Let damage pulse primary ignore shields -- swords can be a viable tactic, especially with small cloaking ships. Damage pulse/beam should be 3km, shield-piercing beam with a duty cycle of 1/10; damage pulse/missile should be a dumbfire, shield-piercing missile, and damage/pulse cannon should be a medium-range, moderate damage cannon with a long duty cycle. Pulse bare and pulse/pulse should retain the current effect, but ignore shields.
Pulse/cannon should rightly be feared by modern titans as they can potentially one-shot delicate internal systems even in the presence of massive amounts of shields; this will spur the addition of armor to the current build meta and decrease the reliance on shields; however, weapons that do damage shields should keep a range and damage advantage that keep them relevant, while shield-piercing effects should be relegated to near-range and close-quarters combat.
This will also enable a combat role for bombers and fighters as they can now be a threat to any ship if they get close enough.
Damage beam / Missile and Cannon / Missile should have lock-on effects (cannon should lead the target but not maneuver in flight) at a cost of 25% reduction in damage.