A History of Factions


    Nov 10, 2013
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    How long ago was this war?

    The problem is, while they we re active, there is this massive gap between then and now that EH vanished from Odium, from Zoro and all, which explains the massive "shock" everyone received when that declaration was made. Given the cold war esque nature of forums as well..... Shit escalated quickly.
    The nature of Odium seems to dip into and out of Starmade though, the lack of contact on TS is likely due them ending up using different TSs. Hell, I'm sure Vaygr still has members that come back after months of complete inactivity and silence that are still in the faction. Tis a little bit weird.

    As for a date, well I have terrible memory, was Pre-thryn at least. But of EH was "removed" from the pact a while ago, then surely someone in Odium knows WHEN that decision was made? If you are going to say they were kicked a while ago, then surely you have an idea of when that was? Cause it kinda has a spot on the timeline.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Well, here is the thing, there were no explicit removal since we thought they might come back, and really done outnof respect of nuclear.

    Their TS channel was kept until this point as I said previously, which is quite weird.

    The point I am stating the following (just to recap)

    - EH is indeed technically a part of Odium
    - However, extended inactivity meant that we almost written them off, and were waiting for them to return (so de-facto, they are out)
    - After Ridik, their involvement in Pact affair became minimal, while CR and Vaygr continued to carry on for a period of time
    - There is an element of exaggeration in the declaration which is practically Slander, read as "Quit using EH as scare weapon" and assorted quotes

    So yeah, I would like to suggest a change, from "quit" to "confirmed their non participation". I do not want EH wiped from timeline, though a correction would be nice since this issue straddles on the grey area of things.
    Mortiferum Please, every post you make drives the wedge further.
    Hope you know none of your posts are helping either, you seem awfully keen on shutting me up without providing anything.

    I am trying to get to the bottom of this.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    None of this was an issue until a few days after it was first seen by Zoro on the history document. It was uncontested that EH was in the Pact until several days after it was made public knowledge by the history document. Pardon our skepticism when we see that Zoro's idea of history suddenly flipped over in a matter of seconds a fair amount of time after he was provided the opportunity to say something.

    From the perspective of the entire rest of the community - Event Horizon was a founding member of the Pact, and never disbanded. They went to play other games due to a crippling bug in Starmade preventing them from being able to run it on their computers for some time. When Event Horizon returned, they were welcomed back with open arms by Zoro. Because NuclearDoughnut was an admin on Elwyn Eternity, it was reasonable to expect him to keep his faction affairs on the Elwyn Eternity teamspeak, and keep his serverside presence on Elwyn Eternity. As far as everyone else could tell, they were maintaining Odium's presence on the server while everyone else was finding out that Shattered Skies isn't as tolerant of a server. After some time, they held a vote on whether to leave or not, because they did not support Odium's current actions (which are pretty clearly mass griefing by a lot of peoples' standards). After said vote, Doughnut posted his thread about leaving Odium, which was the first time in history that it had been mentioned anywhere that EH was no longer part of the Pact. Factions that are removed from the Pact have, in the past, been listed off by Zoro on the main Odium post (see: Turian Federation), so damn near everyone expects that they would maintain this pattern of bookkeeping for all Odium factions, rather than conveniently forgetting to with one of the founding factions (which by default means they should have been a higher priority than some random newb faction that got picked up off of the forums).

    From the reports I have heard, Zorozeenee was quite busy during the time between the EH post and his final decision to try to alter history. Specifically, busy begging them to rejoin. He only changed his version of events after he realized it was useless.
    May 19, 2015
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    None of this was an issue until a few days after it was first seen by Zoro on the history document. It was uncontested that EH was in the Pact until several days after it was made public knowledge by the history document. Pardon our skepticism when we see that Zoro's idea of history suddenly flipped over in a matter of seconds a fair amount of time after he was provided the opportunity to say something.

    From the reports I have heard, Zorozeenee was quite busy during the time between the EH post and his final decision to try to alter history. Specifically, busy begging them to rejoin. He only changed his version of events after he realized it was useless.
    Well, we've been arguing this point since the declaration came out. It just only spilled over onto this page after someone stuck it on the history doc.

