Interdiction - No escape!


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    If you're jamming, then the ship should become fully dedicated to that task and unable to move, shoot or anything else besides sit there and jam a sector. That would force those that wish to use a jammer to have a large fleet to protect it. In the meantime, you'll just have to protect that fancy jamming ship with tons of armor and astrotech beams. That's the only way I'd find this remotely acceptable and would force well thought out fleet tactics to use such a ship in battle.
    Two things that are VERY wrong here. First of all, that's how YOU would accept it, so far, you're the minority, I really don't see why it can't move, shoot or do anything. The only logical thing would be it uses a ridiculous amount of power, so you wouldn't be able to do much damage with weapons, if you were able to use them in the first place. The idea that we've proposed, that it just uses a lot of power, both makes more sense and will still create the need for fleet tactics. However, it will not FORCE it.

    The fact that you've used force, derails the entire argument. This game is a sandbox game, meaning someone should be able to create an interdictor with enough power that it can have a good interdicting module, yet be able to use it's guns properly. The way I see the interdictor module, is as the usual systems. However, the amount of the modules you place is used to counter the amount of warp modules the other ship has. So in order to jam a ship fully, you will need to either have a 1:1 ration with or higher, otherwise, it can still warp, not as quickly though. So a big ship would be able to easily jam fighters, and shoot, but not jam cruisers and shoot. It allow's for more diversity of ships, and creates new tactics, with and without the fleet tactics, such as multiple interdictor ships, with small interdictor modules, yet the number of the ships are able to jam even the biggest warp drive. You won't see stuff like that with what you've proposed.
    Mar 31, 2015
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    It makes perfect sense. You have a ship that's devoting all of it's energy to preventing warp jumps. I can see a ship like this having a warp-like effect covering it's hull. It would essentially be between warping and not warping. Such a ship shouldn't be able to interact with the rest of the universe when it's jamming, but it can still be damaged. The hull effect would also make it much easier to identify the ship that's actively jamming.

    We actually don't even need ship modules for this. Just link the stop effect and warp effect computers. The more warp modules and stop effect modules, the larger the warp bubble becomes. The moment a ship leaves the bubble (or the bubble collapses due to the ship generating it being damaged), they can jump.

    You'll still see other ship types: small strike ships that are meant to rush the jammer, support ships that have to keep repairing the jammer's structure--possibly even suicide ships covered in warheads which would be unaffected by anti-misslie turrets.. In fact, we'll see even more variety in ships this way. Support ships would become far more important.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    http://:// upload_2015-7-8_13-16-29.jpeg
    Can't wait to build this if this gets added :D!
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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    It makes perfect sense. You have a ship that's devoting all of it's energy to preventing warp jumps. I can see a ship like this having a warp-like effect covering it's hull. It would essentially be between warping and not warping. Such a ship shouldn't be able to interact with the rest of the universe when it's jamming, but it can still be damaged. The hull effect would also make it much easier to identify the ship that's actively jamming.

    We actually don't even need ship modules for this. Just link the stop effect and warp effect computers. The more warp modules and stop effect modules, the larger the warp bubble becomes. The moment a ship leaves the bubble (or the bubble collapses due to the ship generating it being damaged), they can jump.

