Territories/Sector Control and Large Maps

    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Territories/Sector Control

    We already have many of the components necessary for this feature to work, so it would simply be a matter of piecing it all together. The idea is you can capture sectors for your faction by maintaining a strong military presence in that sector for a period of time. The mechanics of this could be similar to "Domination" game modes in many first person shooters (such as BF3). Once you have captured the sector for your faction, there could be many benefits such as the ability to build a space station in it or perhaps a survelance radar beacon that could warn you whenever an enemy ship enters your territory. Perhaps if a warp feature were added to the game you could only warp to sectors under your faction's control.

    Large Maps

    At the moment the only map-like feature in the game is a minimap at the top right of the screen. A large map would provide a comprehensive view of the sectors in the Star-Made universe that have already been explored. The map would display the location of all the ships in your faction and could even link up with the suggested "territories" feature, highlighting the portions of the map that are under your faction's control.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    These are some good ideas, and I\'m sure Schema will appreciate these when he focuses on factions again.

    About the map, though, try pressing shift+P, it will bring up a map showing the star system and all explored static entities within it (Stations, shops, planets) and you can even move the map around and look at other star systems.
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    each sector takes some of the fun out of faction politics. I\'d rather have the things you list as benefits just be stand-alone parts of the game, with sector ownership decided as it is in real life: by military presence and tenuous government treaties.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    The problem that I find with letting the players say what is or isn\'t theres is that the idea of territories collapses when one party decides to say \"it\'s just a game.\" The politics could still be there. For example, if you offered to sell a sector to another faction, you would essentially allow them to capture that sector. Perhaps to prevent alligned factions from accidentally taking each other\'s territory, they could disable that ability between each other.