big ship

    1. DeepspaceMechanic


      Cyberspace Shipyards proudly presents the Watatsumi-class battlecruiser: the glorious sea dragon deity thing of StarMade's universe. Have fun with it, and tell us what you liked, or what you think could use improvement! :) You can download its heavy turrets separately: Optimus pack and...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic

      "Sobek" dreadnought v2.0

      Allow me to present the mighty Sobek Dreadnought, one of the largest and most complex ships I ever built in StarMade. After a ton of creative effort, this thing ended up being one of those StarMade creations where you couldn't possibly fit enough text/images into the description section to...
    3. nagygeri01

      BC-304-Daedalus-Class-Battlecruiser Finaly

      We've started updating the ship's systems to the current standards, and are progressing well. However, we are going to wait with the release until the promised removal of the Integrity System from the game, so we don't have to spend time on maintaining a positive value on everything. More...