Better Bridges

    Should Devs add this or something similar to this into the game?

    • No way, I prefer 99% weapon bridges

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    Jul 19, 2013
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    Right now most of my bridges just consist of weapon computers and nothing else.
    There will should be more to it, so here are my suggestions:

    1) Weapons should not fire where it's weapon computer is facing - This really messes up some of my bridges.
    Weapons should fire where they, the blocks, are facing. This will make it more realistic.

    1*EDITED*) Weapons should not fire where weapons computers are facing, because this messes up bridges, But instead, weapons should fire in what direction weapon rotation blocks are placed, and not the computer. This will make bridges look better, and won't be as OP as if the weapon blocks were allowed to shoot in what ever direction the weapon blocks are placed.

    2) View screen, I'd like view screens to be added, these could show different camera/cockpit screens. In addition, view screens would be even better if we sent out a probe from the mother ship with a camera attached to it for the view screen to display what the probe is seeing.

    3) Control panels. I'm sure many of you have seen Star Trek TNG, and seen that Geordi can transfer engineering to bridge. This would be a cool feature to have for control panels to transfer command to different control panels. But people can lock control panels from accessing different things and stop users transferring all stations to a single control panel. (I am 100% sure I didn't explain that very well :/)

    4) Stations. Helm, Weapons, Sensors, Shields, etc. These 'stations' are transferable to all control panels on the ship. The stations control different parts of the ship (e.g. Helm - controls movement)

    (4.1) Helm station. This station has access to the movement to the ship, it can do something as basic as moving
    10 metres in one direction to following a ship/jumping to a sector. All commands should be inputted via
    the control panel. So if I wanted the ship to move 400m forwards, I would type in 'Forward 400m Speed
    20' - This is just an example and you obviously won't be able to go over the server speed limit.

    (4.2) Shield Station. This station has access to the ships shields and Recharge. Displays ships shields and
    shields recharge rate on the control panel and the current percentage of the shields. You can lower
    shields and raise them (obviously lowering them gives you more power because the current way
    gives you more power recharge since you then have additional power for not have to power recharge

    (4.3) Systems Station. This station has the ability to switch off different systems to give the ship more power
    than you would have with the systems on. The control panel displays online systems in one tab and
    offline in another.

    (4.4) Sensors (Better word than scanners in my opinion). These should be the future scanners. They a
    placed just like the current scanners (computer and then hooking up scanner blocks to them,)
    but these can scan for ships in a radius (this radius can be buffed or debuffed depending on the
    system you are in (ally of enemy). You can determine the scanning radius from X metres up to X
    sectors (You can't scan past the default radius for the sector you are in (neutral, own, allied, enemy.)
    You may also scan for planets, asteroids (basically any object in space really..). But sensors can
    can also track certain ships by their *insert cool trail name here* trail (e.g. ion trail - don't call
    it that) or even scan for previous weapons fire and such.

    (4.5) I can't think of anymore stations at the moment :(

    5) Red alert system (Yes I know you can already make one, but I am sure the devs can make an easier one
    where all current selected lights can be selected by a red alert computer, and when this computer is manually switched on or automatically (When fired upon) the red alert system is triggered which makes all selected lights on the ship red and flash on and off.

    6) Proper chairs, my bum gets sore sitting on wedges... Have normal chairs, and chairs with control panels on the arms like Picard's from TNG.

    *EDITED*7) Docking station, this manages all docks through a control panel. Options to undock a ship. Give stats on each ship.
    Last edited:


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    1) Weapons should not fire where it's weapon computer is facing - This really messes up some of my bridges.
    Weapons should fire where they, the blocks, are facing. This will make it more realistic.
    I like everything I see here except this one. Shooting in different directions is a really useful feature.

