Search results

    1. P

      Ability to remove debug notifications from console log

      Is it possible to add option to the server config to disable debug messages in console? They are spammy, the amount of them is confusing and they are in general useless anyways. For examle our console is getting spamed by "path calculation error" and since the console is full of this debug...
    2. P

      Suggested noncolidable invisible equivalents for rest of rail blocks

      I would love to see equivalents of rail ratators, turret axis and even ship docker itselft. They would behave the same way pickup rails do, visible in build mode, but invisible un uncolidable during flight mode or astronaut movement. This feature would be appreciated by builders, especially...
    3. P

      Recognized by Council Minor inventory tweaks

      I am suggesting these tiny changes not because they are despertly needed, but rather because they get anoying after a while of building. 1) Reseting the scroll bar when you start typing to search something in the creative or in the regular inventory. You may say, it olny takes 1-3 seconds...
    4. P

      Read by Council Hotkeys for "remove looking at" and "replace looking at"

      Since we now have the cool feature that we can select what we are looking at i recomnd adding 2 hotkeys for "removing looking at" and "replacing looking at with selected block" It would significantly decrease building time.
    5. P

      Recognized Search bar for templates and uploading to catalog.

      No description needed because its obvious. Possibly sorting into folders / categories in the future.
    6. P

      There are more useful things than "eyecandys" in games

      Since Starmade is heavily focused on multiplayer experience, people need more stable servers rather than more things to lag them or crash them. Rails, weapons, slabs they are cool, they create the content for players to explore. But how they can enjoy them if they have no reliable server to...
    7. P

      Shield efficiency as an optional config value

      I suggest adding a shield efficiency value in config. It would define how much damage is absorbed by shield and how much will pass through. Value should be between 0.01 and 1 (1% and 100%) So 0.95 would mean that 95% of the damage is done to shield and 5% will be done to blocks. Some hardcode...
    8. P

      Ignore this post, already in the devbuild

      I told you its already in the devbuild. Now you have lost 3 seconds of your life.