
    1. Insane Randomness

      Citadel Class Heavy Battleship v1.0

      [Hyperspatial Link Initiated] [Linking to {BLTZ}] [Link Established] Greetings, Comrades! After release of the Bastion Class Heavy frigate, our Siegeworks realized that we would need to produce more than anti-fighter support frigates. Excellent lessons were learned in the creation of a...
    2. FlyingDebris

      NFD Cherokee, CA-122B Heavy Cruiser CA-122B

      After months of waiting, in the waning minutes left of 2015, the NFD Cherokee class heavy cruiser has finally been completed and released. Features: Quarters for 156 crew members and captain's quarters. Crew quarters are located under the bar in two story apartment-style blocks...
    3. A

      Infinium Battleship 2015-12-23

      This is a work in progress, currently working on improving weapons and adding turrets. Outside Ship Lounge Area Please feel free to criticize this ship and give me suggestions and inform me of bugs to further improve this ship
    4. Lennart and Starpor

      [The Astral Conqueror] XVII 2015-12-21

      The Astral Conqueror The dreadful Siege of Crodunus where the Royal Navy had to retreat for the first time on their glorious campaign of conquest was a humiliating loss for the Empire. It meant that the Federation had the chance of stopping our mighty Empire and could push us back. The...
    5. lighturfir

      BB-62 USS New Jersey Refit 2015-12-13

      so i have had this ship sitting in the ship yard for awhile now just to give you a idea how long it takes me to build a ship i have been working on it sence memorial day and i have totally run out of ideas for it New Jersey holds the distinction of being the most decorated battleship in US...
    6. spaceinvaderzim

      [VEB Robotron] Medium Frigate "Sigmund Jaehn" with mining probes and 370k cargo capacity 2.0

      3D model available! Update 2.0: Fleet update - see update description for details Disclaimer: This vessel originally ships with Cyrillic deocrative labelling. Nevertheless, instructions on buttons etc. are English. If you prefer to download a solely English labelled vessel, please proceed...
    7. Zaphod42

      Full-size Pennsylvania-class battleship "Indomitus"

      Presenting the USS Indomitus, a Pennsylvania-class battleship constructed using an IRL 3-foot:1 block scale. Built in the classic style of a WWII battleship with various modifications and modern weaponry. 5 decks boasting all the comforts needed for a medium-sized crew, Indomitus can take a...
    8. Laltonel

      High Moble Battleship Nadesico - ~50% Complete

      Greetings! Today I bring the community a close replica of the space ship from the anime sci-fi space adventure, Martian Successor Nadesico. Much time and work has gone into this ship. It is not a shipyard build (it was started before such things) and I pretty much mine all my materials...
    9. Joemir

      {Blackarmada} BS-01 Corona Battleship

      This is my first post and i figured i would share the biggest ship I've created so far. BS-01 Corona Battleship: MASS: 24,596 L:203 W:63 H:101 Energy: 20 mil Produced: 1.1 mil/s Shields 730k Recharge: 19k/s Twin Salvage Arrays {no gaps} Dual Dumb Missile Array Halo...
    10. SirRadAlotMore

      SRaL(M) - "Europa" MK III

      Battleship in Progress.. Check Update Tab Hull 95% done Turrets&Weapons 95% done Systems ~85% done Interior ~55% done Initial Design (Steampunk attempt) :p
    11. E

      SBS-171 Masakari Rev D

      Masakari. Japanese for battle axe. Because that's exactly what this ship is. Meant to get up close and personal with any fool you want dead, the Masakari-class is adept at closing fast and killing even faster. Carrying quad ion beams, a rapid explosive beam, twin heavy autocannons and a...
    12. NuclearFun

      Nidhoggr Battleship A1R14

      Hi! For a long time now i tried to do a capital sized ship again, this is the battleship Nidhoggr: It features heavy weaponry and turret count with strong defensive systems. a large hangar and interior 8 docked reactors ...have i mentioned a lot of turrets? Release video: Video in...
    13. Orphaniel

      Star of Venam 1.0

      The Star of Venam The large, heavily armed flagship of the mercenary faction, the Dark Wings of Steel. Covered in turrets and with two docked ships, it's outfitted for combat. A complete RP interior ensures you're not left wanting if less shooty pursuits are called for. Statistics do not...
    14. Wolverines527

      The Ghost of Razgrizz new ship with updates on work

      I am working on ship so far what im going for is a battleship or dreadnought type ship though i think by the time im finally done i might end up with a titan class Its length: 243 width: 78 Height: 50 or more Status: skeleton phase with engines to move whereever i need it How do the...
    15. Wilavid7

      USS Perseverance Mk 1.4

      ~1.4 Updated with a Transporter, slabs, automatic doors on the interior, improved logic with the Hangar door~ ~1.3 Updated with Rail Docking, Rail Turrets, and Improved Docked Power Reactor~ As the first capital ship of the United Sectors Shipyards, the Battle-Cruiser-Class USS Perseverance...
    16. jzimmerman4

      Luna [Battleship] V5

      The Luna is designed to be a very balanced ship with many capabilities to help out even in the stickiest of combat situations. She has the capability to destroy planets and the shielding to out last a destroyer. Overall this ship is very smart in terms of system placement and size. I designed...
    17. JNC


      I posted this question over at the Starmade 40k Universe forums but they aren't quite sure either. do any of you know WHO MADE THIS SHIP?! This thing is AMAZING even if it isn't finished! Something like that should not go unnoticed in the SM community.
    18. CW390

      Named: The Battleship Bulwark Bridge & Weapons Update

      This is a battleship Ive been working on. May have more details/weapons added on later. It shall be named Battleship Bulwark. :) (old)Screenshots:
    19. nagygeri01

      BC-304-Daedalus-Class-Battlecruiser Finaly

      We've started updating the ship's systems to the current standards, and are progressing well. However, we are going to wait with the release until the promised removal of the Integrity System from the game, so we don't have to spend time on maintaining a positive value on everything. More...