Randomly place and delete blocks until it looks good, then kidnap Atra and force her to add as many broken bug exploits as you can to your ship.
Seriously, I usually start by either the shape or some specific system first.
I usually draw the shape on paper, look at deviantart/google image pictures for inspiration, then start building a rough wireframe to get decent proportions.
If efficiency matters, I also have to decide quite early what will be the mass and power requirements of my ship (which means deciding which passives I'll use, how much thrust I need, how many shields, whether I'll use a jammer...) then I come up with an efficient power system which fits in my shape (if I already decided it) or which isn't too weirdly shaped (I certainly won't build a good looking 5k mass ship around a 800m line).
If I've started with key systems, I'll decide the shape next. If I've started with the shape, I'll go with key systems next (unless I don't really care that much about efficiency).
Once I have done that, it's time to start building systems whose location matter (weapons mostly) and the interior if I want one. Then I add small kewl-looking logic thingies, details, gribbles. And I finish filling the leftover empty spaces with the last systems (usually thrust and shields).
Oh and some other advice :
start small, especially if you've never built anything in starmade before. When you see the trailer or what other people have done you'll certainly things like
RF-57P Tigerlily II ,
SBS Jupiter,
WS RadiantDawn MK1 ,
Griffon-Class Light Cruiser ... those things are deceptively big, long and tedious to make. I recommend avoiding anything above ~10000 blocks for your first ship (besides a good looking 50~500 mass fighter is a very good exercise and will get you familiarised with the game and its mechanics), aim for things this size :
Fighter Porn
- look at what other people have done, there are a lot of neat ideas out there
- always decide and refine the key "selling points" of your ship before building it. For instance, if you want it to be an awesome looking ship with a unique shape, draw it on paper first, tweak it, and make sure it appeals to you