Does anyone know how I can transfer this to suggestions?
Artificial intelligence(AI) in Starmade currently very simple, it has a single block, the Bobby AI module, which can be edited with three settings, turret/ship, what it should aim at (Astronauts, Missiles, Selected target, or Any) and an activation toggle. This thread is to find ideas to expand AI uses, give it more complex workings, and all other ideas we may come across. AI will be considered as the player creating ships or ships spawning with modifications(through certain blocks like AI blocks or programmable settings) that allow the ship to do things without a player controlling it (like auto-aiming turrets, drones that can do evasive maneuvers and fleet commands, and auto-salvaging or auto-repairing turrets or drones) or assisting the player in a function of some sort.
1. Additional settings/blocks.
In additional settings/blocks I am assuming (like me) the community wants AI to have a variety of different uses, from Yetmania's "A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI" ( that said, among other things, that it would be useful to have fleet commands such as "Return to ship" and "This group do this". I think this would help drone carriers and drone warfare, but also having commands like "After x, do y", x and y being things like "targeted ship at 50% health/shield" or "Shields at 50%" this would be a bit like Scratch (, way less complex but having that sort of drag and drop programming style.
I assume this would involve an AI system with sensing blocks that would tell the main AI certain things. It would have a sensing block, that could be set to sense certain things like shield power, ie. if one of your sensor that was monitoring your shield level was destroyed, unless you programmed it to do something like head in for repairs it would stop taking data, and if the ship was programmed to retreat or send a distress signal (through another block) if it's shield went below a certain level, it would not. (Because it could not tell that it's shields were dropping).
2.Expanding AI uses.
Right now AI will shoot at certain entities, only(?) if it is in a different faction. You cannot set it to target friendly entities, and it cannot pick certain areas to target. Because of this you cannot have healing turrets, mining turrets, or support ships. Yes, if this was implemented some things like interior healing turrets constantly healing your ship and throwing mining drones into random asteroid belts, but most of these things are things that would be great to solve, people are always talking about how mining is a pain, and others wouldn't work, or could be set with limitations like interior healing.
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3.New blocks
A. Sensing and programming blocks
AI would have a programming interface that would allow you to search commands (like in factories) and then drag and drop them into a program to tell them to fly or fight in certain ways. They would also take sensor input from sensors, and could react to certain stats (if at 50% Shield, retreat to here).
Sensors that would allow AI to sense and react to things like missiles, enemy shield, and health. Programming blocks(computers?) would increase the maximum blocks of code that you could have(you would start with a small amount) , this would allow tiny turrets to function with only one additional block(a missile sensor), but ships that needed huge lines of code and be able to evade missiles and heal friendly ships(through reconfigured astrotech[see part 4] and dock and send signals would need a "brain" that would be heavily guarded.
B. Command Receiver and Fleet Command!
Fleet Command would have different types with different stats, with drone swarm Fleet Command(short range, can control many entities, ships have a max mass[to prevent titian swarming]), probe/mining drone Fleet Command(long range, can control fewer entities of greater mass), Capital Fleet Command(can control like 5 ships of huge mass within a medium range) or turret Fleet Command(can only control docked entities). There would also be levels of Fleet command like there is of armor blocks, Advanced Fleet commands being more expensive but being able to control more/reach farther than Basic Fleet command.
Fleet Command could make you go into a different perspective sort of like in Homeworld
This would make controlling drones much easier and would take control away from your ship.
Command Receiver would open up a ship to be controlled by fleet command. Ships have to be in the same faction(Drone hacking
?), within the Fleet Command's range, and not overload the mass cap, or entity cap.
There could also be Fleet Command Enhancers that would increase the controlling Fleet Command's mass or entity cap. This would all take tons of power or something, so you had to have a decent sized ship or station to control a defensive field of drones.
4. Re-configuring Astrotech computers.[work in progress]
After a while I found to work with a lot of ideas I had astrotech computers would need to be revised. My idea is that astrotech computers could be hooked up to a storage with blocks. It would use the input design in the ship core(I have heard much talk of this, it would be basically the shipyard design and putting it in the core [leave it to
to find out how]) to replace blocks on the ship. It would have a punch-through beam effect that would heal all blocks in a line(and maybe an area effect too). However, when it placed blocks it would place then with one hitpoint, and AI would replace all blocks in an area(decided by the program? If you piloted it it would do where you pointed it? Give me your opinions) before starting to heal them. This would mean if you got hit by a missile you could call in support drones to heal you, but risk getting hit with another weapon that could be very weak that would destroy all of your newly placed blocks. It would also look really cool, like a scab or something glowing red as repair drones healed it.
