Regarding rimless lights:
Either additional blocks or some sort of auto tiling/rim generation when (not) adjacent to other, (same?) colored blocks. Big, glowing surfaces, mmhh
Regarding more different light/crystal colors:
Either different blocks, or very complicated and ressource-munching via 8bit RGB-slider bars PER BLOCK (plexlights/beacons only) (omg -1)
Regarding wedged lights/chrystals:
Uhm, i must say, I don\'t actually know the max block types limit but it would be ultimatively cool to be able to make a dark ship with glowing diagonals and fancy decoration instead of just cubes and heavily rasterized \"stuff\". To flash/impress/show off epeen to other players with pure shiny glowy alieny appearance. Omnivalid, Omniapplicable :D