    From the perspective of the entire rest of the community - Event Horizon was a founding member of the Pact, and never disbanded. They went to play other games due to a crippling bug in Starmade preventing them from being able to run it on their computers for some time. When Event Horizon returned, they were welcomed back with open arms by Zoro. Because NuclearDoughnut was an admin on Elwyn Eternity, it was reasonable to expect him to keep his faction affairs on the Elwyn Eternity teamspeak, and keep his serverside presence on Elwyn Eternity. As far as everyone else could tell, they were maintaining Odium's presence on the server while everyone else was finding out that Shattered Skies isn't as tolerant of a server. After some time, they held a vote on whether to leave or not, because they did not support Odium's current actions (which are pretty clearly mass griefing by a lot of peoples' standards). After said vote, Doughnut posted his thread about leaving Odium, which was the first time in history that it had been mentioned anywhere that EH was no longer part of the Pact. Factions that are removed from the Pact have, in the past, been listed off by Zoro on the main Odium post (see: Turian Federation), so damn near everyone expects that they would maintain this pattern of bookkeeping for all Odium factions, rather than conveniently forgetting to with one of the founding factions (which by default means they should have been a higher priority than some random newb faction that got picked up off of the forums).
    I do agree with mort though, thank you for summing up their side of the story. I hadn't heard it in a nice, neutral tone before.

    Sadly, appearances and reality aren't the same thing. While they may have appeared to be active members of the Odium, the first time I heard of them at all was when they declared they were leaving. Which I found odd, as no one had ever mentioned them as being part of Odium, or a part of starmade at all, before that time. This is even stranger in light of the fact that I had been told about Euro-Corp and Turian, both long dead, by that time. Why no one had told me about this "founding faction" before, I can't tell you.

    As it appeared to me, this was just someone looking for a way to make his faction look big and important by associating with Odium and then trying to ingratiate it with certain other factions by denouncing Odium.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I second mort's point, being an ex Odium, I'd never really heard of EH, not seen any activity nor heard them being mentioned by anyone on TS. I didn't even know who led EH up until Nuclear declared they were leaving.

    Reilly Reese

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    Oct 13, 2013
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    Well hopefully Odium can actually tell people next time they drop a faction.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Well hopefully Odium can actually tell people next time they drop a faction.
    It sounds strange, but we just left them there because we think they might come back or something for like... 5-6 months, then suddenly BAM, a bit of slander and a quit message from EH.

    I am confused as to how it all happened because Nuclear's bullshit was so strong in that one (The whole "we are written off but used as scare weapon while we are forgotten by someone who are supposed to be feared or not" BS). Maybe if he stated the reason in a paragrpah instead of trying to sound cool the problem would be solved earlier?

    At the very best, EH's quit message is just an attention grabber since they were of no significance to Odium.
    Last edited:
    Jun 29, 2015
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    wow starmades faction history is quite complex, lots of twists and turns, it might have potential to be written as a story or something xD
    im new here so this is quite a useful tool for me anyway, maybe one day when my skills improve ill join up with a faction or something but right now i wanna build up my skills.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    wow starmades faction history is quite complex, lots of twists and turns, it might have potential to be written as a story or something xD
    im new here so this is quite a useful tool for me anyway, maybe one day when my skills improve ill join up with a faction or something but right now i wanna build up my skills.
    SM "Politics" is comparable to real world politics. :p

    Maybe one day you will leave your mark on it?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    wow starmades faction history is quite complex, lots of twists and turns, it might have potential to be written as a story or something xD
    im new here so this is quite a useful tool for me anyway, maybe one day when my skills improve ill join up with a faction or something but right now i wanna build up my skills.
    Yep. It had so many twists and turns that nobody could even remember all of it, which is part of why I made this.

    Good luck on your adventures in Starmade!
    Jan 25, 2015
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    i just want to put this in the faction history cuz why not :D
    the CR homebase is finnaly getting some really cool looking interior, i started the day before the day before yesterday ye?
    at 27 june 2015 i started the long never planned but yet coming interior building of that huge dome.
    it's a kinda useless piece of history, but most history is useless anyways :D
    also, im planning to make a robot, not the controll-it-self huge fight robot, but the automatic doing things one, once done if it works out, CR homebase will have the first robot ever existed (i believe nobody has made a robot before right?)