Dear server owners.

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Recently I've seen almost every single server advertised say that blueprints are disabled. Why? Blueprints are a big part of the game for others. For the people who can't build its a way to get something that could stand up to the compitent builders on the server. If you are a good builder you could build the ship on singleplayer then import it to the server. Instead of building it on the server and risk an attack from pirates or an enemy faction. If you are worried about it being to easy to get a good ship from looting pirates and getting max cash well then just nerf the amount of stuff pirates drop. If you think the blueprints are "expoitable for credits", its not possible. The shop sells the blueprints for what they are worth. If you salvage the entire thing and sell the blocks you won't get any added credits from what you just spent on the ship. Now I know alot of you will disagree with me on allowing blueprints. But you are taking away a whole part of the game! Why do that if blueprints are supposed to be used? Makes no sense in my veiw of the game. Feel free to share your opinion on this.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I agree, why disable a feature of the game. It\'s like server owners saying certain guns are banned in games like bf3. The blueprint system allows for factions to replace ships lost in battle or build up a fleet of the same class ship.
    Jun 20, 2012
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    why would u play on a blueprint disabled server then if u dont like it


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I believe he is a server owner and he is explaining why he allows blueprints
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I\'m not a server owner. I\'m just annoyed as to how many servers don\'t allow blueprints. Blueprints have a tab for a reason. Not just to sit there and be useless. There is an entire section of this website dedicated to downloading ship blueprints to use them. I know its someone elses server and not the devs but it is almost insulting to devs that the server owners remove an entire chunk out of the game.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Some people just don\'t want others to have fun. That is the simple answer.

    For the complex and nonsense answer, i\'ve heard that some players use blueprints of giant ships to try and crash servers. Rather than simply banning the griefers and moving on, there\'s been a bit of admins that choose to make everyone else\'s play experience frustrating by disabling blueprints for everyone. I would rather play on a server where I face the risk of a server crash due to a griefer rather than being on a server where using blueprints is banned.

    On the other hand, there are legitimate hardcore servers designed to have blueprints disabled for the purpose of providing a more challenging play experience.

    It really is sad and obnoxious though. I hate it when I see servers with tons of rules. It drives me up a wall when a server has so many rules you\'re afraid of getting banned just by playing the game. I\'ve seen threads for servers over the last several weeks that have some really ridiculous rules, but the craziest one is definitely banning players for making legit ships just because the admin\'s don\'t think they\'re pretty enough.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    On the other hand, there are legitimate hardcore servers designed to have blueprints disabled for the purpose of providing a more challenging play experience.


    I\'ll enable blueprints... once they become part of the game... Instead of some kind of excuse for creative mode.

    Ships should take time and effort to build, depending on their size. If blueprints would work along that discipline, there would be no reason for any server owners to disable them.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If that is the case. Then why is there even a ships download on the website if not to be used in only singleplayer worlds. Now Planr has a point about the hardcore servers that want the game to be more challenging. But a majority of the regular servers that aren\'t hardcore still have them disabled. Sometimes for the point being that Planr said \" players use blueprints of giant ships to try and crash servers.\" Whether the reason be that someone did do it and you disabled them or you are trying to avoid that from happening. There are other things you can do to keep that from happening but still have blueprints enabled.

    With the point you brought up Archer \"Ships should take time and effort to build, depending on their size. If blueprints would work along that discipline, there would be no reason for any server owners to disable them.\" There are many ways to replace the time of effort BUILDING to time and effort getting the credits. If you nerf the pirate loot to an extent to where 9 out of 10 pirate bases don\'t drop anything but a single logbook then i\'m sure the effort of going through close to 100 bases to get enough credits to get a 10 mil ship is pretty good enough effort in my opinion.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The two main reasons (and they are legit) are:

    1) People will spawn in huge ships that crash servers when they collide with anything, especially planets.

    2) Each shop has a set price for how much things cost / sell for (since its the exact same amount), so there are \"cheap\" and \"expensive\" shops (and some in between), so you can definately make money by spawning in ships and selling the parts

    Now, #2 I think is a bad reason because not only is it boring, but it is so easy to make money in the game I don\'t see why someone would bother.

