
    1. Daniszen

      Bilskirnir-Class Asgard Battleship 2023-06-04

      Asgard Bilskirnir-class battleship, as close to cannon as I could do. Decent internal space, core to bridge traversable. Length: 335 Metres Width: 309 Metres Height: 135 Metres Shield Strength: 80 000 251,7 (no idea how) Recharge pr/s: 42 200 Reactor consumption(idle): 38,3%...
    2. color98dove

      SG-E Pioneer 1

      Pioneer Class Ultra-Lite Miner Dimensions: Length: 20 Width: 13 Height: 11 Mass: 185.9 Blocks: 1,835 Onboard Systems A Salvage Logistical Support System A level 1 Reactor Core, with 100% Stabilization Basic Shield Matrix, with a max output of 37,500C / 750R Rodine Basic...
    3. Reilly Reese

      Stargate F-302 Fighter-Interceptor v0-201-378

      Tauri F-302 Fighter-Interceptor Summary: The F-302 Fighter-Interceptor is the production model of the X-302 hyperspace fighter, an air and space superiority vehicle operated by the United States Air Force, the Russian Federation and possibly the People's Republic of China. It is Earth’s first...
    4. Daniszen

      Stargate Wraith Cruiser WIP

      Hello again, decided on a smaller side project now that the Lantean Battleship is almost complete, really need a break from that thing every now and then to keep sane. So I decided to make a Wraith cruiser from the Stargate franchise as well, it will hopefully be a match for the battleship in...
    5. Daniszen

      Atlantus Shipyard - Lantean Ships and Stations

      Atlantus Shipyard A shipyard dedicated to Lantean ships both as seen, but also mentioned in the Stargate franchise modeled as close to Stargate cannon as my abilities allow. The Lantean navy isn't explored much further than "big, damaged/old, OP ships" in the show, however I think it would be...
    6. Daniszen

      Dan' Stargate ships Emporium

      Pet project I've been working on during my spare time the last couple of months, mostly just looking for feedback on how to make it look better, and also making it not useless in battle would be nice. Length: 650m Width: 272m Height: 121m Shield Strength: 42 750 000 Shield Recharge: 2 218 000...
    7. Reilly Reese

      Stargate Concordia Class Battle Cruiser (From Stargate: Invasion)

      Concordia Class Battlecruiser The Concordia is a fanon Tauri ship from Stargate. The original design was created by deviantart user Galen82 and was then modeled by EpytronOmega. After finding the ship on deviant I started hunting for the obj file and after getting in touch with the team...
    8. Quantum_Entanglement

      The Aurora class battleship Stargate

      I present The Aurora, this Ship is a modeled after the Aurora-class battleship form the Stargate series. The Aurora-class battleship is one ship in a series of Lantean battleships used during the war between the Wraith and the Lanteans. This Ship is still Heavy WIP. When done it will resemble...
    9. WhiteFaulken

      F-302 1.1

      Stargate SG-1 F302 Based on the Goa'uld Death Gliders and an advancement over it's predecessor, the F-302 became the Air Force's primary fighter in the war against the Goa'uld, Wraith, and other enemies. It featured a hyperspace drive along with ballistic weapons and missiles and Seated two...
    10. R

      [StarGate Atlantis] Wraiths - in progress

      Hey This is an intro of my projet. There are some finished ship with other in progress. I buid them in a french server : asguard (link)
    11. JumpSuit

      WarpGate Enhancements

      Now, I come up with brilliant ideas about everyday, some I throw on the table. Others still hang within my closet in the back-end of my mind. But, this one in particular is Unique I suppose. The idea is the implementation of StarGates, Similar to that of WarpGates currently in-game, the key...
    12. Tenaka

      BC-404 Ogre Version F

      I present the BC-404 "Ogre" based off of the XA-404 Chimaera by Davide-sd on Deviant Art The two main hangar bays hold a total of 16 F-302's, and 12 "Puddle Jumpers" Image Gallery:
    13. Tenaka

      BC-307 Valkyrja Version B

      BC-307 "Valkyrja": A ship roughly based off of the X-307 concept art put up on Deviant Art by Deliciusman, I say roughly based because when I started constructing the wings I got a little ahead of myself and ignored the original guides I had set up for the sweeping motion of said wings. Her...
    14. Brolak

      SG-U | Destiny scale 1:1 | by Brolak

      Destiny Scale 1:1 by Brolak 2016 Update Album of build : Destiny 2014 Progress Total progress : 80 %
    15. Colonel Sheppard

      USAF F-303 2015-10-15

      The F-303 is the next evolution in U.S. Space Fighter Technology. Equipped with extra weapons on the wing tips and integrating Asgard shielding it out performs F-302s.
    16. nagygeri01

      BC-304-Daedalus-Class-Battlecruiser Finaly

      We've started updating the ship's systems to the current standards, and are progressing well. However, we are going to wait with the release until the promised removal of the Integrity System from the game, so we don't have to spend time on maintaining a positive value on everything. More...