Now all we need is multiple hotbars for all our logic...
And weapon computer firing outputting a logic signal. Seriously, how am I supposed to have an accurate weapon with bonus logic abilities (fake recoil with rails, reload timer lights, etc) without it?
And a GUI-element which shows our keyboard and which actions are assigned to which keys (by colour/symbol + letter?).
QE,WASD => Orange when movement is available.
YXCVBFR,1..0 => Green when single-click actions are available.
TGZHUJIKOLP => Blue if context-enhancers are available (change context for the next key => colour/action change of all keys).
^ => Red to indicate you need a double-tab to escape your ship.
ÜÖÄß => Grey to indicate dis-functionality.
Keyboard maybe shown as a little preview somewhere in your hud. Colours either filled, just borders the char, glowing - dependent on hud skin.