It\'s definately needed.
The way I thought it could be done is to be able to have sliders (like the Advanced Build Mode multiple blocks sliders) that allow the player to reduce - reduce only, except then increase up to the size allowed by the docking module and any enhancers from which it has been reduced - the green \"docking area\" box (I dunno what it\'s technically called, lol) in all 6 directions (well, 5).
i.e. -x 1; x 1; -y 4; -z 6; z 0.
This way, if you\'ve got a docking area which is 9(W)x9(H)x21(L) and something docked which has 10 blocks behind it\'s ship core but only 4 infront, is only 5 blocks high and 7 blocks wide (3 blocks on either side of the ship core), the player could tailor that docking area to suit exactly what is docked there, allowing another docking area or hanger walls (for eg) to be placed closer.
I have a little \"sled\" that I use to nip to the shops in (lol) which only has: 1 wedge in front of the ship core; a faction block, power block and thruster block behind it; is only 3 blocks wide (more wedges and corners on the sides) and 1 block high. 3 of these is then only 9 blocks wide, 1 block tall, 1 block infront of the docking module and 3 blocks behind it (making the total docking area needed as 9x1x4(1fore 3aft), but my \"shuttle bay\" to hold 3 of these tiny craft needs to be 21 blocks wide (3x7 default docking areas), 7 blocks high (to fit a ship only 1 block tall) and 7 blocks long.