how do we promote, encourage, and increase more public faction.

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Don't really like the idea of a global faction list. It'd just boost big factions bigger while small factions are ignored.

    I do like the idea of a faction hub station in servers, tough.
    larger factions gain more members reguardless of a global action list. i have seen it lol, small faction would benefit expanding and wanting to be big :)


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    keptick I had at one point intended Deathmark City to have faction buildings. Entire structures dedicated to one faction. I imagine a station could do the same. Maybe we can go a step further and have a central hub with piers. Each faction docks one ship (that best represents them) and people can go aboard to get enlisted.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    larger factions gain more members reguardless of a global action list. i have seen it lol, small faction would benefit expanding and wanting to be big :)
    Not exactly. On the faction forums, you don't need to have cold hard stats to get people to join you. If there was a global tally of members, "war victories" (however you mean to count those... Victory is rarely something you can easily define in war), etc, those small factions that just gain members through a well written forum post aren't going to get any more. And what of non-combat factions? How do you quantify the economic success of a corporation in starmade? The success of a builder faction? Factions having a forum thread is fine.

    Now, on the topic of the faction city station- the buildings could be ships shaped like buildings docked on permissioned docks. Factions being able to pay for a larger dock for their building so they can appear more impressive would be so cool. A bunch of smaller factions having little 1 or 2 story recruitment offices, while a handful of large factions have huge skyscrapers in the center, shuttles buzzing around landing pads? That'd be a sight to see.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Not exactly. On the faction forums, you don't need to have cold hard stats to get people to join you. If there was a global tally of members, "war victories" (however you mean to count those... Victory is rarely something you can easily define in war), etc, those small factions that just gain members through a well written forum post aren't going to get any more. And what of non-combat factions? How do you quantify the economic success of a corporation in starmade? The success of a builder faction? Factions having a forum thread is fine.

    Now, on the topic of the faction city station- the buildings could be ships shaped like buildings docked on permissioned docks. Factions being able to pay for a larger dock for their building so they can appear more impressive would be so cool. A bunch of smaller factions having little 1 or 2 story recruitment offices, while a handful of large factions have huge skyscrapers in the center, shuttles buzzing around landing pads? That'd be a sight to see.
    No clue man, how do you tell success for each faction, as they are defined differently and each person and faction. A rating system could be devised, but then it opens up the idea that one faction is better then each other. Which I do not want to do. War victories, if it can be arranged or skewed people will find a way to increase their rating with the smallest amount of work. If we go by facts and information so it cant be manipulated or controlled, it would be hard for any faction to be rated higher than each other. But if a player wishes and wants to find a server, or faction that fits what they want. They will have a lot to choose from with out having a system where factions are placed above another. Now word of mouth and history written on forum posts, and websites will give a player what they need to read more into a faction about their victories and catalog of cool ships.

    what server may host and allow for such events to take place?
    Dec 30, 2013
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    Hi there. As a point of interest. I think that what Star Citizen does would be a good example of promoting factions(Not forcing them on anyone though, for all you Lone Wolves :) ).

    They have a dedicated faction list that only displays information such as: No. of members, Commitment type (casual, normal, hardcore) and faction type (Traders, Private Military Corp, Pirates/Syndicate etc.). But it does not mean playing solo is not viable and it doesn't focus only on big factions. Being part of a small and intimate group is just as good as being in no group or a large Corporation.

    Just a possible suggestion to go forward.

    Deleted member 301635

    Personally, I wonder what would happen if all the forum factions were on the same server, but with the only people on that server being members of forum factions.
    Dec 30, 2013
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    No clue man, how do you tell success for each faction, as they are defined differently and each person and faction. A rating system could be devised, but then it opens up the idea that one faction is better then each other. Which I do not want to do. War victories, if it can be arranged or skewed people will find a way to increase their rating with the smallest amount of work. If we go by facts and information so it cant be manipulated or controlled, it would be hard for any faction to be rated higher than each other. But if a player wishes and wants to find a server, or faction that fits what they want. They will have a lot to choose from with out having a system where factions are placed above another. Now word of mouth and history written on forum posts, and websites will give a player what they need to read more into a faction about their victories and catalog of cool ships.

    what server may host and allow for such events to take place?
    Perhaps simply have an activity rating. I.e how active each individual member is and MAYBE the factions accumulated wealth. I know that knowing how active a faction is, is not only useful for the owners (so they can cut off the inactive members) but it is useful for those who want to be part of a socially active Faction OR those who want to be part of a Lone Wolf syndicate (each unto their own etc.)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I agree with Lecic,
    The List isn't that good, and also would become very long for some servers.

