
    1. Wildcat8787

      Recyling Blocks

      My idea is to add a new type of factory that can recycle blocks into its base components. This block would have a random chance to return one of its components, and allow the breaking down of loot obtained from pirates. Blocks like rock and such that you normally throw out when mining could be...
    2. sayerulz

      Read by Council Changing how scrap works: how to make abandoned stations useful again

      So, I have noticed that it is fairly commonly agreed that salvaging abandoned stations simply isn't worth the trouble since they made them yield only scrap. This is due to the fact that scrap is only used for making into metal mesh and crystal composite- these being materials that, unless one...
    3. Dr. Whammy

      Suggested Module to recycle unneeded blocks

      As you play StarMade, salvage and pick up loot clouds, you often end up with an endless pile of items you never use (do I really need 645 race gate computers?). I think it would be a good idea to have a way to recycle the components you don't need so you can turn them into something useful...
    4. QuantumAnomaly

      What would YOU recycle?

      *Activate old-timey sales voice and soapbox subroutines* Have you ever accidentally make 500 computers and run out of rammet to make shields with? Are you tired of loot piñatas giving you green hazard tetras by the thousands? Do you have more red paint than you’ll ever use but still want to...