CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

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    Jul 24, 2013
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    my station is 490x200x130 ,400k blocks,i estimate around 900k when done,that is ok for a station,if you can load 1/4 of the planet,you can load this


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    As many others I am also trying to build something for this station contest.
    Though I have decided to try and make an abandoned station.

    This is how it looks so far.
    What you are seeing is only the core building, Im working on the rest.
    I decided to focus on making this station out of bits and bops so that it is possible to easy make every station unique.
    I hope it work out as I have planed in my head :P

    I will post updated on my shipyard thread: "The good, the bad, and the horrible"
    Jul 24, 2013
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    As many others I am also trying to build something for this station contest.
    Though I have decided to try and make an abandoned station.

    This is how it looks so far.
    What you are seeing is only the core building, Im working on the rest.
    I decided to focus on making this station out of bits and bops so that it is possible to easy make every station unique.
    I hope it work out as I have planed in my head :p

    I will post updated on my shipyard thread: "The good, the bad, and the horrible"
    look interesting :) ,cant wait to see more


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    As many others I am also trying to build something for this station contest.
    Though I have decided to try and make an abandoned station... "The good, the bad, and the horrible"
    if the giant spike-o-death is just the core, i'm curious what you're going to dock to it. got a bunch of bombed-out ships saved to your local for just such an occasion?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    my station is 490x200x130 ,400k blocks,i estimate around 900k when done,that is ok for a station,if you can load 1/4 of the planet,you can load this
    This would probably be fine for most people, but if 3 stations spawn in adjacent sectors, that could have a considerable impact. I like big stuff as much as anybody, but I think vanilla settings should set up for low end computers.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    if the giant spike-o-death is just the core, i'm curious what you're going to dock to it. got a bunch of bombed-out ships saved to your local for just such an occasion?
    Im going to build other modules and then copy/paste them into place.
    If enough people and the judges like this then it would be (if the devs can do it) possible to have the station be generated in different set-ups.
    For example the core and a mining module.
    or the core and a shop module
    And so on

    or thats at least the idea behind the station


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    This would probably be fine for most people...I think vanilla settings should set up for low end computers.
    Good thing we can all submit more than one right? I'm personally planning a small (less than 200m * 150m * 20m) a medium (roughly 200^3) and if i have the time an envelope-pusher.

    Quantity has a quality all it's own, right?

    Im going to build other modules and then copy/paste them into place...possible to have the station be (procedurally)generated in different set-ups.
    I am liking this idea. and since the old pirate stations could generate in different ways with different hulls...I'm thinking you might be on to something here.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    This would probably be fine for most people, but if 3 stations spawn in adjacent sectors, that could have a considerable impact. I like big stuff as much as anybody, but I think vanilla settings should set up for low end computers.
    15 stations will be in default folder when this contest is over,and with random spawns,2 sectors apart,i dont think we will see that scene,i have 5 years old pc,runs this station with 60+ fps ,i just redone some parts of the station,when done it will be 600k blocks ,not 900k :) so that is a +,everyone should run this fine,even on low end pc,but hey,there is "segments drawn" setting in settings :P
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    Jul 12, 2013
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    nearly done,1-2 days until i finish this bad boy :D ,its all about interior from now on,there will be no "empty space" left,that empty space will look like engineering or complex systems room,here are some pics from today

    Its looking great, may i suggest you get the new default texture pack from the dev builds and take a look at then, they look so nice, i think every builder should take a look on then
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    Jun 28, 2013
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    nearly done,1-2 days until i finish this bad boy :D ,its all about interior from now on,there will be no "empty space" left,that empty space will look like engineering or complex systems room,here are some pics from today

    Yes yes yes.
    If this does not get chosen as new trading guild station then I do not know what will. The amount of awesomeness here rivals even that of your infinity.

    On another note, I drew up something for the neutral station during my spare time. It looked quite awesome at the time but it turned out to be one of those things that only look good on paper and not in game. Or is that because I suck at building >_>
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    Jul 12, 2013
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    Yes yes yes.
    If this does not get chosen as new trading guild station then I do not know what will. The amount of awesomeness here rivals even that of your infinity.

    On another note, I drew up something for the neutral station during my spare time. It looked quite awesome at the time but it turned out to be one of those things that only look good on paper and not in game. Or is that because I suck at building >_>
    It looks good, if you can build to 50% of the drawing it will be very good looking

    Neutral abandoned station did it in one hour.
    I see you took some inspiration from the older station that we have in game, maybe if you add a bit more color to it


    Dec 31, 2013
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    What I like in Shops:

    1 area from which you can look into space and a bit of nature.
    You should have rooms to eat, buy and rest (some space ships/servers may not have many luxury canines in ships) - don't forget a toilet and shower!

    Some public doors should have: area (invisible just so many that you can't evade them accidentally) or step-on triggers on both sides -> activation block -> doors.
    That makes them automatically opening or closing.

    It should also have nice interior in above mentioned public rooms at least.


    How you can (in my oppinion) improve above fuel depot:
    • Use a different coloured block in the middle of your floor in hallways - a bit darker or brighter if not something more different.
    • Use wedges on your ceiling left and right. Dark edges are unappealing (except they are explicitly intended such as in a date-club and swinger-bar, etc)
      • Humans are used to shadows on the ground, but not on things above. On earth, ambient light somewhat negates these shadows - you do want to feel being at home if you visit a trading station (and remember it as a light in the darkness)
    • on important computers, you can replace wedges above with blocks and draw wedges 1 block deeper into the ceiling area.
    • Add some automated doors (open close automatically like described above). If you do not want them, add something looking like open-doors (something that can close on atmosphere loss)
    These things would break repeated patterns and make interior more interesting. (BTW: When did you visited a cyborg / sex-robot swinger club last time?) Tell admins to just lock this room or delete content to make it a depot room if you don't want such things on your own server.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    Talking about dining areas make me want to make the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. That would be a cool station to meet in space!

    Here's something I'm making for the trade guild:

    Still got a good bit of work to do on it before it's finished.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    ok,before i start building more complicated details,let me show you guys the basic shell of the future trade guild central station,tell me what you think guys
    That looks very similar to this concept art for a space station racetrack in this little game, it's called Quantum Rush.

    EDIT: I am not sure if it would be copyright infringement to put this in starmade. We shall see. (I do love how you did your station though. I wanted to build something similar to the concept art above, for my own personal use, but you beat me to it :()
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    Jul 24, 2013
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    That looks very similar to this concept art for a space station racetrack in this little game, it's called Quantum Rush.
    that is indeed where i got my inspiration from :D ,i showed that picture to Raiben the other day,and he loved it,i wanted to see that station in starmade,there are some minor changes here and there but yeah,this station is beautiful
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Received permission to use it from the account holder on PMC.
    That doesn't mean you should be allowed to use it here. It's direct copy of someone else's work. It's not an original creation by you, and by copying someone else's work, you are hurting the chances of people who make their own stations, and put in a lot of hard work and creativity to be original.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I will leave it up to the Schine developers after it is submitted. All appropriate credit was and will be given where due.
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