Dear server owners.

    Aug 2, 2013
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    The reason for disabling the blueprints is pretty straight forward. Say you the player spend 4 days on a server, harvesting resources and creating a ship... then a new player joins the server, imports a ship created using admin commands to obtain the best of everything to constuct it, alters the print so that it cost nothing to buy, then suddenly flys by and destroys the ship you just spent days creating...

    The idea is that it puts everyone on equal footing so you are less likely to encounter uber cheat ships after you spent the time to create something of you own with your own two digital hands from resources you had to procure with said digital hands.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    You\'ve only made yourself look foolish, once again. You\'re trying to jusify something that breaks the economy by listing other things that break the economy. No matter what else might hurt the economy, that doesn\'t change the fact that the blueprints break it (and we are talking about blueprints here, nothing else). So, your arguement is foolish.

    Your 3) is just as foolish. You say an Admin can ban the person who crashes/greifs the server (Duh), but that doesn\'t change the fact that it can still be done. Ban as many people as you want, someone else will come along and do it again. By having the blueprints enabled, the Admin is allowing this to happen.

    If your going to \"try\" to contradict someone, you might want to THINK first and not just type the first biased crap that pops in your head.

    If everything you say it true, and its so easy to stop (according to you), then why do most all servers have blueprints disabled?

    Don\'t talk if you\'re unable to comprehend such a simple concept.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    The problem here is only the current BP system. Something like this ( would boost economy alot, and end all BP related problems.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    I run a hardcore server so this is mainily why I don\'t have blueprints in the server. Talking to alot of the player base most of them hate blueprints. They like the challange of if they get blown up there is consequences for dying.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    By now, we all know the reasons why admins ban blueprints on servers. The only way this discussion can be be made helpful to the devs would be to suggest ways to fix the blueprints so that admins don\'t have to disable them. I think that Danzarlo\'s idea is great:

    I agree a shipyard were you had to place a recipe what had to be full of all the block types and once you put the items in the recipe for the ship you cant get it out unless you finish it and get the ship made

    I think an idea like this was mentioned by someone else on another thread, but they also said that there would be a shipyard block that would construct the blueprint before your larger ships would take longer to build then smaller ships.

    The problem with this thread is that we are all whining about how bad blueprints are to the economy, but we are not helping the devs fix them. So stop adding more reasons to the 100 page list--put your thinking hat on and think about fixing that 100 page list.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you think about it...Blueprints are sorta like buying a good car. You have the money they ship it out to you. I fully agree there should be a time to wait for the blueprint to build or \"ship-out\" the new ship (car) you want. Now another thought about the economy issue is this.

    Say you get yourself a ferrari in real life. But then you don\'t want it so you try to sell it. Would you try to get your money back or try to get alittle more then wait you paid for? If you said try to get more money back thats basically what people are doing with the \"exploiting\" of blueprints.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you think about it...Blueprints are sorta like buying a good car. You have the money they ship it out to you. I fully agree there should be a time to wait for the blueprint to build or \"ship-out\" the new ship (car) you want. Now another thought about the economy issue is this.

    Say you get yourself a ferrari in real life. But then you don\'t want it so you try to sell it. Would you try to get your money back or try to get alittle more then wait you paid for? If you said try to get more money back thats basically what people are doing with the \"exploiting\" of blueprints.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    For the people who can\'t build its a way to get something that could stand up to the compitent builders on the server.

    Why should people who stink at building combat vessels be allowed to have ships that rival \'compitent builders\' on the server who worked several times more for their ship actually building it than someone who went through a ship search and paid the trivial amount of money for the vessel?

    If you are a good builder you could build the ship on singleplayer then import it to the server. Instead of building it on the server and risk an attack from pirates or an enemy faction.

    So you want to give hand over fist advantages to people who take the 0 building risk route compared to people who are willing to build under fire of enemy players and pirates?

