Engine Porn


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Not sure what to say, it's stored in Google Photos, and the long link is shortened by Goo.gl. what sort of error are you getting?

    EDIT: Switched the image over to Imgur and updated the link. Let me know if it is working now?
    aye it's working now. Nice enginges


    Oct 14, 2013
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    I'll leave this here for you folks :p *NOTE - They fold*

    They could be used for literally anything you'd like...errrr, i dunno launch drones via wireless logic? Fire swarm missiles via wireless logic?!?! Docked reactors? So many choices!
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    You guys have some crazy skills.

    Here's my setup. I have a really bad habit of weaponizing my engines.

    This rig has point defense 'wings' and beam guided ionic missiles. I used to use rear facing heat-seeking 'pursuit deterrence' missiles but got tired of hitting nearby shops and friendlies. I really hope they fix that.

    This one is a little older so it only has the missiles.
    Feb 26, 2014
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    Still a whole lot to build and adjust on this one, but i think it is decend enough for a start.

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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    You guys have some crazy skills.

    Here's my setup. I have a really bad habit of weaponizing my engines.

    This rig has point defense 'wings' and beam guided ionic missiles. I used to use rear facing heat-seeking 'pursuit deterrence' missiles but got tired of hitting nearby shops and friendlies. I really hope they fix that.

    This one is a little older so it only has the missiles.
    Those are some REALLY nice engines, might "borrow" your design. :P

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Those are some REALLY nice engines, might "borrow" your design. :p

    A lot of my designs are influenced by the F/A-37 Strega fighter from Philosoma (an old PS1/PSX title) as well as other Japanese arcade style shooters. I've never heard of anyone else weaponizing engine nacelles in quite the same way I do; I'm weird like that. I'm also X/Y symmetry obsessed, so I tend to make a LOT of quad Nacelle designs. I think it lends itself to a more realistic approach to Newtonian space flight. What do you think?

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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    A lot of my designs are influenced by the F/A-37 Strega fighter from Philosoma (an old PS1/PSX title) as well as other Japanese arcade style shooters. I've never heard of anyone else weaponizing engine nacelles in quite the same way I do; I'm weird like that. I'm also X/Y symmetry obsessed, so I tend to make a LOT of quad Nacelle designs. I think it lends itself to a more realistic approach to Newtonian space flight. What do you think?

    It wasn't so much the quad engines + the weaponizing that I liked. That's not something I'm too much a fan of since it doesn't flow as well as say a engine built into the hull. Something I've been trying to do is using Rumcajz's engine design in have it flow with the hull better. I've been coming up with some nice ideas, but haven't been able to actually build them yet. :P
    Oct 26, 2013
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    Little bit of Engine Porn for you. This is a 730m speedbuild that I've been doing on stream. So far, I'm about 21 hours in. Unfortunately, you cant see the detail behind the ice/lighting, but I just liked how this looked :P

    Hope you enjoy!

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    It's intentional to balance the usage of missiles that lock on instantly and are in large numbers.
    I'm all for proper balancing but the current tracking on swarm missiles is just plain silly. To ignore a target right in front of you and hang a U-turn and hit a shop/space station behind you is ridiculous.

    I'm starting to think it would be better if they didn't track at all and just fired the spread. Is there any practical way to use heat seekers that I'm just not seeing?
    Oct 26, 2013
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    I'm all for proper balancing but the current tracking on swarm missiles is just plain silly. To ignore a target right in front of you and hang a U-turn and hit a shop/space station behind you is ridiculous.

    I'm starting to think it would be better if they didn't track at all and just fired the spread. Is there any practical way to use heat seekers that I'm just not seeing?
    I personally use them to tie up enemy AMS turrets. Fire off a few swarmers, and all the sudden your sniper missiles are a lot more likely to get through. Beyond that, I tend to use them only for taking out turrets or forcing people to move around to dodge said missiles. Ion effect can also be effective on them as well to help knock out some shielding on smaller targets.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I personally use them to tie up enemy AMS turrets. Fire off a few swarmers, and all the sudden your sniper missiles are a lot more likely to get through. Beyond that, I tend to use them only for taking out turrets or forcing people to move around to dodge said missiles. Ion effect can also be effective on them as well to help knock out some shielding on smaller targets.
    I used to like that idea but the potential to hit friendlies/neutrals made me stop. I find that having a rear facing group of single block guided launchers slaved to a damage beam system in a 1:1 ratio works better for me. The missiles fire backward then arc around in a wide pattern toward the target. My quad-nacelles make the patten wide enough to counter many AMS turrets. For smaller targets, I like to use turrets with missiles or multi-barrel auto cannons. They tear fighters to shreds. I'll post one of my newer gunship designs later today; it has 4 of those turrets ...and nice engines. ;)

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    A refit of an older design. Kind of like a god-modded Isanth on steroids. Small and simple but it can punch well above it's weight.

    Gold Falcon.jpg
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    Jan 29, 2015
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    Man, this has to be the best thread on this forum. There are so many awesome ships here that I feel are not posted anywhere else, and thus get not the attention that they deserve. Why do so few people post their ships in the shipyard? :(

    Anyway, Here's something I whipped up for my new project:

    I think it just needs to be a bit brighter and have a little more depth. And maybe have the center part rotate.

    Huh. I couldve sworn that I turned the HUD off for that screen.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Have you guys tried the light rods instead of lights or crystals???

    Normally you can see the crystals and lights through ice, even if just barely.

    Light rods don't even show through the ice... and you don't need a whole wall of them!

    That's just one line of black rod lights. If I remove a bunch from the top and bottom...

    Holy crap why didn't anyone tell me this before?!?!?! :eek::eek::eek::mad:

    EDIT: Whoa....

    Red, blue and black colour rods in one open space. The delineations are caused by the blocks on the ice in the middle.
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