    Other servers disable them to make people want to build ships on the server, or to have a more challenging experience.

    Unfortunately there is not a separate save on server vs upload to server setting, so its all or nothing. If there was a separate setting for allowing people to save their ships on the server, but not be able to upload game breaking ones I\'m sure a lot more servers would allow them.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    Dude, you still have to pay for the ship that you get from the blueprint. If you disable the /give and /giveid commands then you would have to get cash for the ship legit.

    In case u haven\'t noticed I like blueprints.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I get why people disable blueprints, even though it makes me sad. I hate seeing the ships that I spend so much time building being blown up with no way of getting them back. That\'s why I build offline and just upload!

    Also, there is a glitch at play where my save to local doesn\'t work right on a server, so I can\'t save anything I build there. I guess if that was fixed it\'d be ok.

    I just hate losing progress. That\'s why I like the blueprint system.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I agree with Archer. Currently, blueprints totally contradict the idea of stock--as they are now, you can have infinite resources as long as you have a small amount of the item you want and a ton of money. Lets say that you need more salvage cannons, but the store you are next to is out of stock of them. All you have to do is take the salvage cannons you have left and a ship core. Make a ship and then dump all your salvage cannons on it. Save it as a blueprint, and then buy it. Boom. You just doubled the amount of salvage cannons you had.

    The devs should make blueprints harder to work with--instead of instantly getting a ship after you pay some money, players should have to buy the blueprint at a store, and then, like a recipe, it will get stored in the players inventory. In order to get the ship, players should have to travel from shop to shop collecting the items that the ship is made out of. When all the items are collected and the blueprint is complete, the players can then redeem the blueprint and the specified ship will spawn.

    Please point out any flaws with this idea.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The problem is that there are no good ways to nerf the economy besides changing block prices and reducing pirate loot.

    We can\'t specify separate buy/sell prices, we can\'t specify separate input/output allowed toggles for recipes, we can\'t adjust how strongly prices fluctate, we can\'t specifiy WHAT blocks are included with pirate loot, so you may as well find a 500 stack of faction blocks... and reducing the cost of faction blocks is not a viable option either, because they are supposed to be valuable.

    Sometimes, certain blocks are scarce, and with blueprints this whole idea of scarcity gets ruined, because you can transform credits into any material, and any material into credits... Aka block ships.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The reason why I like this idea, is because it preserves the \"scarcity\" of blocks... Meaning some blocks will be wanted, and harder to find than others.

    I think what would be much better, would be a setting, instead of a complete replacement.

    Something like: use blocks in inventory for blueprints = true/false

    In server.cfg
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you are trying to make a decent sized ship. There is a very likely chance that it has more block types in the ship then what you can have in your inventory. So that idea isn\'t the best. Now about the thing you said about the salvage cannons. I think thats not that big of a deal. If you have to fly around the universe to try and gather lets say 2000 salvage cannons for a salvage cannon ship then its going to take a long time and be very tedious. As to if you do what you just said, its sort of like ordering supplies. Thats why ships like that are nicknamed \"Supply ships\"
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Maybe increase the stock that each shop has? Also, this is where manufacturing and factories come in--minerals aren\'t just for selling (but the number of items needed to get a recipe is way too high, seeing as the recipes are random and most of them are not very good). Also, a way to use block in the inventory for blueprints like Archer said would be good, too.

    I\'m all for building ships in SP and then porting them to MP--but blueprints don\'t currently fit with the theme of Starmade. They are just a little too op.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you were to use the block system in order to make the ship then you would have to go out and seek out every single type of block the ship has. Which could be to many for each inventory slot.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    What they are talking about is that you need to have the amount of blocks in you inventory in order to spawn the ship in via a blueprint. The problem with that is that you wouldn\'t have enough slots in your INVENTORY to be able to hold the amount of blocks needed to fabricate the ship; And you can\'t put the blocks in storage because you would need them in your inventory in order to make the ship.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I meant that you could put the items into the blueprint, so like in your inventory the blueprint would have a progress bar that showed how many materials it needed of each type to be complete when you moused over it. I was thinking something like this:


    | Progress: 70% |

    | 1337/ 2000 Black Hull |

    | 0/500 Shields |