    (4.1) Helm station. This station has access to the movement to the ship, it can do something as basic as moving
    10 metres in one direction to following a ship/jumping to a sector. All commands should be inputted via
    the control panel. So if I wanted the ship to move 400m forwards, I would type in 'Forward 400m Speed
    20' - This is just an example and you obviously won't be able to go over the server speed limit.
    This sounds like an interesting direction to take, but is too complicated and difficult to fly with. I do think there should be a flight computer with autopilot features though, like flying to a waypoint, maintaining speed, or circling a target. For helm controls, this:


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    1) Weapons should not fire where it's weapon computer is facing - This really messes up some of my bridges.
    Weapons should fire where they, the blocks, are facing. This will make it more realistic.
    I usually just put unlinked decorative computers in my bridges, with the real computers in the central command center (aka core room)


    Aug 30, 2013
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    I feel like all of these things could be achieved with programmable blocks. But good suggestions nonetheless.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    i think weapons should not fire in the direction the weapons computer is facing, but the facing of the weapon outputs.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    i think weapons should not fire in the direction the weapons computer is facing, but the facing of the weapon outputs.
    That is exactly what I was trying to say
    I like everything I see here except this one. Shooting in different directions is a really useful feature.

    This sounds like an interesting direction to take, but is too complicated and difficult to fly with. I do think there should be a flight computer with autopilot features though, like flying to a waypoint, maintaining speed, or circling a target. For helm controls, this:
    It shouldn't be that complicated, read what Aceface said, I was trying to say weapons should shoot in the direction they are facing, not the direction their weapons computer if facing
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Weapons firing from the direction of their outputs is overpowered. The way they work now allows for freedom in how you want your weapon system to function, while limiting you to one target at a time.

    If you want one weapon system to fire in multiple directions, use logic. That removes the OP-ness of it.

    EDIT: hehe, op-ness


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    i think weapons should not fire in the direction the weapons computer is facing, but the facing of the weapon outputs.
    Works for me. That makes more sense anyway.

    Weapons firing from the direction of their outputs is overpowered. The way they work now allows for freedom in how you want your weapon system to function, while limiting you to one target at a time.

    If you want one weapon system to fire in multiple directions, use logic. That removes the OP-ness of it.

    EDIT: hehe, op-ness


    Jul 19, 2013
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    Weapons firing from the direction of their outputs is overpowered. The way they work now allows for freedom in how you want your weapon system to function, while limiting you to one target at a time.

    If you want one weapon system to fire in multiple directions, use logic. That removes the OP-ness of it.

    EDIT: hehe, op-ness
    So technically it is already in the game, so you can do it anyway. Explain to me how this would be OP please?
    Mar 10, 2015
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    So technically it is already in the game, so you can do it anyway. Explain to me how this would be OP please?
    Normally I would tell you to imagine this, but I don't have to because you can actually do this in space engineers.

    With logic, you're limited to two shots per second.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    Normally I would tell you to imagine this, but I don't have to because you can actually do this in space engineers.

    With logic, you're limited to two shots per second.

    Okay, so we can't do that. I still don't like the fact that weapon computers determine the way the weapon fires, there needs to be an alternative. Maybe a weapon rotation block for each weapon system which determines the way the weapon fires like the weapon computer does now
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Looks like Randomo pretty much explained it away.

    With logic, it is not OP because you cannot aim logic-fired weapons. If a HUGE ship can just fire in any direction, with the only downside being space used, there's no reason to build anything except for enormous ships which don't even need thrusters.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    Edited (1) to include weapon rotation blocks and not weapons shooting in what ever direction they are placed


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    A good workaround might be to enable linking between a decoration computer block and a weapon computer. Then you can enter the decoration block to control the weapon, the weapon mechanics are still based on established standards, and you can face the decoration block any which way you choose.
    Sep 21, 2014
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    Right now most of my bridges just consist of weapon computers and nothing else.
    There will should be more to it, so here are my suggestions:

    1) Weapons should not fire where it's weapon computer is facing - This really messes up some of my bridges.
    Weapons should fire where they, the blocks, are facing. This will make it more realistic.

    1*EDITED*) Weapons should not fire where weapons computers are facing, because this messes up bridges, But instead, weapons should fire in what direction weapon rotation blocks are placed, and not the computer. This will make bridges look better, and won't be as OP as if the weapon blocks were allowed to shoot in what ever direction the weapon blocks are placed.
    Randomo, I really like this.

    Here's why. I am currently designing a DSOP (Deep Space Orbital Platform). The Platform is designed to be stationary with zero thrust. It comes installed with a Bobby AI Module. Its design includes two rapid-fire anti-matter cannons, two quad missile tubes facing vertically. The anti-matter cannons fire at the front where the Orbital Platforms face enemy ships within range. The missile tubes do fire at where the Orbital Platforms are aiming at.

