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    1. M

      Toasted Ships

      Hey there I'm Mamastoast, thought I'd share my first creation, and hopefully follow it up with some more in the furture. I'll try to make this thread a little fancier later ^^. Flare Class: Looking for a ship to hunt down those pesky pirates? Wanna dominate your friends with amazing firepower...
    2. M


      Hey there, still new here and learning the ropes. I was trying to add a jumpdrive to my ship. However no matter how many jumpmodoules I add, and how much power the ship has, nothing happens when I try to charge it, it just sits there, making no progress. I then just tried adding huge chunks...
    3. M

      Phantom Landing Gear

      Hey there, just got into this game, and am on my first ship, which im actually pretty proud off if I've gotta be honest. So I wanted to do a lift, and got into the whole logic business. Then I realized it'd be possible to do a 2 joint folding landing gear, which I did. I now have 4 legs, each...
    4. M

      New guy with renewed interest.

      Hey there, first off I'd like to make it clear that I'm sure a lot of what I'm about to ask is readily available somewhere. I've been recently starting videos of the game again, and frankly it all seems to be a bit much to dig through to get to these key points, so I figured I'd just ask the...