Recognized by Council A shopping list

    Apr 6, 2016
    Reaction score
    Blueprints are awesome but it can be a pain to buy everything /make everything individually for them. This could be so much better with a shopping list. There could be a list of items could be in the side of your screen with amounts (settings to show/hide). the list of items could be chosen manually or use blueprints to add the needed items to the list (not replace). This could also be used in shops to "buy everything that you need" if its all available or otherwise "buy as much as you can". They are just some possible uses of a shopping list in game. This could also help to remember what you need when trying to collect items for construction in shipyards.

    This shopping list should not just be for blueprints / shipyards as it could be useful in collecting items to trade with other players and should be linked to the server (not local) so it can be saved. (multiple shopping lists is also another option)

    (I took this idea from a game called Creativerse but their system only shows a list of items in the left of your screen that cannot be edited in amounts and only works with their blueprint system)
    Feb 25, 2016
    Reaction score
    Very neat idea..... Perhaps even another meta-item which you can use to assign AI trading vessels to a particular set of goods to be purchased, in addition to using it for yourself. As in, you give the AI trading vessels a particular route, and then assign a set of these "shopping list" items, one per stop, which they attempt to fulfill. These meta-items would have to hold a list of things to sell at every stop, and things to buy.


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Wired for Logic
    Cool idea and I dig the evolution of it into a trade itinerary of sorts.