    You'll still see other ship types: small strike ships that are meant to rush the jammer, support ships that have to keep repairing the jammer's structure--possibly even suicide ships covered in warheads which would be unaffected by anti-misslie turrets.. In fact, we'll see even more variety in ships this way. Support ships would become far more important.
    From the looks of it, you seem to be so obsessed with the idea that you don't want people to "abuse" this. Again, the system I proposed allows for more variety and possibilities with Interdicting ships, and doesn't mean you force fleet tactics. Take me for example, I play alone pretty much, I don't have anyone who I can talk to and play with, let's say I wanted to kill some ships with my shiny new destroyer, but they always get away with the power of warp. So what do I do? I get an interdictor module, but oh no! It turns out I need friends who I can actively talk to if I wish to use it. The system I proposed allows people in my situation to still be able to use it. The idea of forcing things to happen is horrendous in a sandbox game, nobody should be forced to do anything in a sandbox game, especially when they can't do the thing they're forced to do. So far, your system has more negatives than positives, the one I proposed has more positives than negatives. If you don't wont to be ganked, then don't go out into PVP. It's a form of PVP, and you not wanting to lose your ship is completely irrelevant and unimportant to this argument, PVP is meant to be scary, it's meant to be dangerous. People need more tactics to PVP, this will add another. If you don't want to lose your ship, then don't PVP.
    Jun 10, 2015
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    If you don't wont to be ganked, then don't go out into PVP. It's a form of PVP, and you not wanting to lose your ship is completely irrelevant and unimportant to this argument, PVP is meant to be scary, it's meant to be dangerous. People need more tactics to PVP, this will add another. If you don't want to lose your ship, then don't PVP.
    That's the real root of the argument, isn't it? This IS a pvp mechanic, plain and simple. I fully expect to get ganked on pvp servers, in fact, it saves me from having to hunt someone down. I also play as a mercenary / bounty hunter on my rp server and on others, so this adds a new element to dealing with a wanted player.
    Dec 8, 2014
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    What about borders? Have we forgotten that boarding is a bigger part of the game now? How are boarders going to survive, if the ship they boarded, jumped?

    Perhaps we have been thinking this wrong. Maybe the interdiction module, needs to be a "hostile block" placed by a boarding party, and that it lasts like 5 minutes, then explodes.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Interdiction by boarding sounds awesome as well, perhaps as the only 100% guarantee to preventing a ship from escaping. And being incredibly dangerous. You need to stay on the ship, keep the boarding block charged unless you can find an uncovered capacitor/reactor. And, of course, your pals outside can't afford to lose you, so they have to watch their fire. Although, a boarding party on a ship not interdicted is liable to just get carried along for the ride when it jumps, which would be incredibly amusing, too, from either point of view. :p
    Then again, a boarding party could be used against an interdicting craft/station, to disable its interdiction system by a similar method. This will depend on better AI crew too, so you can play alone, with your crew to support you in situations like this. Just make a memorial for their heroic sacrifice.

    And, yes, I think the best solution to Nightwalker's issue is better server control on PvP, say admins/a game mechanic to decide where PvP is allowed and respond to those that break the rules. EVE has the scary cops. We need some scary cops. Other than server admins. I like to see games contain themselves, such that admins are unnecessary in the majority of cases.
    Dec 8, 2014
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    Interdiction by boarding sounds awesome as well, perhaps as the only 100% guarantee to preventing a ship from escaping. And being incredibly dangerous. You need to stay on the ship, keep the boarding block charged unless you can find an uncovered capacitor/reactor. And, of course, your pals outside can't afford to lose you, so they have to watch their fire. Although, a boarding party on a ship not interdicted is liable to just get carried along for the ride when it jumps, which would be incredibly amusing, too, from either point of view. :p
    Then again, a boarding party could be used against an interdicting craft/station, to disable its interdiction system by a similar method. This will depend on better AI crew too, so you can play alone, with your crew to support you in situations like this. Just make a memorial for their heroic sacrifice.

    And, yes, I think the best solution to Nightwalker's issue is better server control on PvP, say admins/a game mechanic to decide where PvP is allowed and respond to those that break the rules. EVE has the scary cops. We need some scary cops. Other than server admins. I like to see games contain themselves, such that admins are unnecessary in the majority of cases.

    One thing to keep in mind, is that every ship is different. in the future, scanners may tell us where the systems are, so the jump drives may be the first to be targeted. You can not run away, if your legs are broken.

    One key issue with boarding, is how the hell do you get on the enemy ship? Is it via rail docker? We may have to have a "sticky" block that lets smaller ships latch onto bigger ones.

