
    1. JohnLardinois

      2017 Star Made Overview - Convincing a Friend to Play

      Hey guys, I was hoping we could crowd-source a nice overview of what Star Made is and how it plays, as well as a good, brief description of each of it's core mechanics and features. I've been playing for a few years, and am trying to convince a friend to join who I used to play a lot of...
    2. JumpSuit

      Starmade Linked with Razer's Software

      I am thinking Shine could go and ask Razer to intergrate their game into their software. An example of this is Razer Arena: Razer Arena Dev Portal - Razer Developer Portal . This will make StarMade more known (since two companies are working with one another), share communities. And Razer's...
    3. JumpSuit

      Ship Cord-Cabling

      So, in a previous suggest I had done, I said something along the lines of re-route-able power cables going through out the ship, and gave an example. Well I am thinking Pipes that connect a storage to another storage, an example of this is Minecraft Buildcraft Pipes, or Better, Space Engineer...