Integreity block: the anti-salvage, anti-warhead block

    Mar 31, 2015
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    We have a counter against jump drives (which I'm not too happy about), but no counter against warheads.

    The idea here is to add a block that acts to prevent warheads from breaking or damaging a structure. Also, placing these would prevent salvaging of an entity, like an asteroid, planet, or even a derelict space station with salvage cannons (hand salvaging would still work).

    If someone rams you with warheads, then these blocks would negate the effect, much like shields. They should also work to mitigate collision damage, if collision damage is enabled on the server. The power consumed by an integrity block should be directly proportional to the structure's mass.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Warheads exist to make it so there is a small amount of risk in attacking anyone, no matter how small they are. I would not want this removed.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    nightwalker this game is about being creative. if we had everything we needed handed to us then what use would we need of creativity? what fun would the game be then? a sandbox game is about imagination. use your imagination to come up with a solution to the warhead issue and implement it. I'm not trying to or meaning to sound rude or mean but that's not how the game works. it's based on survival, in survival situations you are not going to have the things you need right on hand. you have to improvise sometimes.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    That's what the boarding mechanic is for.
    Boarding is not in a state, balance-wise, where it poses a relevant threat to a prepared player. Warheads, thankfully, can still pose a threat. I do not see how they are troublesome enough to need a block which simply negates their use.
    Mar 31, 2015
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    Boarding is not in a state, balance-wise, where it poses a relevant threat to a prepared player. Warheads, thankfully, can still pose a threat. I do not see how they are troublesome enough to need a block which simply negates their use.
    There is a better solution I came up with:
    this would negate the ability of cloaked ships from creeping up on a station and ramming it. The problem is, stations have no ability to defend themselves against a cloaked ship when in range. That way the turrets can blast any approaching ship.

    So no new block, but it would allow a station to know of advancing ships, and take appropriate action. It is silly that scanners are one of the few things that can't be activated on a station by logic (sheesh, push/pull modules on a station can be activated, and all they do is burn energy).

    There are still ways for lone payers to attack a station, sure, that's where the fleet mechanics come in, but somebody wouldn't be able to just sneak up and ram a station with a warhead, break off all the turrets, without first the station taking a few shots at the approaching ship.

    So I'm fine with dropping the integrity block, so long as a station can detect and fire on any approaching ship that gets it scanner range.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    There is a better solution I came up with:
    this would negate the ability of cloaked ships from creeping up on a station and ramming it. The problem is, stations have no ability to defend themselves against a cloaked ship when in range. That way the turrets can blast any approaching ship.

    So no new block, but it would allow a station to know of advancing ships, and take appropriate action. It is silly that scanners are one of the few things that can't be activated on a station by logic (sheesh, push/pull modules on a station can be activated, and all they do is burn energy).

    There are still ways for lone payers to attack a station, sure, that's where the fleet mechanics come in, but somebody wouldn't be able to just sneak up and ram a station with a warhead, break off all the turrets, without first the station taking a few shots at the approaching ship.

    So I'm fine with dropping the integrity block, so long as a station can detect and fire on any approaching ship that gets it scanner range.

    Logic scanners would effectively make cloakers and jammers 100% useless in all scenarios.

    Boarders can be killed instantly by pulse weapons, by missile/missile, by internal turrets, or by a well prepared player with two sniper rifles on his hotbar. It takes upwards of 20 minutes without interruption to board a relatively small ship (30-100k mass) with very few doors, and far longer to board a ship that's big enough that you would need a counter other than "another same sized ship".

    Any mechanic that 100% nullifies another mechanic with no extreme upkeep cost is a bad mechanic.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    also I play on Brierie server and I have a scanner on my station and is wired to a clock. this seems to be working for me very well. I have not been griefed by cloakers and I get notified who entered my sector.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    also I play on Brierie server and I have a scanner on my station and is wired to a clock. this seems to be working for me very well. I have not been griefed by cloakers and I get notified who entered my sector.
    You get notified of people entering your system no matter what.

    As for the cloakers not griefing you, it's probably because you're in a homebase, which means it's invincible anyway.

    Scanners do not work with logic.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    it states friendly neutral or enemy when someone enters your system anytime someone enters the system yes, but when they enter my Sector it notifies me as to who it was that entered my SECTOR. and yes my base is a homebase but that does not stop people from trying to use it for target practice. just the other day I had someone testing out warheads trying to get a kill from the explosion radius of the warheads. also in the 6 months I've been playing the game I have been using scanners from day one on my ships and the information has never populated in the scan history screen when you pull up the navigation menu. as soon as I put the scanner on my station with a clock on it that information was populated on the scan history screen. many people have stated that it does not work but I believe what I am seeing with my own eyes.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    That's what the boarding mechanic is for.
    Boarding, currently, is incredibly easy to shut down. In the future, where such anti-boarding mechanisms would result in murdering your own crew as well, there comes another problem- the plan for how boarding would work in the future is through transporters, and transporting to an enemy ship would require first taking down their shields, so boarding would STOP being the other "anyone can hurt anyone no matter their size" mechanic.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    boarding is a funny meme, like warheads and integrity blocks :D
    Sorry what i really mean to say there is that an absolute counter to such things isn't required nor should it be (in the case of boarding, absolute counters exist and are pretty well used at this point), exploits with these features not withstanding as they require the use of more than just "warheads" or "boarding", a better option would be to look at what combinations of features or "features" allow the exploit in the first place, rather than further reducing the viability of already low viability but legitimate strategies. Why break it now when you could fix it later.

    as soon as I put the scanner on my station with a clock on it that information was populated on the scan history screen. many people have stated that it does not work but I believe what I am seeing with my own eyes.
    I can guarantee you these are previous scans that you've mistaken for current, you're far from the first to try this system and wont be the last, it's essentially the first thing anyones going to think of the first time they have their homebase camped by a jamming ship. And it 100% does not work at the present time. (gee i sure would look dumb though..)
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    Nov 26, 2016
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    it may well be that it is previous scans that I am seeing but let me ask this, do you check every little item on your Starmade fix this list everytime a update comes out? I sure the heck do. with the recent update I have found even the little that mining drones did work is now not. mine this sector results in the drones not doing anything at all. even new built ones. As well as previous versions Bp not loading either. Nocx Maccet Asteroids now gives Nocx and Hattel. Just a few examples of things that I have noticed because I check to see if the things that did not work in the past are now viable. if they did not fix the scanners working on stations then why is the information only showing in the scan history only when I put a scanner on a station? I put the scanner on a ship and activate it and it never shows in the scan history. but as you said it may be previous scans.