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    1. L

      Docking platform suggestions.

      It definitely adds a sense of realism to the game :)
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      Notification feature and other forum improvements

      I'm not quite sure where to put this suggestion as it does not directly pertain to Starmade. On most other forums, there is a way for users to be notified if their post has new reply. Without it, it becomes really difficult to track your own posts. Also, many of the text formatting tools in the...
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      Granite, a server launcher with auto-update capabilities

      Could you add a precompiled version of it to the github repo? I\'m guessing most people are either not tech savvy enough or are too lazy to compile it themselves :P (including me XD)
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      ???? S T A R M A D E   R A C E   L E A G U E ????

      If and when I recieve enough interest in this, I will contact you :)
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      ???? S T A R M A D E   R A C E   L E A G U E ????

      *note* This idea is only theoretical (at the moment). If I find enough interest in this league, I will consider turning it into a reality. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS, PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM NEAR THE BOTTOM OF THE POST. ????Starmade Race League???? Introduction: The Starmade Race League...
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      Territories/Sector Control and Large Maps

      The problem that I find with letting the players say what is or isn\'t theres is that the idea of territories collapses when one party decides to say \"it\'s just a game.\" The politics could still be there. For example, if you offered to sell a sector to another faction, you would essentially...
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      Territories/Sector Control and Large Maps

      Thanks for pointing that out to me. I will try it out next time I\'m in game :)
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      Territories/Sector Control and Large Maps

      Territories/Sector Control We already have many of the components necessary for this feature to work, so it would simply be a matter of piecing it all together. The idea is you can capture sectors for your faction by maintaining a strong military presence in that sector for a period of time...