Oreo planets should be implemented because they are the best shape that Starmade can handle. If you jump \"off\" the planet, gravity should flip once you pass the center, meaning you can travel from one side to the other easily. The other models all have several problems.
Anything with more sides than a cube is out straightaway due to overlapping blocks alongside the problems of a cube, and a cube would have extremely strange gravity at the corners, and building or mining near a corner would be incredibly wonky.
The \"floating island\" is probably the best alternative to oreos in this thread, though having one-way gravity on a shape that looks like it should have at least two directions seems strange. While you can fall \"off\" the oreo planets, you will still end up back on the planet, but having a bottom to the planet means you can fall through the planet, and falling out of a planet and potentially continuing to fall for a decent amount of time next to the planet seems very wonky.
The infinite planets just don\'t make any sense when you need to be able to leave the planet, so exiting the planet by flying up should have you flying out of a completely empty section of space if you travel far enough, while the terrain you were just on magically disappears.
While the \"loop around a flat planet\" sounds like it would work at first, people are all coming at this from a Minecraft perspective, and this isn\'t Minecraft. Starmade is all about building ships and flying them around through space, fighting in the ships, docking the ships in stations. Looping around a planet kind of breaks when you\'re in a ship that dips into a planet\'s atmosphere to avoid having to fly around it. You end up in a loop, and even if there is a boundary preventing you from looping unless you are close enough to the surface, a ship that is high enough would be able to see players seemingly teleport from one side to the other. Also, with the current size of planets, any shots fired could travel AROUND the planet, hitting the ship that fired them. Even if these are fixed, the Starmade engine currently cannot support simply \"loading the chunks from the other side ahead of you,\" because the whole planet is loaded when a single player gets close enough to the surface. Simply displaying it and teleporting you to the other side would be difficult, and would be immediately broken if more than one player was on the planet at once. The only way to feasibly accomplish this would require the game to load another \"world\" that is separate from everything else, and do this individually for every player on every planet, and there is simply no way a server can handle that.