    But you are taking away a whole part of the game! Why do that if blueprints are supposed to be used? Makes no sense in my veiw of the game.

    Simple. They don\'t like how it is used and so like most admins, they remove it for the betterment of their server. If someone doesn\'t like it, there are always other servers who see otherwise or the person can set up a server themselves for others who think as they do. The game is Schema\'s, the servers are not. Does it upset you when the config files are changed and other things are changed, edited or mods added?
    Jul 28, 2013
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    You guys know this is a game, right? Games always have rules, and without them, it wouldn\'t be a game. This game has configurable rules to accolade many players. If a server wants people to earn their awesome build by actually building out, that\'s their business.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    to enable or disable blueprints on server.

    disabled blueprints make the game extremely hard. you have to think before you start a fight.
    Doesn\'t matter if it\'s pirates or actually another player.

    This way the game might be far more rewarding. it\'s hard to build/design a pleasing and strong ship.
    But keep in mind. this game is beta. it\'s not intended to have max credits after 2 pirates.

    I play on a server where loot is extremely nerfed you get 2 items per pirate/chest if you are lucky.
    and there is a 1 blueprint-limit per player. I think it\'s quite interesting to play this way.

    if blueprints aren\'t enabled tough it becomes incredibly annoying to repeat patterns (like turrets)
    it\'s just not realistic that someone would invent the wheel over and over again. I\'m okay with mass-produced turrets.
    At the moment there are no \"repair-docks\" in the game, every block that gets destroyed or damaged has to be replaced block per block. That\'s a hard and annoying job.

    I like blueprints, i\'m not the hardcore-kinda guy.

    (i have come to the conclusion that it might be smart to just disable uploaded blueprints)

    so everyone would have to design his ship but would still be able to repair it without problems.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I disabled blueprints because they don\'t work. They do not save properly from the server or on the server. They do not load properly either from an upload or from a save into the catalogue. Some of them work some of them don\'t, no rhyme or reason as to why a ship will save correctly and another doesn\'t.

    I also disabled blueprints cause if your such a prima dona you can\'t build your own ship on the server then you can play on another server where you don\'t have to spend time playing with others to have your great ship that you built in single player with admin commands.

    I also disabled them because it breaks manufacturing. There is no reason to use the currently unworkable factory system to make stuff instead of just putting a block ship together on single player and importing it.

    The money part of the economy is totally broken as well so that is not a reason.

    PS: There are over 200 servers on, i think over half of them allow blueprints. you have plenty of server choices to play on. Of the top 25 servers, 10 allow blueprints, 8 do not and the other seven don\'t have it listed. At this time there are 110 players on servers that allow blueprints, 2 of them are not online.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Self entitled players everywhere...

    Do you donated to the server you play on to keep it running? No? Interesting...
    Jul 28, 2013
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    I feel exactly the same way about uploaded blueprints. The challenge I want comes from designing the ship in the universe you use it in, then if it gets destroyed, you can bring it back with your blueprints.

    It just sucks that the current iteration of the system allows anyone to use any ship that has a download link, including ships made in single player with pirates turned off and spawning all of the blocks. I would much prefer a system that takes blueprints made in build mode, then manufactors them in a shipyard of appropriate size the player has to build himself, making titans only buildable in pieces that have to be put together manually, or players have to work together to build the infrastructure necessary to facilitate such large projects.

    Yes, I am hardcore like that. Some aren\'t, but nothing is keeping them from playing on a \"creative mode\" server.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    The community I\'ve belonged to for years started up a Starmade server so I decided to try Starmade out, I quickly found out about the factory system and that truly intrigued me, so I spent hours flying to every shop I could find to get the 5000 grey hulls needed to buy the blueprint, put it in my factory and I was very satisfied with this huge accomplishement until....I explained my accomplishement to another community member and he laughed at me.

