So. I\'ve got this concept for a ship. Not enough time and block resources to get this done on my own, I figure it\'s time to enlist some help. Make no mistake, this particular concept is meant as a Warship. A Peacemaker. The concept behind it is, \"How do you fight larger capital vessesls without making a larger ship yourself?\" The answer we came up with was simple. Volume of fire, and rigging the game. The Idea is a ship of the line. A Battleship (By Starmade standard definitions [100k-500k blocks]) equiped with mass Antimatter turrets, delivering impressive volume of fire, a single array of volley fire missiles built into the ship directly, and a series of drones to be released during essential conflicts equipped with bare minimum shielding, and armor, but centered around a power drain beam, under the premise of keping your opponents systems taxed beyond recovery. That was our concept. How you take that, and whatever you draw from there is upto you. For the time being, I look forward to seeing more designs coming from you guys! So far, I\'ve yet to see one that I havn\'t liked!