I will be editing this later on to fit with the discussion, lets hear some ideas!
Artificial intelligence(AI) in Starmade currently very simple, it has a single block, the Bobby AI module, which can be edited with three settings, turret/ship, what it should aim at (Astronauts, Missiles, Selected target, or Any) and an activation toggle. This thread is to find ideas to expand AI uses, give it more complex workings, and all other ideas we may come across. AI will be considered as the player creating ships or ships spawning with modifications(through certain blocks like AI blocks or programmable settings) that allow the ship to do things without a player controlling it (like auto-aiming turrets, drones that can do evasive maneuvers and fleet commands, and auto-salvaging or auto-repairing turrets or drones) or assisting the player in a function of some sort.
1. Additional settings/blocks.
In additional settings/blocks I am assuming (like me) the community wants AI to have a variety of different uses, from Yetmania's "A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI" ( that said, among other things, that it would be useful to have fleet commands such as "Return to ship" and "This group do this". I think this would help drone carriers and drone warfare, but also having commands like "After x, do y", x and y being things like "targeted ship at 50% health/shield" or "Shields at 50%" this would be a bit like Scratch (, way less complex but having that sort of drag and drop programming style.
I assume this would involve an AI system with sensing blocks that would tell the main AI certain things. It would have a sensing block, that could be set to sense certain things like shield power, ie. if one of your sensor that was monitoring your shield level was destroyed, unless you programmed it to do something like head in for repairs it would stop taking data, and if the ship was programmed to retreat or send a distress signal (through another block) if it's shield went below a certain level, it would not. (Because it could not tell that it's shields were dropping).
2.Expanding AI uses.
Right now AI will shoot at certain entities, only(?) if it is in a different faction. You cannot set it to target friendly entities, and it cannot pick certain areas to target. Because of this you cannot have healing turrets, mining turrets, or support ships. Yes, if this was implemented some things like interior healing turrets constantly healing your ship and throwing mining drones into random asteroid belts, but most of these things are things that would be great to solve, people are always talking about how mining is a pain, and others wouldn't work, or could be set with limitations like interior healing.
Edit #1
3.New blocks
A. Sensing and programming blocks
AI would have a programming interface that would allow you to search commands (like in factories) and then drag and drop them into a program to tell them to fly or fight in certain ways. They would also take sensor input from sensors, and could react to certain stats (if at 50% Shield, retreat to here).
Sensors that would allow AI to sense and react to things like missiles, enemy shield, and health. Programming blocks(computers?) would increase the maximum blocks of code that you could have(you would start with a small amount) , this would allow tiny turrets to function with only one additional block(a missile sensor), but ships that needed huge lines of code and be able to evade missiles and heal friendly ships(through reconfigured astrotech[see part 4] and dock and send signals would need a "brain" that would be heavily guarded.
B. Command Receiver and Fleet Command!
Fleet Command would have different types with different stats, with drone swarm Fleet Command(short range, can control many entities, ships have a max mass[to prevent titian swarming]), probe/mining drone Fleet Command(long range, can control fewer entities of greater mass), Capital Fleet Command(can control like 5 ships of huge mass within a medium range) or turret Fleet Command(can only control docked entities). There would also be levels of Fleet command like there is of armor blocks, Advanced Fleet commands being more expensive but being able to control more/reach farther than Basic Fleet command.
Fleet Command could make you go into a different perspective sort of like in Homeworld
This would make controlling drones much easier and would take control away from your ship.
Command Receiver would open up a ship to be controlled by fleet command. Ships have to be in the same faction(Drone hacking
There could also be Fleet Command Enhancers that would increase the controlling Fleet Command's mass or entity cap. This would all take tons of power or something, so you had to have a decent sized ship or station to control a defensive field of drones.
4. Re-configuring Astrotech computers.[work in progress]
After a while I found to work with a lot of ideas I had astrotech computers would need to be revised. My idea is that astrotech computers could be hooked up to a storage with blocks. It would use the input design in the ship core(I have heard much talk of this, it would be basically the shipyard design and putting it in the core [leave it to

I will be editing this later on to fit with the discussion, lets hear some ideas!
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