    He asked me why I would waste that much time with a recipe when I could basically spawn in whatever I wanted. I was instructed to buy all the hull blocks from one shop (about 70) attach them to a ship in a cube and save the blueprint, then just buy the blueprint, turn on all the symatry modes and right click once...yes place the entire ship in my inventory. Repeat this process around 14ish times then make a new cubeship with all the grey hull I\'ve acquired up to this point (about 1000), repeat that 5 times and done.

    I had acquired another 5000 grey hulls in about 10 minutes, something that took me about 4-5 hours previously. At this point in time I was angry and confused at the same time, I was angry that the blueprint system was so horribly exploitable, and confused as to why the factory system was even made.

    So every reply to this thread stating \"But you\'re removing such an intragal part of the game.\" is right, you\'re removing the factory system and the recipe system by allowing the blueprint system, you might as well give your server population the /give command.

    Also, to any reply stating \"But you still have to buy the blueprints\" give me a break, you raid one pirate fortress and you have millions of credits. \"Well then you should just change the values of blocks so that things don\'t sell for as much.\" Or...instead of doing all the work of manually changing all the sell prices, server owners just remove blueprints and spend the rest of your afternoon watching TV.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    I still think a Shipwright block should be added, that builds ships just like Factories make blocks. Use Shipwright Enhancers to increase \"dock bay\" size, and when you dock a cube, the Shipwright places/repairs blocks based on the Blueprint it has and blocks it has in it\'s inventory.

    This will also allow large carriers to build internal manufacturing facilites, to replace lost fighters during battle (assuming that gets changed last longer).
    Jul 31, 2013
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    1. Very large ships cause massive server lag when spawned. It is a huge drain on most servers\' resources, as the game engine is not yet optimised to deal with the sudden calculation of thousands of blocks entering the world.

    >>>Though groups of large ships (built or spawned) also cause lag, it is usually client-based. I.e., get off your laptop and onto your desktop when doing faction battles.

    2. People are using them to exploit the economy. Setting weaponless blueprints to be used by the Pirates, spawning in hard-to-find blocks etc.

    >>>Though I\'m usually against altering games purely because of the fuckery of a few players, it is currently necessary to ensure a remotely level playing-field on non-creative servers.

    3. As StarMade has persistent servers, and the shops appear to almost never restock, it is necessary for serious builders to set up a factory to generate many of their blocks. To those who say this is impossible, it really isn\'t. Beetlejuice\'s video on manufacturing is pretty up-to-date and shows that it is quite possible to generate all the blocks you could ever need (particularly if you are creative with the recipes). Spawning in some beast from SP with 1500 blocks of hardened hull, 12,000AMCs etc rather invalidates the other players\' efforts.

    >>>Hardcore server, hardcore rules. Not much more to say there.


    Ignoring the danger of calling out an individual, SageOfWhatever writes like a 14-year old (and certainly has the entitled whinging of one).

    \"I think thats not that big of a deal. If you have to fly around the universe to try and gather lets say 2000 salvage cannons for a salvage cannon ship then its going to take a long time and be very tedious.\"

    Why exactly should a capital ship be easy to make? Currently the construction of a ship is the only game element within StarMade - factions just camp their homebases, and griefing random passers-by is pretty pointless. The only satisfaction available is from construction. Blueprints take this away.


    Jul 1, 2013
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    Stop trolling and saying shit on every topics
    Blueprints have spam protection that I guess ypu can edit to make it even more secure
    Blueprint exploit is fixed
    You make no sense
    Aug 3, 2013
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    I\'ve responded to you two times (this will be the 3rd), thats hardly \"every topics\", nice math though. And you\'ve attempted to insult me both times

    Heres an idea, you don\'t want me responding to you, stop attempting to insult me and others. You\'ve been very insulting in almost every post I\'ve ever seen from you.

    To my knowlage, spam protection only works when buying the same ship. You only need to change a few blocks and make new blueprints to get around it. Your argument is dumb.

    The blueprint credits bug was fixed. There\'s still at least one more way (that I know of) to exploit the blueprints for credits. Also, I made that post before it was fixed. Your argument is once again very dumb.

