Include Turrets in Shipyards

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Simple: either through designating a storage as being for turret plans or through allowing selection of blueprints labelled as turrets, add a feature to shipyards allowing the builder (with available resources) to add turrets from a list to any empty turret dock on the loaded design.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    The game checks to see if docked entities fit already, so it should be viable. When you open your list/storage of available turrets (with filters? yes?), the game could just check each turret once against a ship's turret rails and show it either fitting or not. You select a ship, customize the turrets, then spawn it in using the shipyard.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I tend to make modular turrets with the same exact base; whether they are missile cannon or beam weapons. This would make turret refits/replacements a LOT easier.


    Grumpy builder of Kaiju Design Initiative
    Feb 7, 2015
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    There was hearsay of an additional function on top of the "Create Dock" function to be expanded to be "Create New Dock" + "Create Dock From Blueprint".

    This will vastly speed up ship generation both inside a shipyard (Limit of 5 seconds per spawn as per normal BPs to avoid flooding) and maybe a 1 minute cooldown per Dock added this way when not inside a shipyard - or it being blocked altogether if user isnt in admin or creative mode, or requires a filled BP inside your inventory in survival mode that the turret would normally spawn in front of your ship, but instead is told to spawn docked at the indicated point on your vessel.

    However, this could allow "Popup" titans and seriously massive gun-beds being spawned instantly on a rail and in fully functioning state in current game as millions of blocks inside a BP have only 1 mass. The BP itself. A small cloaker suddenly becoming a full warship which is then piloted and immediately undocked off the cloaker that is now expendable is going to be immersion breaking
    Jan 31, 2015
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    I think modding turrets from an interface actually works best as a shipyard-only (plus admin/creative if possible).

    That nips all the mess of blueprint pop-up exploits right in the bud, plus it makes better sense. How could someone possibly install a turret on a ship in flight let alone in combat?

    This sort of thing is pretty much always going to be done at a facility of some kind, or take long enough that visiting a shipyard for modification would constitute a good representation of that in-flight installation time.