Confessions - 2

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    Point is it certainly doesn't help their image and the log does confirm that a Lag Generator was built on SS somewhere near the battle that Thryn and Trinova intended to crash.
    Gatecrash thad, you are being a little too vague.

    Indigo Slimez

    Almighty Glorious Overlord
    Feb 13, 2016
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    Can we just stop with these childish confession threads and not clog up the factions forum with crap everyone already knows?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I can say 100% for sure that neither Vaygr nor Mortarian uses exploits now. Yes we do experiment with them on build servers but we never field any into our ships nor use them to start up on servers. LvD admins kept a watchful eye on us when we went to their server due to our notorious reputation and even watched us slowly mine the rocks to spawn our station and shis, guess what, they found no exploits whatsoever. So get your head out your arse and start digging for evidence, I challenge you to find any, until then this argument is completely irrelevant.
    Does Vaygr use cheats? Who knows. We know they break rules, though.

    - Blueprint Upload Cap is 300k mass
    Remind me how much a Tormentor weighs?

    Can we just stop with these childish confession threads and not clog up the factions forum with crap everyone already knows?
    At what point did you turn from a naive but friendly young faction leader to a pissy complainer who clogs up every single faction thread with stuff like "everyone stop bitching" and "stop talking to eachother" as if you were the world's least effective moderator?
    Jun 30, 2013
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    At what point did you turn from a naive but friendly young faction leader to a pissy complainer who clogs up every single faction thread with stuff like "everyone stop bitching" and "stop talking to eachother" as if you were the world's least effective moderator?
    Maybe you should consider that the guy is right and that everyone should stop bitching over stupid shit


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Yeah, so stop complaining that one of your own called you out on your shit. :)
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Yeah, so stop complaining that one of your own called you out on your shit. :)
    Ya the only thing that can get FD out of his forum hole is someone talking about odium to distract everyone and hopes they forget what they done. FD if you only knew the truth and understand both sides. Im glad to see you back tho.
    [doublepost=1469217060,1469215994][/doublepost]I really don't see the point of posting the confessions when all of what was said was already known or was claimed. I think it was needed to be written down and displayed to give the claim some standing and creditability. The false narrative is that Odium cheats and uses exploits. The truth is all factions do. Hell I used exploits, my favorite is the overdrive and punch through exploit that was the best one I used. I seen a lot of talk about seeing the claims be investigated. I like to be blunt and ask straight up what the community and individuals would like to see happen as a end result. Is it a ban for everyone, a slap on the wrist, are you going to stop anyone from logging into servers to play. Many of the claims are old and have already been resolved and fixed.

    In all honesty I am a bit tired of people bad mouthing a faction or group that already has a bad rep. Making up false claims and stories to scare others is another thing im tired of too.

    Now the claim that the Vaygr breaks the game, and uses exploits on servers that gives them the unfair advantage. If so I can show you many prototypes and ships of other factions that used exploits. Many were to test theories and test them in a real world environment. Its funny how so many people talk about others, when they spend no time to get to know them.

    Reilly Reese

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    Its funny how so many people talk about others, when they spend no time to get to know them.
    Well everyone assumes everyone's a spy when they try. There's such an absurd gap between each side.

    The two sides might as well be the armies fighting over how to crack an egg in Gulliver's Travels to be completely and bluntly honest.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Well everyone assumes everyone's a spy when they try. There's such an absurd gap between each side.

    The two sides might as well be the armies fighting over how to crack an egg in Gulliver's Travels to be completely and bluntly honest.
    Ya I agree. Ya the whole spy thing has gotten out of hand, and the absurd gap between each side is so wide and deep you can fit a whole SM universe in it... ya that big. If only the armies can fight each other and well one side and win by killing the other. That's what happen when you play a online game, if you kill or beat a faction, they can always come back to life again. I am all about a one server for the game setup. You have your private servers, and then you have your public server. One great setback with the system we have now is everyone is separate. We have it were if one side hits the other hard they just move to another server, given many servers cant handle large battles. I do wonder how much the servers effect faction politics??


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    given many servers cant handle large battles.
    Most servers can handle sane battles just fine. The problems occur when people (OOB and Vaygr are the main culprits) bring a fuckload of AI, which inevitably results in massive clusters of colliding fleet craft that don't really do anything.