    I love the idea of interdiction, but at the same time, hit and run tactics are also good tactics, and all is fair in love and war.

    If an interdiction module system is introduced, perhaps they should be a station only thing? That way, attacking a faction station becomes a riskier endeavor, and this will keep faction systems safer.

    As for griefing, i can tell you from experience, as a griefer, that i WILL use interdiction, if it was available. Like i would show up to battles that had nothing to do with me, just to keep people from running away. I would set up asteroids with interdiction systems, just to mess with people. I would build these into planets, just because.
    Nov 27, 2013
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    Hmm.. yes. perma-stealth is hard... and the new update broke my stealth ship :( but that's another story.

    I can see this getting abused horribly. A medium ship killing the warp drive on a tiny warp jump ship, or noob ship. There should be absolutely no warp jamming allowed, period. It's a horrible idea. All that it will do is make the 12-year old kid that wants to be a pirate LOL all day long.
    this is a space PVP game
    i dont see why you dont like combat threw the use of interdiction
    if i can pull you out of hyperspace then you better have cannons ready otherwise your in for a surprise


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    One thing to keep in mind, is that every ship is different. in the future, scanners may tell us where the systems are, so the jump drives may be the first to be targeted. You can not run away, if your legs are broken.

    One key issue with boarding, is how the hell do you get on the enemy ship? Is it via rail docker? We may have to have a "sticky" block that lets smaller ships latch onto bigger ones.

    I love the idea of interdiction, but at the same time, hit and run tactics are also good tactics, and all is fair in love and war.

    If an interdiction module system is introduced, perhaps they should be a station only thing? That way, attacking a faction station becomes a riskier endeavor, and this will keep faction systems safer.

    As for griefing, i can tell you from experience, as a griefer, that i WILL use interdiction, if it was available. Like i would show up to battles that had nothing to do with me, just to keep people from running away. I would set up asteroids with interdiction systems, just to mess with people. I would build these into planets, just because.
    The creative ways that you would grief are the things that I want to see come out of this the most, while I may get a bit annoyed, it'd still be amazing to see what people can come up with when it comes to interdictors. :p
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Jump drives are the one way players can escape griefers and pirates.
    So you want to obviate a play style that already suffers? This is absurd.
    There should be absolutely no warp jamming allowed, period. It's a horrible idea. All that it will do is make the 12-year old kid that wants to be a pirate LOL all day long.
    The 12-y/o brat won't get his LOLz jamming people, and the hit-and-run tactics will also break. It'll also prevent player-pirates from chasing ships.
    I'm not hearing any reason that piracy should be whacked even harder with a nerf bat beyond muh feefees. PvP is a central part of the game. Azereiah nailed it when he said that when you undock from your homebase/leave a protected sector, you consent to PvP

    If someone wants to be a pirate, let them. You should find other ways to adapt (like hiring mercenaries to protect you, or finding a new route to travel) rather than making FTL the "I win" button. If the game was foolproof to exploitation and griefing there would be no features. People will find a way to get the greatest reward out of the minimal investment, your job is to adapt to it.
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    Jun 10, 2015
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    If someone wants to be a pirate, let them. You should find other ways to adapt (like hiring mercenaries to protect you, or finding a new route to travel) rather than making FTL the "I win" button. If the game was foolproof to exploitation and griefing there would be no features. People will find a way to get the greatest reward out of the minimal investment, your job is to adapt to it.
    I'll gladly escort your salvager through dangerous sectors for the right price, it's what I do. ;)

    True, there will be exploits players can take advantage of, in fact, from what I've seen trying to take down titans without having to bring your entire faction and their allies could level the playing field a little. I don't want to have to round up 30 ships to take down 1 titan, when it could be done with half that and a little trickery on our part. Keeping that titan from warping away as soon as we crack it's shields is just one way we could do that.
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    Dec 8, 2014
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    The creative ways that you would grief are the things that I want to see come out of this the most, while I may get a bit annoyed, it'd still be amazing to see what people can come up with when it comes to interdictors. :p

