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    1. Asmael

      Default Trade Station Poll

      Honestly, didn't take a look at the names. Hell, as long as you can fly around, see a station and say : "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ME LIKES A LOT DIS IS SO... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !" And seriously: WHY?! Why do all these stations have to look so nice? I'd...
    2. Asmael

      plex door wedges

    3. Asmael

      Why is stop effect so powerful?

      Wait... never tried the stop effect (just try when you're well darn alone with AIs... that's hard), but if it's so powerful... Oh dear. I've been missing on so much "OMGWTFBBQ CAN'T MOVE OH NOOOOOOES" then... Considering the numbers, totally agreeing.
    4. Asmael

      Sacrilege - Cruiser class (WIP)

      Actually... That's a bit why I chose purple lighting :3 This and a spiky, dark aspect of FS2 ships. A mix of all those of some sort. I'm wishing for rotating ship parts soooooo bad... I'll be adding some pics soon enough (today or tomorrow), the global frame is almost done.
    5. Asmael

      CV-063 Monolith x3 CFO - A WIP 1.5km long Mothership - Update #23

      That's one big ship for sure :O If I have a suggestion, instead of placing the docking enhancers at the same level than the docking unit (in the hangar), place it 1 block below, it still works and is nice improvement overall. Also, wedges :3 But I'm sure you already know it :) Hope I get to...
    6. Asmael

      Ship Building: How Do You Design Your Ships?

      I always design the exterior first. If I'm dealing with a fairly small ship, I build as I go (tho I think about the global shape a bit). For larger ships, it's a VERY good idea to start by making a "frame", that way you have a good idea of what your ship looks like, and if you're disappointed...
    7. Asmael

      Turret Aiming

      I tested it and... Using a Cannon with a Cannon as slave actually increases the average DPS. It was quite some time ago, but if I remember well, it doubled the DPS (from 0 to 100% support). It's true that having fast firing - low damage bullets reduce the potency of some effects, like...
    8. Asmael

      Guess That Ship!

      X3 Reunion! Or one of the X series, don't know, didn't play other games of the X series.
    9. Asmael


      If you're playing in single player, and started a brand new game, it means that currently, pirates have no ships to use. To solve this, you have to make ship blueprints usable by pirates. Go to Catalog (Personal), and upload a few entries from local. You should have a very small and cheap...
    10. Asmael

      Currently working on the Sacrilege. Still lacking time (well, studies...) but, huh. I'm waitin'...

      Currently working on the Sacrilege. Still lacking time (well, studies...) but, huh. I'm waitin' for crystal wedges anyway =)
    11. Asmael

      Sacrilege - Cruiser class (WIP)

      Since everyone gotta make a big ship, I felt like trying as well. As a main theme, I wanted an alien-ish cruiser-sized ship, using mostly black hardened hull and purple lighting. I found purple/dark crystals to be just amazing for the task, but sadly, quite a lot of lights were already there...
    12. Asmael

      Hire these guys.

      That would be really badass, for sure. But... Well, Schema said most of it. I doubt these blocks hold 2048 bits of information each, and, yeah, there's only one player, probably no physics and else. That's still a job well done considering the time they had, a very nice project indeed...
    13. Asmael

      No one has suggested flashlights?

      I approve of flashlights. Because finding a darn plex door in the middle of a sea of hardened black hull is a PAIN. Could be nice to even add it as a ship block. Not just a static light like we already have, more like, say, a huge flashlight you put on the front of your ship. A bit like the...
    14. Asmael

      Dark Days Ahead if Things Aren't Set Straight

      Just this a billion times. Wants to warn about incoming dark days and a flame war. Make the thread starting the flame war. Ô THE IRONY.
    15. Asmael

      Apophis shipyards MKII

      A very industrial look. Might be blocky to some, but perhaps even more realistic that way :3 I approve of dis! Not-so-clean ships like this are super badass!
    16. Asmael

      No more disagree button?

      I feel like puking rainbows right now... AT EVERYONE! E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! ... Back on topic, the "Disagree" button has its uses. If you see a post with 10 like/agree and 30 disagree, well, that says pretty much everything. Without the "Disagree", peeps will repost and ask "Y but why dis is not...
    17. Asmael

      NuclearFun's Ships

      Is this Starmade? Nah, can't be, so many details it's impossible. Too beautiful for that.
    18. Asmael

      Increase Weapon Ranges

      I'm totally fine with increasing range of weapons based on X axis (basically how long the weapon is), BUT: - With a MUCH lower scaling than before. - With a massive drawback. Want to hit further? Fine, but you need more power / have worst rotation speed (or different drawback for missiles...
    19. Asmael

      Sector Size Suggestions

      I'm currently using a sector size of 15.000, which is waaaay more than default, but only increased max speed to 225. It takes a LONG time to get through a few sectors, and there are much less planets and asteroids around. That's not 100k, and yet space feels empty, so... careful with that. Take...