A bus?
Both of you are very close (although Thadius a bit closer). Just combine those and you'll get the answer. It's actually really simple.
Nope. Want me to say it?Idk how it's called, but it's probably the one that's like that thing: http://images.autoline.com.ua/s/mik...US-PRESTIGE---1_big--13020715235763432100.jpg but you know, with that big satellite dish on the roof and stuff.
Hey! Half of those was my future ideas :DSchoolbus? Prisoner transport? Sightseeing/tour bus? Spacemobile?
I honestly don't know anything else..
It's an Airbus/jumbo jet I know bus was already suggested, but the spaceship is just too big to call it a simple bus. Due to it having a large hangar for storing containers or small passengers' ships I like to call it a space ferry, but that would've been a little too hard to guess. The ship will be called Starliner.Further ideas:
1)An Airbus
2)This thingy:
Thanks. There were complaints about it being ugly, so I did some work on it to make it a little nicer. You can see the previous version of the cockpit on the ship's download page. The new cockpit also gives some extra frontal protection due to hardened hull.Nice cockpit
I see I need to get some ships rolled out and updated. Gonna do that today, hopefully in the next few hours.(pokes thread with spear) I hereby declare this thread (stabs spear though eye)DEAD!Sleeping.