Self powered turrets still work. They just cant use chambersI see a lot of potential in the new system. Getting rid of power capacity is awesome. I think weapons that draw power to reload are the way to go. If I were new to Starmade, I would definitely chose this new system over the old one.
Some thoughts on the new system.
We will be able to customize this system for AI controlled ships. This seems obvious and intentional. AI will still be shit at flying but at least maybe they will be able to use weapons. AI can now be updated. There are So many new drone possibilities with the new system.
RIP chaindrives. But we will be able to install a fast flight reactor system to be toggled on/off as needed. At least that is how I interpreted things.
I am worried about a weapons update. We need that as soon as possible, or enough info to continue building. The weapons system does not seem that broken.
RIP self powered turrets. This alone should make it harder to make big ships. Self powered turrets allowed a builder to take advantage of the power bonus for smaller ships, while building a Titan. I doubt that reactor size to stabilizer distance relationship will be entirely linear.
All in all I am looking forward to the new system.
Indeed, I misinterpreted the the devs. They said reactors would be turned off for docked entities.Self powered turrets still work. They just cant use chambers
This update does not balance ANYTHING, only make the power system brainless. Apparently you can not see it yet. [Is not all Maximizing number.]
I'm seeing a whole lot of PVP talk and nothing about the update. It would be nice if you would stay on topic.Believe or not PVP building usually works on other scenarios while NOT PVP only works in certain scenarios. [And most probably on a bad way and that is not interior stuff problem.]
So you're you're a mind reader now? Then you must be reading someone else's mind since that's not what I had in mind.Small = Less 50 metters for me, at this forums some users have saying i build microships, Unless you build bigger than that i suposse you are wrong.
Again: A swarm of small ships is totally devastating with the old power mechanics if those are used on a correct way. [My crystal ball is shining with the idea that you want to abuse the combo weapon mis-pul-ove when the new power mechanics arrived.]
You're confused? Let's recap then.I'm really confused with that question since you have given me positive rates in my contributions on why this game should not become a "death match" and now you are asking to me about how impacts anything besides pvp.
PVP is only one of the many faces of this game, if i said you were an RP was not because i am a PVP, i said that stuff because there are 2 type of starmade players:
Those who try to mold the mechanics of the game to a shape and those that mold the shape to the mechanics of the game.
And aparently you are the first one type.
Starmade should have elements on both. I view chambers and new power as a change towards players making decisions on how they interact with world/other players versus just how they interact with building.Yes, it's easy to make power now, but how you use it still matters just as much, if not more.
Of course, we want to balance for this as well. There are chambers planned for stations, but we are open to suggestions as well. Warpgates are one area that we want add depth to.Will this new power system be suitable for factories, shipyards, defense turrets and anything else that may be present on the stations?
Would have been but they failed at achieving this. even though they were told like half a year back that this system would result in efficient builds are ONLY possible when focusing on one axis... Which is a limitation. This means pvp ships will be either long tall or wide. rethinking that, - most likely just long or tall. also the chandelier design is back as an option...So... a system that makes the game simpler for newbies, casuals, veterans, PVPers, PVEers and RPers to do whatever they want with their designs without binding them to a build meta specific to their play style; thereby allowing them to cross into other play styles without completely redesigning their ships is not balancing?
You can not call that balanced while the power outpout is based on the ship shape.
- New power update is brainless and not balanced. Is based on ship shape, and that will probably cause small ships to be much less useful in front of large ships
But, but NO !!!!I am saying new power system is unbalanced and Brainless. [IS BASSED ON SHIP SHAPE]
The complexity has shifted from a convoluted, hard to understand, and overly complicated way to generate power, to a system that generating power is easy and its how you manage that power between chambers (which have set limits, that doesn't make 'larger is better') and what the demands are during different operations is the complexity that you have to master. The shape of a ship means very little in this, and the learning curve has shifted to steep, to a curve to one that is easy to pick up but has depth to master, which in my opinion is much better.Would have been but they failed at achieving this. even though they were told like half a year back that this system would result in efficient builds are ONLY possible when focusing on one axis... Which is a limitation. This means pvp ships will be either long tall or wide. rethinking that, - most likely just long or tall. also the chandelier design is back as an option...
I really lack the words of expressing my disappointment. Most of all you really had us waiting all the time, - for this?
I recall ideas like reactors need at least one surface being connected to a conduit which leads up to a heatexchanger unit... which would have given potential for awesome depths of reactor design ... but this proposal is - feels like "we want more 9 year olds to play the game".
Schine, you botched it.
i just wanted to add: Yes the old system was not very newbie friendy and it required change absolutely agree, it just feels like you wasted the opportunity to come up with something really outstanding and instead just did what was critizied and ravaged half a year back but you still commited to it. how should we any longer believe in "we are listening to our playerbase".
Thank you. You worded that way better than i could have.The complexity has shifted from a convoluted, hard to understand, and overly complicated way to generate power, to a system that generating power is easy and its how you manage that power between chambers (which have set limits, that doesn't make 'larger is better') and what the demands are during different operations is the complexity that you have to master. The shape of a ship means very little in this, and the learning curve has shifted to steep to a curve, to one that is easy to pick up but has depth to master, which in my opinion is much better.
Quoting myself from another thread:i believe you only grumble about the new power system because its new and you were comfortable with the old one.
Er... Toss a few of these at your favorite ship, then come back and tell me if the old system couldn't make effective Tie Fighters. In fact the new system actually reduces the effectiveness of such a ship relatively speaking. The linked Tie Fighter has power rod lengths that exploit all three dimensions and it has four such rods. The new system will permit only one dimension and very likely will result in a significantly lower power output.About the ship shape: The old system denied us making efficient Tie-Fighters - the new one actually cries out to make some. :D
lol, remember how having teleporters were going to kill all ship design as player will make massive doom cubes with tiny controls buried deep under layers of adv armor with no corridors?Are there not disadvantages to building larger, other than diminishing output returns? I feel the 'heat' radius the stabilizers need to be clear of expands exponentially or similar. In that case, a smaller ship can use a larger percent of it's room for shields, weapons, etc. At as some scale, it was shown you don't even need stabilizers.
So why are people who obviously didn't understand the basic math in the stream complaining about something they don't wholly understand?![]()