I mean:
A about 12 colors may be in a lookup table. 0000 = RGB1, 0001 = RGB2
The other 4 (1100, 1101, 1110, 1111) are added dependent on a ship\'s first/second/third/forth RGB-sliders.
You would only need 1 definition in your block config for all of these. Just the color changes.
In the block config you would define ID=233, #FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF, ...4;
4 bits somewhere in this number (it has a lot of leading zeroes) are used.
A about 12 colors may be in a lookup table. 0000 = RGB1, 0001 = RGB2
The other 4 (1100, 1101, 1110, 1111) are added dependent on a ship\'s first/second/third/forth RGB-sliders.
You would only need 1 definition in your block config for all of these. Just the color changes.
In the block config you would define ID=233, #FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF, ...4;
4 bits somewhere in this number (it has a lot of leading zeroes) are used.