    That's precisely why I agree with you. The missiles *should* not fire straight at the enemy. Instead, the missiles should be fired straight out of the tubes vertically. In doing so, the missiles should be seen shooting up, curving, and then going straight for the target. I really would like Stardock to fix this. This is an incredible mention of a feature that needs to be placed in. The weapons should never fire out of blocks where the weapon computers face. They fire where the blocks are at, as far as we're concerned.

    I anticipate, that while Stardock may fix this, we may see more "broadsides". As Paladin would say in Wing Commander, "Now, Mister Gerald! Let loose the broadside!"


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Randomo, I really like this.

    Here's why. I am currently designing a DSOP (Deep Space Orbital Platform). The Platform is designed to be stationary with zero thrust. It comes installed with a Bobby AI Module. Its design includes two rapid-fire anti-matter cannons, two quad missile tubes facing vertically. The anti-matter cannons fire at the front where the Orbital Platforms face enemy ships within range. The missile tubes do fire at where the Orbital Platforms are aiming at.

    That's precisely why I agree with you. The missiles *should* not fire straight at the enemy. Instead, the missiles should be fired straight out of the tubes vertically. In doing so, the missiles should be seen shooting up, curving, and then going straight for the target. I really would like Stardock to fix this. This is an incredible mention of a feature that needs to be placed in. The weapons should never fire out of blocks where the weapon computers face. They fire where the blocks are at, as far as we're concerned.

    I anticipate, that while Stardock may fix this, we may see more "broadsides". As Paladin would say in Wing Commander, "Now, Mister Gerald! Let loose the broadside!"
    You can already do vertical launch missiles, though. The only reason you'd need something like this would be to fire weapons in multiple directions at once, which is a waste of energy for cannons/beams, and can easily be done just with multiple computers for missiles.
    Sep 21, 2014
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    You can already do vertical launch missiles, though. The only reason you'd need something like this would be to fire weapons in multiple directions at once, which is a waste of energy for cannons/beams, and can easily be done just with multiple computers for missiles.
    How does one do vertical launch missiles? For starters, I have missile tubes that are lined vertically. I tried the missile computer facing the front. The missiles are fired frontally. But when I placed the missile computer facing upwards, it fires the missiles straight out of the tubes. This is pretty odd. If I'm going to have the missile computers facing front and see those missiles firing vertically out of the tubes, I don't see how it was working earlier.

    Plus, the aiming alignment is all wrong. Front has the reticule. Once I've gotten into the missile computer, it does not have an aiming reticule.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    Randomo, I really like this.

    Here's why. I am currently designing a DSOP (Deep Space Orbital Platform). The Platform is designed to be stationary with zero thrust. It comes installed with a Bobby AI Module. Its design includes two rapid-fire anti-matter cannons, two quad missile tubes facing vertically. The anti-matter cannons fire at the front where the Orbital Platforms face enemy ships within range. The missile tubes do fire at where the Orbital Platforms are aiming at.

    That's precisely why I agree with you. The missiles *should* not fire straight at the enemy. Instead, the missiles should be fired straight out of the tubes vertically. In doing so, the missiles should be seen shooting up, curving, and then going straight for the target. I really would like Stardock to fix this. This is an incredible mention of a feature that needs to be placed in. The weapons should never fire out of blocks where the weapon computers face. They fire where the blocks are at, as far as we're concerned.

    I anticipate, that while Stardock may fix this, we may see more "broadsides". As Paladin would say in Wing Commander, "Now, Mister Gerald! Let loose the broadside!"
    Glad you like it, I hope it can be added to the game.
    Dec 29, 2014
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    Normally I would tell you to imagine this, but I don't have to because you can actually do this in space engineers.
    Your example has no bearing on the current build of StarMade. The power requirements for a weapon array like that would drain even the most efficiently designed deathcube. The only way to do something like that in StarMade, even if weapons fired in the direction of the modules orientation instead of computer facing, would be to use multiple computers and logic.

    Check out this if you have doubts about the extra energy for multiple outputs.