    My grammer may be bad at times, but what I\'m saying makes perfect sence. Maybe you should learn the english language better before you go blaming your lack of understanding on others.

    You sir, are extremely dumb and clueless. You\'re only posting this here because I called you out for your stupidity in the thread you deleted (the 2nd time I\'ve ever responded to you), so you come here to call me a troll. Please stop attempting to insult me. You\'re just going to fail everytime and make yourself look dumber then you already look.

    As I said in a earlyer post here, none of this really matters. The game will be updated/fixed so this will all be irrelevant.

    Take your own advice......

    now please don\'t talk when you don\'t know what you are talking about
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Many if you have played this game for, what, a week or more. I am the same. I build ships. I am a peaceful player who likes to see my creations fail than succeed. Why? Data. I learn from failure and that is how I roll. My very first ship, I called it the rift rider. 10 engines, 4 guns and 4 salvage cannons, power and some hulls. I thought I could take on the universe. I was so dreadfully wrong. A single pirate ripped it in half easily. So I tried again, bigger was better at the time so I built a standard fighter/corvette the Rift. Two gun pods and no shields, I tried again. I failed. I tried agin with a new ship. One with internal weapons and powerful sd-bb rockets. I was overjoyed to see the pirates crumble beneath my derpy little fighter. I wanted to see what the community was building. So I looked at the projects section. My mind was blown. Any of my of my three ship designs would be vaporized instantly. That was about 5 or 6 updates ago, before shields op-ness was reduced for bigger ships. So I tried advanced tactics. I joined servers, I attempted blitz fighter warfare. My ships were destroyed from lack of decent weapons. But, a user showed me the secrets to a better warship. Oddly enough, this mystical guru was called \"whiskey,\" and I shit you not that was either an alias or a bad username choice. But, he showed me a ship I could only describe as a mega battleship, instantly vanquished any and every ship that came under its mighty guns. That inspired me to build a bigger, and better ship.

    well, now that you went through the wall of text, here is my point. It doesn\'t matter how you play, who you play with, or why you play, there is always someone Better than you. Saying that server builders are worse off than ship spawners is false. I have built every single ship I have ever used except one. A battleship that I used as a drone. I have won numerous fights, and lost just as many. Bigger is better. And a builder can adapt. A spawner ends up being stuck with the same ship until it is obselete. A builder like me can adapt, realize a situation and respond accordingly. I use the catalog as a way to spawn targets or spawn in extra turrets since remaking them time after time again is ridiculously tedious. But, limiting spawning can cause people to change their ways or adapt to create an economy. On the server I frequent, they allow blueprints. The only time server has ever recieved a severe lag spike was because of a mistake I made whilst tying to defend my base. Too many turrets cause shit tons of lag. That\'s why I will only use the occasional turret for fighter repellent.

    But, I have gone off on a major tangent. The blueprint system should stay until they are reay to leave open alpha. Then they can replace it with a better system. Until then I would recommend some more customization for server owners. Eg. Limit ship stats or prevent rapid spawning (I know this doesn\'t help with turrets but evolve you whiny little twits), allow for ships above x price to not be uploaded. Limit to blueprints made on server. Etc. etc.

    tl;dr I has feels and build skillz

    Until the battles subside, Bombshock Industries; humbly at your service
    Jun 30, 2013
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    pretty sure a filter could be implemented so that admins could determine the hieght/width/lenth max for blueprints. That way allowing 90% of the players to use Blueprints without everyone spawning monsters.

    If you look at the data file every Blueprint contains an X Y Z property.

    I\'m sure it is on the Roadmap. While I understand as I have seen exploits of Blueprint system, how can you play \"hardcore\" when there are even more exploits with the economy. Within a month of playing I came across two ways to legitimately earn max money within minutes of joining a server. It\'s only Alpha, give the Devs a chance ;)