: Aumented Thrusters, Adaptive Electronic Warfare System, Broadband Sensor Suite, Jump Drive,
    - Dimensions: L.20m, W.19m, H.9m, Mass: 214

    Designed using the best available Axis Technology, the Vandal is an advanced jump-capable, stealth reconnaisance air/spacecraft with multirole capability. It has a 5:1 Thrust to mass ratio, powerful shields and is invisible to radar. Intended for long range tactical assignments; the craft also has auxiliary system management protocols that allow the pilot to shift power and computational resources between electronic warfare, sensors, and its jump drive without returning to base for a refit.

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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Sidewinder MK I (Replica)
    - Affiliation: Public
    - Manufacturer: Faulcon Delacy, Nexus Inc. (via production subcontract)
    - Type: Multipurpose
    - Armament: 2x Class-1 Pulse Lasers
    - Special equipment: Narrow Band Sensors, Jump Drive
    - Dimensions: L.15m, W.21m, H.8m (including Landing gear), Mass: 213
    - Export Licensing: Public

    This is a 1:1 Scale replica of the Sidewinder MK I From Elite Dangerous. Like the in-game spacecraft it is lightly armed, jump capable and reasonably maneuverable. ...but not quite as fast as say... a Viper MK3.

    Download yours today!
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Viper MK III (Replica)
    - Affiliation: Public
    - Manufacturer: Faulcon Delacy, Nexus Inc. (via production subcontract)
    - Type: Combat
    - Armament: 2x Class-1 Pulse Lasers, 2x Class-1 Railguns
    - Special equipment: Narrow Band Sensors, Jump Drive, "Grade 5 Engineered Performance Thrusters", Shield Booster, Reactor Enhancement
    - Dimensions: L.33m, W.27m, H.8m (including Landing gear), Mass: 369
    - Export Licensing: Public

    This is a 1:1 Scale replica of the Viper MK III From Elite Dangerous. Like the in-game spacecraft it is moderately armed, jump capable and ridiculously fast. ...but doesn't have as much cargo capacity as say... a Cobra MK3.

    Download yours today!!!
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Vanguard Class
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Nexus Inc. Fairborne Naval Industries
    - Type: Destroyer
    - Armament: Guided Missiles, Plasma accelerators, 2.4 GW Linear Accelerator
    - Special equipment: Adaptive Electronic Warfare System, Thruster Augmentation, Reactor Augmentation, Multiphasic Shielding, Multispectral Sensor Array, 2 Landing bays
    - Dimensions: L.190m, W. 85m, H.50m, Mass: 22,200

    This is a rebuild of a series of ships I designed in Empyrion Galactic Survival during my time away from StarMade.

    This design was originally inpired by a combination of ships from several different Science Fiction games, movies and TV shows but uses an updated version of the Lancer MK I as a base. Essentially, it's a heavily modified "Dangerous Trek-Wars-5 Ray-Storm" kitbash abomination from the blackest depths of Sci-Fi Blasphemy.

    I was a little concerned that the scaling would be off (especially since my starmade fighters are more than twice the size of my EGS ones) but to my surprise it turned out ok. Due to the aforementioned scaling differences, I no longer have a rear fighter bay, however, I was able to fit 2 side bays, my standard logic effects and the same amount of RP interior (including beds, toilets and showers) as the EGS version. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the end result.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    NOICE, that linear accelerator looks especially spicy.

    and are those retrothrusters I see on the sides?
    Thanks man. Good to see you again.

    I started putting retro and RCS thrusters on most of my ships lately. It subtly adds realism and gives me that Empyrion Galactic Survival / Elite Dangerous kind of vibe. I suppose I could pull a "Rocinante" and rotate the whole ship but I think this layout makes more logical sense.
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    Mar 30, 2018
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    Yeah, I’ve done the whole vertical ship layout for my latest ships, as they’re meant to be primitive, near-future designs.
    And all I have to say is that I want to die.

    it’s bearable-ish if you’re doing a relatively small ship like the Achilles, with a little interior, but the Commonwealth(not released as of writing this) is an entirely different story. The building mechanics in StarMade are just not designed to do something like this.

