I like the idea of virtual damage. But I feel that a of of other things don't work well (the pulsing of the salvage beam).
Here's how I feel it should work:
Here's how I feel it should work:
- No pulsing of the beam itself, just a constant stream that can be switched off any time.
- The damage that has to be done depends on the hp of the block.
- The pulsing will remain, but rather in the way the personal power supply works: every so often the salvage cannon will do virtual damage to the block, but without numbers appearing.
- The pulsing delay will be constant. Every time it "pulses", it will do one figure of virtual damage.
- The delay will be like the reload for the block config.
- The virtual damage dealt increases linearly for the amount of blocks in an array.
- The virtual damage dealt will count as damage for the block config.
- The virtual damage won't actually damage the block itself.
- An overlay texture to indicate how far the block has been salvaged.
- The blocks won't remember the state forever. Instead it will delete that value after a certain period of time to reduce lag.
- It makes salvaging fun and different.
- The slave effects will now work and have purposes. The pulse, for example, will be used a lot to get a compact array for salvaging stations and ships. The cannon will be uses as slave effect for salvaging terrain, and tiny salvage-cannon combos will be used for salvaging system blocks.
- Removes the annoying waiting time for the salvage to switch off.
- More things???