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      Gravity block docking block style suggestion

      Make a gravity block similiar to the docking blocks. Have the "docking area" be the area of influence. Use gravity block enhancers to enhance the influence area of the gravity. The current gravity blocks are liked because you can make grav lifts with them. So, as to not remove this...
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      Alpha trees

      Been messing about with the textures in this: It uses the normal map from the realistic textures. Other than that, I just made some holes in the dark parts of the texture packs original texture.
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      Space bombs

      We need a space bomb block. That shoots space bombs. The define charachteristic would be that it continues in the direction you dropped it. All it gets is the momentum of your ship, with no slowdown. The tradeoff is that it makes a big boom. Making it possible for a squadron of small bombers to...
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      Exploration blocks - for the future when Starmade is more feature complete

      I would like some features for us that aren't always just gun happy. Sensor computer, with sensor blocks. For finding ores/materials or life signs on planets. More blocks, bigger range and/or penetration. Universal translator block, for talking with scripted Aliens. Bring it with you. Pop it...
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      Allow low rez texture packs to actually be Low rez

      I downloaded a low rex texture pack (real nice), When I looed at the image I realized that it was still the same resolution. I tried scaling it down to the lowest resolution that the textures needed, (256 by 256). Everything...
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      Aspect ratio info in graphics settings

      Could you add Aspect ratio info in the graphics settings? Like this: 1280*720 (16:9). Makes it a lot easier to choose a resolution where the planets and other round elements aren't elliptic.
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      Turret critique prebuild

      In the dev build the turrets now remember the position they were in at all times. I think this is a misunderstanding of what the users want. I want my turrets to snap back into position, but I want to be able to define if that position is forward back or to the sides. It might well be possible...
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      Starmade wildlife photography

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      Ship catalogue manager doesn't sort entries in Mate window manager Linux Mint

      Ship catalogue manager doesn't sort entries in Mate window manager in Linux Mint. Using Linux mint 13, with backported packages. This is true for the prebuild as well.
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      Yeehaaw destroyer

      Externals done. Will finish internals before uploading.
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      Website chat bug - names which starts with the extra letters in Swedish doesn't list

      My name doesn't show up in the chat list. So people who wants to PM me must ask me to PM them in Public chat. It is probably a side effect of my nickname starting with one of the extra letters in Swedish. (Ä)
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      Have just one hull colour and instead select colour in build mode

      With just one hull colour and the ability to freely select the hull colour in build mode I think would add to the game. Having to fiddle with many hull colours or save to buy the right hardened hull for the details you want adds very little to gameplay and stymies creativity. Instead for...
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      Alpha sorting bug in Prebuild

      I use lInux Mint 13 with an NVIDIA 640 GT. Official drivers. Procedural background is on.
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      Wedges from other blocks than Hulls via factories

      I tried to use the wedge blueprint to make a wedge ice crystal. It didn't work. I wish you could use these blueprints with anything, not just hulls. I want to make trees, so it would be real nice if you could do it to any block that isn't a system block, so I could make more interesting foliage...
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      Plex lift is too thin

      I tried to make a space elevator from the surface of the planet. The lift went too fast and I just fell through. Don't want it to be slower considering the distance. I would rather be able to build my own lift platforms though, see:
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      Plex lift docking module

      A plex lift docking module to make custom lifts. Put on a plex lifter, dock the craft to the plex lift. Or just make Plex lifts capable of docking one craft, with plex lift docking enhancers for bigger craft. Needs a control block that cycles up, stop, down and stop. I wanted to make a space...
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      There is still one hull block missing

      The new dev build has two more hull blocks, but there is still one block missing. See Screenshot:
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      Sub Turret joints, because of huge turrets pointing at absurd angles.

      Starmade needs sub turret points, to use if you don't want your huge turrets pointing at absurd angles. If you use one of these sub turret points the cannon on the sub point only moves up and down while the original turret just moves left and right.
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      Block Rotation interface improvement - Suggestion for

      See image: One arrow to rotate for each axis. Would make getting blocks aligned go so much fast than the current system where you have to cycle all optiions.
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      Linux - Fullscreen doesn't work after having played in Windowed mode

      Fullscreen doesn't work after having played in Windowed mode. Linux Mint Maya 64 bit with the Mate GUI. Using the launcher to start Star-made.