    In future if i want to go for realism I’ll just build horizontally like normal and just copy-paste it sideways. I’m not building sideways ever again. And i recommend anyone do the same
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Lancer (Refit)
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences, Fairborne Naval Industries
    - Type: Frigate
    - Armament: Gauss Cannon, Guided Missiles, Point Defense Turrets
    - Special equipment: Adaptive Electronic Warfare System, Jump Drive, Multiphasic Shielding, Multispectral Sensor Array, 2 Shuttle Bays
    - Dimensions: L.138m, W. 79m, H.45m, Mass: 12,967

    This is a refit of a ship from around 2016. As the Axis' first dedicated warship, the Lancer was designed to serve as a long range anti-armor platform; making it the starship equivalent of a sniper. While slow moving, it is well armored and can strike targets at extreme range; making standoff engagements risky for opponents. It has a balanced loadout meant to defeat both armored units and fightercraft and with an E.W. jammers running, it can strike before it is seen.
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    Archer (Ungraded Lancer Variant)
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences, Fairborne Naval Industries
    - Type: Frigate
    - Armament: High Energy Laser, Guided Missiles, Point Defense Turrets
    - Special equipment: Adaptive Electronic Warfare System, Jump Drive, Reactor Augmentation, Multiphasic Shielding, Multispectral Sensor Array, 2 Shuttle Bays
    - Dimensions: L.138m, W. 79m, H.45m, Mass: 15,007

    Boasting substantially heavier armor than its predecessor, the Archer is designed for a more direct combat role. Its reduced speed is compensated for by long range armaments and larger missile salvos.

    This is basically a refit of the refit. I wanted to try a different aesthetic; using the Lancer as a foundation and I ended up with more internal space than I expected. So I added some more chambers, additional missile launchers and enough missile storage to supply them all then slapped a bunch of amor and thrust on it.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Hammer Class (Modified Lancer Variant)
    - Affiliation: United Star Axis
    - Manufacturer: Sturmgeist Advanced Sciences, Volcov Industrial, Fairborne Naval Industries
    - Type: Frigate
    - Role: Mobile Space Mining Facility
    - Armament: High Energy Variable Aperture (H.E.V.A.) Array, Beam Laser Turrets, 30mm Phalanx Turrets
    - Special equipment: Class 3 Jump Drive, Jump Capacitor, Multispectral Sensor Array, Mining Logistics Optimization, Class-1 Mining Shuttles (6) Multiphasic Shielding (inactive by default)
    - Dimensions: L.138m, W. 99m, H.45m, Combined Mass: 14,946

    The Hammer is a Lancer frigate that has been heavily modified and optimized for deep space mining operations. It has a massive cargo hold and 6 externally docked shuttles which can be used for mining, cargo transport, planetary landings or even evacucations. This variant has a lower shield capacity but much faster recharge rate than its counterparts and is somewhat faster (without cargo). While Designated as a non-combatant, the Hammer has four long range burst laser turrets and four 30mm Phalanx turrets for defense. Additionally, the primary beam array can be used for mining (wide aperture) or focused on a single point of impact for use as an improvised (though quite powerful) armament (narrow aperture).

    This is basically a refit of a refit. ...of a refit born out of a need for a solid dedicated miner and a preference for fleet / drone operations As such; this craft is also a testbed design for my upcoming "pocket" air/spacecraft carrier project.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    - Manufacturer: Fairborne Naval Industries, Nexus Inc.
    - Type: Luxury Spacecraft
    - Role: Long range luxury star-liner, private starship, tourism, mobile home, pleasure-craft
    - Affiliation: Civilian, Private
    - Armament: Point Defense Arrays, Pulse Lasers
    - Special equipment: Class 3 Jump Drive, Jump Capacitor, Jump shuttle (x1), Escape pods, Shield Enhancement, Reactor Enhancement, High Performance Thrusters, Anti-Grav field
    - Amenities: 6 independent cabins, swimming pool, pool-side bar/cafe, observation lounge, USD-compatible
    - Dimensions: L.99m, W. 41m, H.30m, Combined Mass: 2204
    - Export Licensing: Public

    The Star-Chaser is a new luxury spacecraft designed by Axis subsidiaries; Nexus Inc. and Fairborne Naval Industries.

    Originally titled "Project Star-Chaser", the ship was intended as a deep space exploration vessel. The designers took creative liberty with the craft's aesthetics; making it look sleeker and more "dart"-like. A photograph was leaked sparking overwhelming interest from interstellar transportation and tourism firms, as well as private spacecraft dealerships. Shortly afterward, the Star-Chaser exploration project was placed on hold and the current model was refined specifically for use in the private sector, with emphasis on tourism, VIP transportation and individual high earners. Export Licensing is now in effect making it accessible to those wealthy enough to afford it.

    The craft comes standard with 6 individual cabins, a jump-capable shuttle (10 passengers) and 2 escape pods (5 evacuees each)

    It has a long range jump drive system for journeying far out into the black, a low maintenance self contained reactor bay, full point defense coverage and 2 pulse lasers to ward off small pirate craft.

    Chase your dreams... Chase the stars... Be a STAR-CHASER

    Download yours today!!! Star-Chaser 1.JPG
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