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    1. T

      Unconventional Questions

      I just have some weird questions I can't find answers to without spending vasts amount of time doing science in the game that maybe someone has already done. What happens if you mine/destroy a planet down to every last block? Does the atmosphere go away or will it still appear to be a normal...
    2. T

      Pillow's Big List of Suggestions

      Let me start off by saying I absolutely *love* this game, even as it is. I've been looking for a Minecraft-like space game without much luck other than Blockade Runner, which is grossly overpriced and they keep removing features from the demo. Star-Made is so much better in almost every regard...
    3. T

      Background Music?

      I was just wondering if background music is planned. I didn't see it on the list of planned features.
    4. T

      Reproducible Crashing Bug with Shop Blocks

      I have discovered that if you place a Shop Block, add a block type to it, and then set the price to 0, any client opening the store crashes immediately with a "divide by zero" Java script error.