    I am the guy, who builds the stations with the warp gates that put ships into suns.
    May 25, 2013
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    Eve's system works quite well , with competing interdiction ships and warp drive stabilizers. It could be applied to Starmade.
    Just give ships a "jump drive strength" rating based on the number of jump drive blocks relative to mass , that would require a superior "interdiction strength" rating on the attacking ship based on its number of interdiction modules relative to mass. There you go - capital ships get hard to catch escape pods , and specialized interdictors can be designed to spite them.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    I personally would like this because hit and run tactics should not be warp away, warp to and back again. I specifically would want the board and interdict method, making boarding and defending a real needed task, making those fancy space laser pistols actually practical to keep (because lets face it, if you have big ship, why would you step out into a fire zone).
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Yeah, I'm gonna agree. Area interdiction should be much harder than targeted interdiction, whether that's through power cost or simply block size.

    Personally I'd make it a weapon effect. Hit the target and drain the drive charge. That means that interdicting escape pods is hard, but interdicting a single ship is easy.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Perhaps JDs could, instead of being an instant teleport, be a moderately high speed transportation method. You get into the jump tunnel, you stop being rendered or rendering other things. You don't load anything. You start moving extremely quickly. You can't change direction. The speed you move at is based on your jumpdrive setup.

    The *only* thing that you can render are interdiction bubbles and stars, which would ideally be rendered at extreme range

    Unlike EVE, we have full choice of movement. We don't warp in reference to other objects, and in EVE, you could always find out where someone was warping to by paying attention to their ship alignment, without having to take distance into account. It might be a bit too much, but we could potentially draw a "rip in space" or something in a line behind the warping ship for everyone else to see and, perhaps, follow.

    If your ship is specialized for jumping, you outrun them. If their ship is specialized for intercepting, they fly past you, drop out of warp, and drop a interdiction field in your path of movement.
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    Mar 31, 2015
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    The problem I have with this whole jump drive jamming system is someone in a 1,000 block ship should be able to jump away from a 100,000 block ship without being warp jammed at all. If players want to fight in open space, fine-- but players should always have the option to avoid a fight if they wish. Warp jamming shouldn't be a "I Win!" button either. There is no good way to implement this in Starmade where ships can be of any size and any configuration. EVE Online has tight restrictions on ships for the number of guns and equipment they can carry.

    Battles fought over stations that control a sector is one thing, and I'm all for that. If you want to go blast a station or base that's not a faction home base, go for it, and let those stations prevent ships from warping away.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    The problem I have with this whole jump drive jamming system is someone in a 1,000 block ship should be able to jump away from a 100,000 block ship without being warp jammed at all. If players want to fight in open space, fine-- but players should always have the option to avoid a fight if they wish. Warp jamming shouldn't be a "I Win!" button either. There is no good way to implement this in Starmade where ships can be of any size and any configuration. EVE Online has tight restrictions on ships for the number of guns and equipment they can carry.

    Battles fought over stations that control a sector is one thing, and I'm all for that. If you want to go blast a station or base that's not a faction home base, go for it, and let those stations prevent ships from warping away.
    Stay away from these threads. It has been time and time again, if you don't want to PVP, THEN STAY AWAY FROM PVP AREAS. Your desire to not lose a ship is insignificant and irrelevant to the possible implementation of a mechanic that can create entirely new mechanics and add to the game as a whole. You seem to only care for yourself and your ships, not the game as a whole. As I've said previously, repeating your pathetic opinion is not going to make others accept it.
    Mar 31, 2015
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    I'll voice my concerns over any game suggestion that could ruin the game play for others.

    Like I've said before, I don't have a problem with PVP, it's fine; but an already existing game mechanic that allows players to escape combat and use escape pods should not be broken because some rather vocal players want to go around blowing up whatever ship they see in space, and then get upset because those ships can jump out with their already-charged jump drives.