
    1. josemik

      Orca Miner Freighter 1.0

      The Orca miner is a cheap freighter able to mine asteroids fast, and have a lot of cargo hold. It even has empty space inside if you want to add more modules or rooms.
    2. IchSehDich3000

      Duran Bergbau Trawler 2019-02-22

      "Duran" Bergbau-Trawler Wir stellen Ihnen unser neustes Bergbauschiff vor. Er ist mit 190m Länge ein wahrer Gigant. Die Bezeichnung "Trawler" ist überaus passend. Dieses Schiff ist für groß angelegte Bergbau-Operationen entworfen worden. Er enthält ein ausgeklügeltes Lebenserhaltungssystem...
    3. S

      Best Salvage Beam Setup ever, garunteed.

      Through experimentation I have found a cool Salvage beam setup. What you need, 1 Inner ship remote. 2 Salvage Beam Computers and Salvage Beam Modules. In this example "x" is a Salvage Beam Module and "o" is an empty space. Place your innership remote anywhere on your ship you want. Place 2...
    4. G

      Problems with Mining Ships over 1 K Mass ( ai/Fleet)

      Hey there ! Because I needed Resources I builded myself a Big Fleet ... But it is completly useless ... I builded 2 2,5k Mass Ships, create a Fleet with them. Everything worked fine instead the Mining . With this Mission the Ships are flying to the next Asteroid and ya ... Then there's...
    5. Napther

      KDI Havoc-Prospector Light Miner 2016-09-13

      Yet another content post, I've got more of these to come I assure you. Because fleets aren't all governed by large, powerful ships, sometimes its the little guys that have the most effect. This is the KDI Havoc-Prospector Light Miner. While it most definitely isn't dirt cheap, requiring...
    6. Loadout

      LSD Mangler 0.9

    7. aytoms29

      CargoTrain V.1

      Made this ship in around a day. (During school) Decent amount of cargo space and speed. Could have used better colors and ship design. Comes with some automatic closing-behind-you doors. If anyone recolors the ship to look better that would be pretty neat.