    The station on the other hand is an amazing idea.
    Performance wise I cant see it happening. Specially on servers like EE. This station would become so massive that even our good PCs would lag the hell out. Also, who defines what a combat ship is and what not?
    Jun 15, 2014
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    need something to fight over
    e.g. planets that has resources that replenishes.
    systems full of larimar will definitely make people fight over it.
    A rare item or block that increase a ship's performance
    A worm hole that can teleport you to any sector within a certain distance
    a faction leader board to see what faction is the best. It could be judged on various things.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    One good way to attract more members to ones faction is to be a good faction leader, not in being good at war and always winning but being a good leader as in being nice to your members:
    A faction is doomed to fail if there is no good leader in it.

    let's see on some examples:

    A good faction leader knows what to do with his/her members, he/she can get her members to be active and makes sure the members represent the faction in a good manner. A good leader knows how to keep the members happy and knows how to deal with the bad faction leaders.
    It is in general a good idea for the leader to try and keep the faction as alive as possible, make the faction do drills, participate in friendly wars, and so on. Heck even have small competitions with prizes and such.

    And now for the bad leader.
    The bad faction leader is always war hungry and wants to kill everything, he/she strives to dominate a server and kills, yell at, flame at, and in general attack those who oppose the faction leader.
    A bad faction leader sees his/her members as soldiers under his/her command and orders them around like the faction leader owns the members.
    A bad faction leader is a leader that does not know how to represent him/herself and the faction in a good way.

    Now I know there are a lot of grey areas but this was just some general stuff about how I kinda see a good and a bad faction leader (at least when I try to think at midnight when I should be sleeping).
    Dec 29, 2013
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    Very well written as well, maybe there should be interfaction drills and events. Perhaps like what was suggested before? Build a metropolis for each faction to dock a recruitment office? This would show off the creativity of both the small and large factions. Maybe we could do something like an all factions UN of sorts for all of us to meet in on that metropolis.
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    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I actually had plans to construct some gigantic biodome city, Creeper__God and I started constructing something similar when I took my leave. My plams for a hub are at least a solid 2km in all directions, at the moment.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    With a dockable building there's no turrets allowed. This make it easy for folks to walk in, join up and not worry about getting jumped by hostiles. If sector protection is enabled it makes the job even easier. Just signup, fly out to your assigned base and avoid anything hostile along the way.

    The idea that all factions could function in hub like areas makes taking over the surrounding sectors a lot more appealing as well. Restricting other factions (save for their ambassadors) from even entering the areas but also limiting their access to gates and so on. A single ambassadorial ship goes from hub A to hub B and if caught buying/selling, mining or attacking that ship is open game. And even if they are not caught.. what good is a single disguised ship going to do in a sector they don't control? Better to either expand elsewhere or take the areas back. Be it by force or diplomacy.

    Hubs can become very important. And everyone needs to be able to recruit at one safely. Regardless of perceived 'alignment'.
    Nov 15, 2013
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    I actually had plans to construct some gigantic biodome city, Creeper__God and I started constructing something similar when I took my leave. My plams for a hub are at least a solid 2km in all directions, at the moment.
    So i think we all agree. What we need is a colossal city, where each faction will have say an area/embassy with for example larger factions having a bit more ground? or something of the like. There would be large meeting rooms and large trading rooms etc. Sounds great.
    1. Who's going to build it?
    2. Can I help? (i enjoy building bases and i could help with general decorations to make it look like a city e/g parks, alleys, roads, pools)


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    I think the territories a faction controls are enough 'big stuff' to prove how influential a faction is. I think every faction should get an equal size plot, something in the neighborhood of 25x25x50. The 5 floors would be symbolic of the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st and Founder clearance levels. Not much else. As to location within the city, first come first serve. Special rules requiring specific locations for how the offices are arranged could be handled by the server admins. Someone might move their offices to a 'better' location by diplomacy or earn it by beating w/e faction occupies that slot. Again, this is all managed by the server.

    As to who builds it (plus when and where) I've rebuilt Deathmark city twice. Once from a procedural city and again from scratch. So I can provide some idea of what it might look like. But I'm not in too big a hurry to re-re-rebuild. Here's what I had laid out (along with some old features) before I scrapped it:
    -Main office (Admin controlled, had build block inside)
    -main office garden (trees, 'fountain' looking thing, respawn point, a freebie box)
    -outdoor player shops (like on of those arts n crafts shows with little areas for each shop, intended for a shop NPC to be placed)
    -large store (NPC trader controlled, ten story thing that just really housed the shop block)
    -factory (several areas for different factories, all 'permissioned' to allow newbies some speedy processing)
    -power plant (just a big ugly thing filled with reactors)
    -bar (just for fun, built underground)
    -space elevator and docking platform
    -unfinished space port
    -unfinished 'natural' park
    -planned: small homes (temp for newbies, long term 'rented' for loners)
    -planned: museum/art gallery
    -planned: skid-vehicles with free access
    -rented storage (for those lone wolf types)
    -other decorative features with a few hidden surprises
    -unfinished tourist info booth
    The original city could be used as a tank arena as well. Pholo, a few others and I had tested its playability and it was ok. People would steal the tanks and cars but it didn't matter. That'd be harder to do now and the new rail system could offer a fun mass transit solution any how.
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    Nov 15, 2013
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    and what about the city as a whole? is there already a set design for that? how big will it be? i mean with 25x25x50 area per faction there will not be space for infrastructure such as parks, ice rings, football pitches, amphitheaters etc etc....


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    There's nothing set. Just run with w/e works for you. I'm just tossing out there what I've already tried. Or tried to try. X3