    As for this "gap" thing? Please. The majority of factions have moved on. The only factions that are still contributing to it are Vaygr and a touch of NFD, because Vaygr doesn't seem to realize that they ruin everyone else's fun when they go to fight. Or maybe they do, and that's their intention. Their idea of fun shows a disturbing lack of empathy towards the people they're playing a game with. While everyone else has fun in a fair battle, Vaygr seems to only have fun if they're curbstomping through excessive overmassing and outnumbering through AI. They aren't fun to play with and there's a reason everyone tries to avoid it.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Most servers can handle sane battles just fine. The problems occur when people (OOB and Vaygr are the main culprits) bring a fuckload of AI, which inevitably results in massive clusters of colliding fleet craft that don't really do anything.

    As for this "gap" thing? Please. The majority of factions have moved on. The only factions that are still contributing to it are Vaygr and a touch of NFD, because Vaygr doesn't seem to realize that they ruin everyone else's fun when they go to fight. Or maybe they do, and that's their intention. Their idea of fun shows a disturbing lack of empathy towards the people they're playing a game with. While everyone else has fun in a fair battle, Vaygr seems to only have fun if they're curbstomping through excessive overmassing and outnumbering through AI. They aren't fun to play with and there's a reason everyone tries to avoid it.
    Then maybe put limits on how many AI a member or faction can control. It is apart of the game and well, on a large scale the game should handle it, if not it would enable limits to ensure that it does. Don't get mad that OOB bring a bigger army lol.

    Vaygr want to win, is winning bad? ya they go overboard and over engineer everything so they do win. Given no one likes to lose and you have to get on their level in order to fight them. Ya I have seen a lot of people just ignore then, which works pretty well. The lack of empathy towards others they play the game with really just how some gamers are. In War thunder when facing a enemy do you care how your enemy feels and try to make it even for him??
    Ya I don't really use AI myself for battles, if anything I have a additional ship for support, but not a lot because off well lag.
    The gap is there and its a lot of voices in the public forums, not just a touch of NFD. if you really want to hurt the Vaygr stop talking about them. Its seriously that easy, but be sure to talk about ML tho as we are awesome.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Then maybe put limits on how many AI a member or faction can control. It is apart of the game and well, on a large scale the game should handle it, if not it would enable limits to ensure that it does. Don't get mad that OOB bring a bigger army lol.

    Vaygr want to win, is winning bad? ya they go overboard and over engineer everything so they do win. Given no one likes to lose and you have to get on their level in order to fight them. Ya I have seen a lot of people just ignore then, which works pretty well. The lack of empathy towards others they play the game with really just how some gamers are. In War thunder when facing a enemy do you care how your enemy feels and try to make it even for him??
    Ya I don't really use AI myself for battles, if anything I have a additional ship for support, but not a lot because off well lag.
    The gap is there and its a lot of voices in the public forums, not just a touch of NFD. if you really want to hurt the Vaygr stop talking about them. Its seriously that easy, but be sure to talk about ML tho as we are awesome.
    Wanting to win is bad when you're doing everything possible to win if it eliminates the fun of playing the games.
    You know like how they homebase-camped Trident some time ago. (They being both Vaygr and ML)
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Don't get mad that OOB bring a bigger army lol.
    Fleets are not armies. They are improvised lag bombs.

    Vaygr want to win, is winning bad?
    Everyone wants to win. However, when your style of achieving it is cancerous to both the server and the game community as a whole, maybe it's time to take a step back and stop being a massive cock?

    The lack of empathy towards others they play the game with really just how some gamers are.
    "Just how some gamers are" is destroying this community. Stop defending this cancerous, degenerate behavior.

    In War thunder when facing a enemy do you care how your enemy feels and try to make it even for him??
    Because lag and mass warfare are tactics that exist in War Thunder, and the game has a community with maybe a few hundred people tops, right? Your analogy is shit.
    Given no one likes to lose and you have to get on their level in order to fight them.
    This logic is what has caused Titanmade and has killed dozens of servers, factions, and general enjoyment of the game. It's a simple as taking a step back, playing on a server with the vanilla mining bonus, and agreeing with the people you're fighting with about what ships and tactics are reasonable. It leads to everyone having a more enjoyable time. FCM did it. OOB did it. NFD and Trident did it. Hell, even Aethi did it for a bit before they disappeared. I know Vaygr's done it with OAS before. Can they please do it again? You don't need to instigate arms races towards who can build the biggest titan. If Vaygr is more interested in winning than the stability of the game and the community, then they should go somewhere where the community and servers are capable of handling such a destructive group.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    No one here is perfect, and aside from Aethi and maybe the Bears we're all pretty fucking cancerous.

    But the Odium Pact and its member factions are by far the worst offenders, and the most destructive element of the community.
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