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    1. IG-1000

      Megaprojekt searching for help!

    2. IG-1000

      My issue with rails.

      I put secondary Turret Docks on all my Turrets so if one of the docks fails the actual Turret part (the part with the weapon) won't fly off...
    3. IG-1000

      Hail the Pipe god Emperor

      Hail the Pipe god Emperor
    4. IG-1000

      How can I get this mining drill design right for my salvager?

      This is what I did with my Mining ship
    5. IG-1000

      Refitting Old Famous (And not so famous) StarMade Ships!

      Lot's of Goodies here, I wonder if those guys still play the game
    6. IG-1000

      Shrieker Light Defense Ship 2017-02-04

      This is a rather small ship built off of the shell of one of the very first ships I ever built in Starmade, when I started this project I did not really envision it looking like a bird I meant for the front to be like a ram that act as a ram that could slice a ship in half lol the rest of the...
    7. IG-1000

      How did you guys learn to logic so well?

      From people who know how to Logic... but seriously though I just go with video Tutorials on specific Logic things, like Elevators or if I'm trying to do something more complicated I can usually modify some other Logic thing to make my thing work, I don't actually learn how to use the stuff I...
    8. IG-1000

      Missing 'Purchased!' badge

      Thank you, now when the game takes off I can rub in all the Newbs faces Lmao
    9. IG-1000

      Missing 'Purchased!' badge

      I am missing it as well I purchased it via Steam a few months ago
    10. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      Are you F****** serious right now mate? That's your justification for comparing a modded game to a non modded game..... I'm done with your stupidity
    11. IG-1000

      Another Star Wars Inspired Ship

      One of these days I will finish this ship, but here is some I have been up to
    12. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      I used to make crappy ships too But now my ships look more like this Another Star Wars Inspired Ship Still looks like Crap I know It just takes time and practice.
    13. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      Uhhhhhh wtf are you talking about? That's not Vanilla Minecraft, I wasn't going to say anything about you using Mods but I have to now. I mean really HTF are you going to sit there and say how awesome minecraft is and you ain't even playing Vanilla, your using Mods. I guess Minecraft really...
    14. IG-1000

      StarMade Dev Update: NPC Factions

      That's just creepy
    15. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      There should be a wider variety of Planetary buildings and structures other than weird looking Cities and Pyramids (are those even in the game still?) I'm thinking some cool Halo-esc Ruins would be awesome
    16. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      And helmets, they just slightly boost your health atm right? IDK I never use the helmet anyways
    17. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      I've played Minecraft too...and it's boring, the fact of the matter is that in Minecraft all you do is forage for food and resources and build houses and castles and other non functional things that you pretend work like Nuclear reactors. Whereas Starmade has a lot more to it a lot more...
    18. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      Well the major difference between Starmade and Minecraft is that one is for children and the other is not...
    19. IG-1000

      Appeal to the Council: A Noisy Niche

      Minecraft.....Miiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeecccccrrrrraaaaafffftttttt................. Idk how anybody could go back to playing Minecraft after playing this game even Modded Minecraft which imo is god awful...