power gen

    1. vos884

      Efficient Power Module 2017-05-27

      Dear readers, First time I ever uploaded anything to starmadedock. Got back in the game after 2 years and challanged myself to create a power module that surpasses 1mil e/sec. Read some old post out 2014 that people used 23x23x23 dimensions. This just uses basic blocks, nothing fancy, nothing...
    2. snata04

      Power Generator needed!

      So, i've reached a point where my power generation is 2,200,000.0 and for some reason placing down power blocks is still in-efficient compared to putting blocks in 1x1 format on the x, y, and z axis's. The problem is, that i still dont have enough power to maintain 100% power while accelerating...
    3. 3

      Unified power draw

      After experimenting with using auxiliary power to augment the stealth capabilities of ships (i.e. increasing the overall amount of other system blocks that can be stealthed by cloak/jam) it became increasingly obvious that not all power sinks (things that use power) use power the same way. My...
    4. kikaha

      Power usage

      Hello ! One more thread about power ! But this one different i believe. Basically what i suggest is we change nothing about power output and sofcaping. What we change is the way power is used. As it stands now, you put down a power reactor block and it gives power to the entire structure...
    5. Phoenix7991

      Power Overhaul Ideas

      There is no doubt that A new power system is needed, but how do we go about it. well here is my idea The Idea! Keep the old power system for fighters/small to medium ships, But use new better more efficient power blocks for bigger ships. How? we use the current power blocks but bring the...
    6. KuramaFox

      Suggested Fuel Reactors (does NOT replace current reactors)

      Disclaimer: if actually added, "Fusion Reactor" would be a better name for the suggested blocks. I called it Fuel Reactor to only to convey as much about the suggestion as I could in two words. As the title says, this is not a replacement for the current reactors. The current reactor blocks...
    7. _Naperone_

      Read by Council Ship Systems - Reboot

      Ship Systems Reboot: StarMade has all of the systems that you could hope for in a Sci-Fi, however, I feel that some implementations of this tech was done improperly or unfinished. I collaborated with siblings and friends who play the game to come up with this list of suggestions to make the...